How Racial Politics Have Stifled Economic Recovery:

Republicans have poten­tial­ly robbed this coun­try of sig­nif­i­cant growth over the term of President Barack Obama out of spite , racial hatred, and politics.

Clearly there are eco­nom­ic head-winds which affect how the American econ­o­my behaves, after all we now live in a glob­al­ized econ­o­my where snif­fles in Asia caus­es coughs here in America, there is no way around these hur­dles any­more , we are becom­ing increas­ing­ly inter-depen­dent on each oth­er to sur­vive. How does that hap­pen you ask? Well, when me have orders of heavy machin­ery or oth­er Industrial equip­ment from coun­tries in Europe, American work­ers have jobs build­ing those machines , if con­di­tions in those European coun­tries are such that there is reduced or non-exis­tent demand for those machines , Americans have no jobs to go to. Conversely when we are with­out jobs and are unable to buy their prod­ucts their economies strug­gle . Wars and the threats of war affect eco­nom­ic activ­i­ty, as we have seen with oil prices when­ev­er the war­mon­gers ratch­et up talk of war the mar­ket gets skit­tish, investors do not like uncer­tain­ty . You would not put your hard-earned mon­ey into uncer­tain sit­u­a­tions would you? Well there you have it!

I wrote that entire pro­logue to get to the word (uncer­tain­ty). They under­stand the con­se­quences of uncertainty

Republican oppo­nents of Barack Obama under­stood this when he was elect­ed to the pres­i­den­cy , they under­stand it today.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell ® Kentucky and House Speaker John Boehner ® Ohio, these are the faces of obstruction.

Imagine where the econ­o­my would be if Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s pri­or­i­ty was to work toward the bet­ter­ment of the coun­try they all claim to love, and not as he put it, quote (“My first pri­or­i­ty is to ensure that Barack Obama is a one term pres­i­dent”) end quote.

Imagine where we would be if John Boehner had used the pow­ers he was giv­en for good. Boehner a man who cried when Republicans won the House in 2010 and he was ele­vat­ed to Speaker, Boehner talked then about his jour­ney from birth to the pow­er­ful job of Speaker of the American House of Representatives. One would have thought that if any­one under­stood the tri­als, tra­vails and jour­ney of the less priv­i­leged sure­ly Boehner would be that per­son. The sojourn of Barack Hussein Obama, from Hawaii, to Kenya, to Indonesia, to Chicago to 1600 Pennsylvania avenue, is not that dif­fer­ent from the less than ide­al cir­cum­stances of Boehner’s biography.

Boehner was born in Reading, Ohio, the son of Mary Anne (née Hall) and Earl Henry Boehner, the sec­ond of twelve chil­dren. His father was of German descent and his moth­er had German and Irish ances­try.[2][3][4][5][6] He grew up in mod­est cir­cum­stances, hav­ing shared one bath­room with his eleven sib­lings in a two-bed­room house in Cincinnati. His par­ents slept on a pull-out couch.[7] He start­ed work­ing at his fam­i­ly’s bar at age 8, a busi­ness found­ed by their grand­fa­ther Andy Boehner in 1938.[7] He has lived in Southwest Ohio his entire life. All but two of his sib­lings still live with­in a few miles of each oth­er; two are unem­ployed and most of the oth­ers have blue-col­lar jobs.[Wikipedia

Boehner is the first in his fam­i­ly to have attend­ed col­lege, it took him 7 years to earn his BA Degree in Business Administration from Xavier University, where he grad­u­at­ed in 1977, as he was forced to work to finance his col­lege education.

This sto­ry seems patent­ly sim­i­lar to the sto­ry of the guy who is now pres­i­dent, born to a black absen­tee father and a white moth­er, a moth­er who re-mar­ried, a man from Indonesia and took him there with her, then took him back to Hawaii and left him in the care of his all white grand par­ents. Yes the ingre­di­ent char­ac­ter­is­tics may be dis-sim­i­lar, but the strug­gles and deter­mi­na­tion inher­ent in both sto­ries are the hall-mark of what makes suc­cess ful­fill­ing, not just the des­ti­na­tion, more so the jour­ney, yes these two men’s sto­ries are vast­ly similar.

