How Much Blood Will It Take For The PNP&JLP To Stand Up For Jamaica

In the Parliament two days ago the Prime Minister of Jamaica said that no one would suc­cess­ful­ly accuse nei­ther he nor his Administration of abus­ing the rights of the Jamaican peo­ple.
A noble com­ment to come from a politi­cian, con­sid­er­ing that politi­cians can hard­ly be trust­ed to be judi­cious with the pow­er they are giv­en.
Before you cel­e­brate the Prime Minister, how­ev­er, I urge you to pause just for a sec­ond as I out­line the con­text under which he made the state­ment and out­line the imprac­ti­cal­i­ty of that state­ment when jux­ta­posed against the nation’s present crime reality. 

The hon­or­able Prime Minister was respond­ing to the infan­tile heck­ling in the peo­ple’s house from a mem­ber of the Opposition PNP regard­ing the recent court rul­ing on the National Identification and Registration Act 2017.
The tragedy inher­ent for Jamaica, is that the Opposition PNP in its glee to sab­o­tage the Administration and regain pow­er has no com­punc­tion about throw­ing the Jamaican peo­ple to the wolves, and cer­tain­ly is uncon­cerned about the ongo­ing loss of lives or the fact that the National Identification and Registration Act 2017 could poten­tial­ly be a tool for good.
Likewise, the Governing Administration of the JLP and Prime Minister Andrew Holness are not par­tic­u­lar­ly per­turbed about the dai­ly slaugh­ter of the Jamaican peo­ple.
What the Holness Administration is con­cerned about is perception.

Now, I would like to speak to the Prime Minister’s state­ment in response to the PNP’s glee­ful behav­ior regard­ing the court’s deci­sion.
Before I do I must point out to the Jamaican peo­ple who read these pages, to under­stand that the People’s National Party has one objec­tive and that is to regain state pow­er.
The PNP will sab­o­tage the gov­ern­ment you elect­ed and it will sub­vert the process under the guise that it cares about your rights when what it actu­al­ly wants is to keep the coun­try back­ward and in the dark ages, ripe for its own manipulation.

There is much that the present Administration has to be proud of. The Jamaican stock mar­ket is being cel­e­brat­ed as among the best if not the best in the world. As a con­se­quence, the Island’s bright young and artic­u­late Finance Minister Nigel Clarke has been mak­ing the rounds and tak­ing vic­to­ry laps on American Television recent­ly.
The mod­est 2% growth rate the Island’s econ­o­my is expe­ri­enc­ing is a far cry from the 0.02% under the PNP, and for that, the Administration must be cred­it­ed.
Additionally, for the first time in my life­time, there has been a bud­get pre­sen­ta­tion to the Jamaican peo­ple in which no new oner­ous tax­a­tion has been imposed on the over­bur­dened tax­pay­ers.
Accordingly, more Jamaicans are able to find employ­ment and the Tourism sec­tor is expe­ri­enc­ing unprece­dent­ed lev­els of vis­i­tors.
But like in the United States in which the stock mar­ket has been on a tear and more peo­ple are able to find work those indices, though good for the spread­sheets does not reflect what’s hap­pen­ing to the ordi­nary every­day citizen.

What the Prime Minister is miss­ing is that as focused as he is on the bal­ance sheet, there is anoth­er bal­ance sheet that he has ignored by which he will be judged, regard­less of what the eco­nom­ic num­bers end up say­ing.
What the Prime Minister has con­sis­tent­ly missed, is that we are liv­ing in a dif­fer­ent time.
A time which is far removed from the indoc­tri­na­tion he and oth­ers, includ­ing the bunch of frauds who pre­tend to be human rights activists, received from the (UWI).
Andrew Holness’ [Commissioner] who speaks on behalf of the Police, equal­ly mis­guid­ed, recent­ly declared that he believes he will see the day in which all police offi­cers will be human rights activists

As I out­lined in a pre­vi­ous Article, Antony Anderson lacks the most basic, yet fun­da­men­tal under­stand­ing of what con­sti­tutes a police offi­cer. Because he has nev­er been one, and the cir­cles in which he has oper­at­ed all his life has been hos­tile to those who actu­al­ly enforce the nation’s laws.
As such, his state­ment should be ignored, if it did not car­ry such dan­ger­ous sig­nif­i­cance for the Jamaican peo­ple.
Every per­son who steps forth with the right mind­set to becom­ing a police offi­cer is already a human rights activist.
There is no greater sac­ri­fice that any man could give than to lay down his life for his broth­er.
Every police offi­cer who dons a uni­form knows that he/​she may be killed sole­ly on the basis of being a police offi­cer.
That he/​she may become a sac­ri­fice for oth­ers they have nev­er met.
Tell me then which mouth­piece which par­rots [human rights] in our coun­try has made that sac­ri­fice?
Which one of the glo­ri­fied frauds who pon­tif­i­cate about human rights, has ever been killed defend­ing the rights of oth­ers?
And so I say shut your mouths about Human Rights.
No greater right has any­one man than the right to life. On that note, the Government, Opposition and the litany of frauds in that fra­ter­ni­ty have been exposed for what they are, liars and deceivers.

The dai­ly slaugh­ter of the Jamaican peo­ple while the Opposition PNP tries to score polit­i­cal points, and the GOVERNMENT refus­es to do what it is con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly oblig­at­ed to do, is a sear­ing indict­ment of the cor­ro­sive com­plic­i­ty and moral deca­dence of the two polit­i­cal par­ties.
They know that what the Nation faces with the heav­i­ly armed gags have long passed just a crime prob­lem.
They know that this is exis­ten­tial, not just to the peo­ple but to the state itself.
Unfortunately, for the Jamaican peo­ple, both the JLP and PNP are more con­cerned with hold­ing and acquir­ing state pow­er and the poten­tial deriv­a­tives from the same, than they are about the dai­ly shed­ding of inno­cent blood.
They duplic­i­tous­ly con­spire to fool the peo­ple that police offi­cers ask­ing to enter their premis­es are abus­ing their rights are in essence abus­ing their rights.
In the same vein, they are con­spic­u­ous­ly silent when the gangs invade and mur­der entire fam­i­lies.
It is the most bla­tant exam­ple of hypocrisy and a barefaced assault on the dig­ni­ty and intel­li­gence of the peo­ple.
Andrew Holness, Peter Phillips, their min­ions, and their anti-Jamaican friends in the Human rights fra­ter­ni­ty has per­pe­trat­ed on the Jamaican peo­ple a dan­ger­ous fraud.
A fraud which is cost­ing the lives of more than (5)Jamaicans each day.

Regardless of the eco­nom­ic num­bers, imag­ine just how well Jamaica could be doing if these two major Political-gangs did not have the Island in the death throes of a stran­gle­hold.
Imagine if Jamaicans had the con­fi­dence to return home con­fi­dent in their safe­ty.
Imagine if investors were con­fi­dent enough to return and invest there­by pro­vid­ing our young peo­ple with employ­ment which offered a liv­ing wage.
Imagine that employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties were not just Chinese employ­ment, which is tak­ing us inex­orably back into anoth­er form of bond­ed servi­tude.
How in God’s name can a whole group of peo­ple who claim to be edu­cat­ed, be so blind, deaf, and dumb?