The Hypocrisy Of The Harambe Objectors…


The recent uproar over the killing of Harambe the Gorilla arguably before it killed a 4‑year-old boy expos­es the sick hypocrisy of the objectors.
Cincinnati Ohio Zoo offi­cials were forced to shoot the pri­mate after a 4‑year-old boy slipped away from his moth­er and fell into a moat which formed part of the Gorilla’s habitat.
Media report­ing on the inci­dent said the child’s moth­er was con­tend­ing with oth­er chil­dren when the lit­tle boy went through par­ti­tions and even­tu­al­ly fell into the moat where he was snatched and dragged around vio­lent­ly by the endan­gered Gorilla for almost 10 min­utes before author­i­ties were forced to take the nec­es­sary actions to save the young child’s life.

The child was report­ed­ly tak­en to area hos­pi­tal where he was treat­ed , his injuries were not con­sid­ered life threatening.
Since the inci­dent occurred hun­dreds of thou­sands of peo­ple have tak­en to social media to demand that the police take action over the death of the primate.
The ques­tion I have regard­ing the out­cry sur­round­ing the killing of the ani­mal is this , which person(term used loose­ly) among those who are com­plain­ing would not have want­ed offi­cials to shoot the ani­mal to save their child?


What is the rea­son for the out­cry at the killing of the ani­mal when there were no alle­ga­tion of tar­di­ness or neg­li­gence by the mother?
When was the life of an ani­mal com­pa­ra­ble to that of a human being?
Was the author­i­ties sup­posed to allow the ani­mal to kill the lit­tle black boy because the child was a lit­tle black boy?
Or would things be dif­fer­ent if the child was a lit­tle blue-eyed , blond-haired Aryan?
The argu­ments about crim­i­nal­iz­ing the child’s moth­er has no basis in any reports of care­less­ness or neg­li­gence, so it has to be that the ones com­plain­ing believe the life of the child was not worth that of the gorilla.
What is the real basis for the ven­omous rage com­ing from the sanc­ti­mo­nious hyp­o­crit­i­cal lynch-mob .

A white woman who told the media she was stand­ing beside the moth­er of the lit­tle boy before he slipped away, said the lit­tle boy was the typ­i­cal lit­tle boy demand­ing he want­ed to do this and do that and the mom was very much a typ­i­cal mom say­ing ‘no you wont”. So what is the noise about ?
Many species of ani­mals prob­a­bly includ­ing the Gorilla in ques­tion are on the verge of extinc­tion because of the very same white peo­ple who took it upon them­selves to sum­mar­i­ly kill God’s crea­tures with reck­less aban­don and will­ful excess as if the earth and all in it is theirs to exploit as they see fit.
Where is their out­rage when killer-cops exe­cute human children?
Where are these vile crea­tures when the blood of inno­cent humans are being spilled using guns they refuse to keep out of the hands of deranged monsters ?

They are silent, and they are so because they have built for them­selves a false sense of moral­i­ty, a fraud­u­lent sense of right and wrong which has no basis in reality.
A val­ue sys­tem which is found­ed on a twist­ed inter­pre­ta­tion of moral­i­ty gen­e­sised in mur­der rape and geno­cide and a belief that some­how they have a right to this world which super­seded that of all others.


Nothing sums up the this faux indig­na­tion than the com­ment of a sin­gle “imbe­cile” respond­ing to one medi­um’s report­ing on the inci­dent, he said quote. “Just anoth­er father­less Black kid look­ing for his dad­dy”.
All across the Globe whites have dec­i­mat­ed the earth­’s nat­ur­al resources, to include human life with fright­en­ing cru­el­ty and aston­ish­ing brutality .
With brutish bar­barism they have ren­dered count­less species extinct dai­ly and in many cas­es for no good rea­son but because they can.

Where do they get the right to deter­mine when anoth­er ani­mal is killed, period?
Much less in a sit­u­a­tion where it is absolute­ly nec­es­sary to save human life?
These imbe­ciles have shown them­selves to be less than human, less than the Gorilla even.
Insofar as their evo­lu­tion is con­cerned the goril­la was far supe­ri­or to them.

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