Yet the direc­tion both men have tak­en with the immense bless­ings God has bestowed on them, could not be fur­ther from each oth­er. As Obama spends his polit­i­cal cap­i­tal strug­gling for the cause of the dis­pos­sessed, pass­ing the Affordable care Act, keep­ing American work­ers employed by bail­ing out the Auto Industry , fight­ing for wom­en’s’ rights by sign­ing the Lilly Ledbetter Act into law, end­ing the Iraq war, end­ing don’t ask don’t tell, wind­ing down the war in Afghanistan, going after Osama Bin Laden sur­gi­cal­ly and remov­ing him from the equa­tion, tak­ing out the top-tiered lead­er­ship of the al-Qaeda net­work, and pre­vent­ed any fur­ther ter­ror attacks on American soil and a whole litany of oth­er suc­cess­es, where is John Boehner?

Boehner con­verse­ly, has hitched his wag­on to that of the most reac­tionary far right zealots in this coun­try who can­not rev­el in the fact that the coun­try they claim to love, has evolved so much so that it elect­ed some­one from a minor­i­ty group to the most pow­er­ful posi­tion in the country.

Does that make John Boehner a Racist ? I seri­ous­ly doubt that he is, what it makes John Boehner is a cow­ard.

Republican Newt Gingrich swept to pow­er dur­ing the ear­ly years of the Clinton Presidency on the so-called con­tract with America [sic] (more like the con­tract on America). Gingrich brought with him a whole fresh­man class loy­al to him, who did his bid­ding. Boehner did not bring the tea par­ty hacks to con­gress and they sure­ly are not answer­able to him. This is where the cow­ardice of Boehner is exposed, he wants to work with Obama to get things done but he knows that there are Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan wait­ing in the wings look­ing over his shoul­ders to see any sign of com­pro­mise in him, upon which they would hang him out to dry.

John Boehner does not want a mutiny aboard ship he would rather be a fig­ure-head Captain than dis­ci­pline the crew and be made to walk the plank.

As such, John Boehner’s Speakership/​captaincy will be an infa­mous stew­ard­ship, one which saw unprece­dent­ed attempts to over­turn the afford­able care act which is in effect help­ing Americans, a vote to hold the Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder in con­tempt of con­gress over triv­i­al­i­ties, tak­ing numer­ous votes to lim­it wom­en’s rights, and doing almost noth­ing to help gov­ern the Nation repub­li­cans were elect­ed to govern.

Boehner’s stew­ard­ship is an abject fail­ure, the approval rat­ings of the nation’s con­gress is in the sin­gle dig­its, that will be the lega­cy of John Boehner, a man who came from hum­ble begin­nings to attain the sweet taste of polit­i­cal pow­er, only to squan­der it on cheap polit­i­cal pos­tur­ing and ide­o­log­i­cal obstructionism.

John Boehner could have made a dif­fer­ence, he could have stood up to the far right pol­i­tics of those in his cau­cus and even though he does not have the life tenure of Supreme Court Justice John Roberts who clear­ly was mind­ful of his respon­si­bil­i­ties and maybe his lega­cy in his vote to uphold the Affordable Care Act, Boehener could have cho­sen to die on his feet rather than live on his knees.

It is nev­er a good idea to have the tail wag­ging the dog, The American House of Representatives is now a dys­func­tion­al joke that is doing noth­ing to aid strug­gling Americans, that will be the lega­cy of John Boehner.

The dif­fer­ence between the lead­er­ship of Barack Obama and John Boehner is the dif­fer­ence in this elec­tion com­ing up in November, that is the con­trast, not nec­es­sar­i­ly that between Obama and Romney. 

Boehner should look at Barack Obama and learn some lessons on lead­er­ship, to whom much is giv­en , much is expect­ed, on this John Boehner is woe­ful­ly lacking.

PS: To the birthers who con­tin­ue to argue that Barack Obama is a Muslim because of his time spent as a child in the Nation of Indonesia, I under­stand how you would feel that way , after all Netanyahu’s edu­ca­tion and time spent in the United States cer­tain­ly made him a Christian.