The Hypocrisy Of The Evangelical Movement: And How The Scriptures Are Fulfilling On The Church.….

As this election cycle intensifies and draws to a close one thing is certain, is that left in it’s wake will be a wasteland of casualties.
Like a flatland after a Tornado, or a caribbean Island after a category four hurricane there will be hell to pay regardless of who wins or who loses come November 8th.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

Chief among the list of vic­tims will be the American Electoral process . This process flawed though it was, had not seen a can­di­date of the coarse­ness and crass­ness of Republican can­di­date Donald J Trump, cer­tain­ly not in our lifetime.
Certainly some would argue also that nei­ther have the process seen a flawed and con­tro­ver­sial can­di­date as Hillary Clinton ‚the Nation’s first female can­di­date ever to be nom­i­nat­ed as the stan­dard bear­er for a major polit­i­cal party.
Also among the casu­al­ties will be the Evangelical move­ment. This move­ment has tra­di­tion­al­ly ral­lied around the Republican Party which they argue is more in line with their values.
There has always been much to debate on that pre­sump­tion , of course the issue of Abortion has been front and cen­ter in the Evangelical move­men­t’s aver­sion to the Democratic Party.

Lying racist Donald Trump hides behind former military brass to finally say Barack Obama was born in the United States...
Donald J Trump

That is under­stand­able but the move­ment nev­er quite got around to the bread and but­ter issues of feed­ing the poor , shel­ter­ing the poor, speak­ing to the killing of defense­less minori­ties which the Democratic Party speaks to some­what . On those issues the Evangelical move­ment has been silent.
On the occa­sion Barack Obama announced his can­di­da­cy for the Presidency many in the Evangelical move­ment began a scorched earth cam­paign against Obama, they labeled him a Muslim , some said he was a Manchurian can­di­date here to destroy the United States. He was called a Kenyan inter­lop­er who was­n’t born in the country.

Today less than a month until elec­tion day Evangelical lead­ers and sup­port­ers have a deci­sion to make and many of them are mak­ing it . Will they sup­port Donald Trump a man who has open­ly derid­ed lit­er­al­ly every group to whom he is opposed .
Will the Christian Right throw it’s sup­port behind a can­di­date for President who open­ly talks about grab­bing wom­en’s pussy because he is a star?
Will the Evangelical move­ment stand with a man whom even sec­u­lar mem­bers of his own par­ty are falling over them­selves to get away from?
The Republican nom­i­nee bragged that he could grab women “by the pussy” with­out their per­mis­sion because he is a star.
If the 700 Club’s Pat Robertson is any­thing to go by, there is no prob­lem with any­thing Trump said.

Pat Robertson
Pat Robertson

A guy does some­thing 11 years ago, it was a con­ver­sa­tion in Hollywood where he’s try­ing to look like he’s macho,” Robertson said. “And 11 years after that they sur­face it from The Washington Post or what­ev­er, bring it out with­in 30 days or so of the elec­tion and this is sup­posed to be the death blow and every­body writes him off, ‘Okay, he’s dead, now you’ve got to get out of the way and let Mike Pence run the campaign.’”

Lets imag­ine Barack Obama being found out hav­ing said those things. But before we get to that , as a per­son who played sev­er­al sports I have nev­er heard any­one talk­ing about grab­bing wom­an’s gen­i­talia, not even close.
Sure guys talk about hav­ing scored with women , most­ly the women they talked about were main­ly name­less, face­less ‚fig­ments of their imag­i­na­tion. And yes, that is usu­al­ly geared at appear­ing man­ly, to belong.
Never in my life how­ev­er, have I heard any guy brag­ging about grab­bing a wom­an’s most inti­mate parts as part of any group , lock­er room or otherwise.

President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama

Now imag­ine the terms which these very same peo­ple would be using to describe Obama were these same com­ments attrib­uted to him.
Thug. Criminal. Animal. Predator. Are just a few of the choice words which would have been thrown around.
His can­di­da­cy would have been a joke, it would have end­ed the moment those tapes surfaced.
Barack Obama was exco­ri­at­ed for hav­ing attend­ed a Church where the Reverend Jeremiah Wright spoke out against what he saw as America’s sins against Black Americans.
Obama was forced to deliv­er a his­toric speech on race to get his bud­ding cam­paign back on track as a result.
So Obama was held account­able for being a mem­ber of a church where the preach­er spoke elo­quent­ly against the inequities being vis­it­ed on peo­ple whom America and the Republican Right nev­er cared about to begin with, but Trump has no respon­si­bil­i­ty for talk­ing about com­mit­ting crimes against women.


Is there any won­der that young peo­ple are walk­ing away from the church? Should any­one be sur­prised that col­lege edu­cat­ed peo­ple are look­ing at the hypocrisy of those who pur­port to speak on God’s behalf with incred­u­lous disdain?
2 Thessalonians 2:1 – 3New King James Version (NKJVThe Great Apostasy

Now, brethren, con­cern­ing the com­ing of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gath­er­ing togeth­er to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shak­en in mind or trou­bled, either by spir­it or by word or by let­ter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ[a] had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin[b] is revealed, the son of perdition.

In the end vot­ers will chose whom they want . Like it or not, either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will be elect­ed the 45th President of the United States . That choice will have defin­ing con­se­quences for the Nation for decades to come.