How Racism And Poverty Made Detroit A New Coronavirus Hot Spot

The ris­ing death toll, dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly among black res­i­dents, has led Michigan to cre­ate a racial dis­par­i­ties task force​.By Khushbu Shah Apr 10, 2020, 11:15am EDTPhotographs cour­tesy of the Detroit Free Press

An aunt, an uncle, and a cousin have test­ed pos­i­tive for coro­n­avirus, says Cassandra Spratling. A friend’s hus­band died. Her brother’s friend, like her aunt and uncle, is hos­pi­tal­ized. “I’m almost afraid, I almost hate turn­ing on my Facebook page, or even some­times answer­ing my phone,” says the 64-year-old Detroit native, once a jour­nal­ist at the Detroit Free Press. As the num­ber of deaths from COVID-19 ris­es in the city, she says, “it makes me a lit­tle ner­vous when I get a phone call because I’m always afraid that it’s going to be some­body I know.” Spratling, in her north­west Detroit neigh­bor­hood, is like many African Americans nation­wide, watch­ing in fear as the coro­n­avirus rapid­ly spreads in her home­town and in oth­er black com­mu­ni­ties across the US. Read the full sto­ry here: https://​www​.vox​.com/​i​d​e​n​t​i​t​i​e​s​/​2​0​2​0​/​4​/​1​0​/​2​1​2​1​1​9​2​0​/​d​e​t​r​o​i​t​-​c​o​r​o​n​a​v​i​r​u​s​-​r​a​c​i​s​m​-​p​o​v​e​r​t​y​-​h​o​t​-​s​pot