Hype Insufficient For The Challenges Nation Face…

There are a lot of press­ing issues fac­ing the Jamaican peo­ple, as there are issues fac­ing coun­tries across the globe, large and small, rich and poor.
The chal­lenge for us, is to find lead­er­ship which is up to the task, hon­est, capa­ble and most of all, laser-like focused on real solu­tions for the future.
[Luckily for us], our small Island ‑Nation can be self-suf­fi­cient as it relates to feed­ing our­selves.
That, of course, depends on whether we are will­ing to eschew the inane belief that American goods are supe­ri­or to ours.
We can also be near ener­gy suf­fi­cient with the abun­dance of sun and wind we have at our dis­pos­al.
Despite the peren­ni­al prob­lems we have with not hav­ing enough clean drink­ing water in our pipes, I am of the opin­ion that there are more than enough sources of clean drink­ing water, in this the land of [wood and water].
The lack of water in the pipes is, how­ev­er, a bi-prod­uct of myopic and incom­pe­tent polit­i­cal lead­er­ship.
That can be solved if seri­ous effort and invest­ment are made in devel­op­ing the infra­struc­ture which would exploit the abun­dant water sources which exist across the length and breadth of the Island.
But before we get to har­ness­ing those water sources, the prac­tice of funer­al­iz­ing dead bod­ies in fam­i­ly plots must be out­lawed imme­di­ate­ly.
Apart from being bad for ground­wa­ter, it depre­ci­ates prop­er­ty value.

Jamaican Senator Wants To Protect Singers Using Profanity On Stage
PNP Senator Dr. Andre Haughton 

[Unlickily for us] the young lead­er­ship which has sprung up seemed to be more inter­est­ed in hype and social-media than actu­al­ly tack­ling the sub­stan­tive issues the coun­try face.
It appears that no mat­ter how many let­ters they have behind their names some of these young lead­ers are dumb­er than rocks.
Which brings me to the old cliché‘, “some men are born great, some have great­ness thrust upon them”.

PNP Senator Andre Haughton says he intends to move a motion that will allow for the use of Jamaican exple­tives in dance­halls. “This motion is impor­tant because this is our cul­ture. Too many aspects of our cul­ture have been unnec­es­sar­i­ly vil­i­fied. These lit­tle things, these words con­tribute to the unique­ness of the Jamaican cul­ture and is what sets us apart from coun­tries across the world.”
“When I say the dance­hall space, I mean any­where, wher­ev­er you can go get a per­mit and keep a par­ty. We want to make it like how you have X‑rated movies, that way peo­ple already know what dem a sign up for,” he said, not­ing that there are few peo­ple in Jamaica, who are affect­ed by the use of these “bad words”.

Haughton said over­seas these words are con­sid­ered com­i­cal, not­ing “there are a lot of peo­ple who these words don’t affect in a neg­a­tive or pos­i­tive way”.

As I said before there are press­ing issues fac­ing the Jamaican peo­ple, yet the young sen­a­tor is focused laser-like on coars­en­ing the cul­ture.
He argued that [over­seas] peo­ple find those bad words com­i­cal. Ha-ha, so there it is for­eign­ers find our lin­go com­i­cal, but they do not want it reg­u­lar­ized in their coun­try.
I sug­gest since this young sen­a­tor believes that they are so enam­ored with our exple­tives, he packs up and leave Jamaica, then unload a bunch of those [b**** c***t] on the inter­view­er at the first job he inter­views for.
You see, some of us are dead set on being clowns, shuck­ing and jiv­ing as long as Massa finds it enter­tain­ing.
Getting (rayyyyys) from idi­ot­ic dance hall Disc jock­eys, who simul­ta­ne­ous­ly tell men to dump build­ing blocks onto female gen­i­talia is not some­thing any­one should be seek­ing.
Neither should the desire for social media likes, influ­ence pub­lic pol­i­cy.
For years dance hall DJ’s have told Jamaicans not to tell police whats going on in their com­mu­ni­ties.
They open­ly encour­age and nur­ture the mur­der cul­ture in the music, and on the micro­phones, blar­ing out their dis­dain for soci­etal norms, while they open­ly encour­age killings and car­nage, right there in the dance halls. Look where it has got­ten us.
As if that is not bad enough, the young PNP Senator wants to put the mur­der and may­hem on steroids.

The most shock­ing thing about this, is not that he is sim­ply seek­ing a hype, but that he got the idea that artists should be free to unleash unchecked exple­tive-laced tirades, after police warned Japanese sound sys­tem, Mighty Crown, not to use pro­fan­i­ty dur­ing the Fully Loaded show in August of this year.
Overly anx­ious to please the Japanese, he is pre­pared to fur­ther erode our cul­ture, under the non­sen­si­cal notion that for­eign­ers are ben­e­fit­ting from it and finds our exple­tives com­i­cal. On a scale of 1 – 10, this guy is a zero on the idiot scale.
To begin with, the sug­ges­tion that it would be like x‑rated movies because peo­ple know what they are get­ting into is cocka­mamie.
Sound sys­tems are extreme­ly loud dis­rup­tive things. There is a silent sec­tion of the pop­u­la­tion who have to get up and go to work, but they are forced to endure nights with lit­tle or no sleep because of the inces­sant blar­ing of sound sys­tems, cou­pled with the moron­ic disc jock­eys scream­ing into the micro­phones.
Add a healthy dose of exple­tives to that men­tal tor­ture and you got a per­fect brew to dri­ve law-abid­ing work­ing peo­ple total­ly insane.
This is what Andre Haughton wants to unleash on work­ing people.

Armed police stand guard at a shopping centre in Kingston, Jamaica
Members of the secu­ri­ty forces stand guard down­town Kingston

Murders shoot­ings and oth­er vio­lent crimes con­tin­ue unchecked mak­ing Jamaica one of the most vio­lent places on earth to live and raise a fam­i­ly.
One would expect that there would be an all hands on deck approach to this exis­ten­tial cri­sis, but not so.
In 2014, 1,192; mur­ders were report­ed to the police. In 2015 the num­ber was 1,450. In 2016 it was 1,350. In 2017 it was 1,616. And in 2018, 1,287 Jamaicans report­ed­ly lost their lives vio­lent­ly. Thus far for 2019, rough­ly 900 mur­ders have been report­ed to police, at this rate the homi­cide num­bers are on pace to equal last year’s num­bers if not exceed them.
This despite the spate os ZOSO’s and states of emer­gen­cies declared and oper­a­tional across hotspots.
These num­bers are gen­er­al­ly high­er as some of the vic­tims who have been shot, chopped, stabbed or oth­er­wise injured by assailants, even­tu­al­ly, die.
Those deaths are not includ­ed in these summaries.

If Jamaica is to meet the chal­lenges of the 21st cen­tu­ry it will require enlight­ened and ded­i­cat­ed lead­er­ship, not hype and cos­met­ic changes designed to score points.
Andre Haughton should con­sid­er how he can help our coun­try in a pos­i­tive way, he can­not be that stu­pid, he is a Ph.D. On this issue, how­ev­er, he clear­ly needs to take a chill pill and step back from the hype.