How Much Black Blood Is Enough For America ?

It’s the year 2015 , half a cen­tu­ry after man walked on the moon. African-Americans have evolved from slav­ery, the chain gangs, Jim crow and the prison indus­tri­al com­plex to hold the Presidency the most cher­ished office in America.

A black man is the President. There has been a black Attorney General. In fact a black woman now heads the jus­tice depart­ment. A Black man held the top mil­i­tary post as chair­man of the joint chiefs, and no greater Chairman has America seen. As if that was not enough he went on to become sec­re­tary of state.

Blacks have held top posi­tions in almost all areas of civ­il soci­ety from NASA to the Supreme Court, from the hal­lowed halls of acad­e­mia to the pow­er­ful board rooms across the country.
Despite the adver­si­ties inher­ent in secur­ing those posi­tions black Americans have been twice as effec­tive , twice as impact­ful as their white counterparts.The present occu­pant of the white house is no exception.

Oath Keepers
Oath Keepers in Ferguson Missouri

Despite the myr­i­ad lay­ers of imped­i­ments placed in the way of black upward mobil­i­ty in this sup­posed land of the free, blacks have tri­umphed and excelled.
Which leads to the mil­lion dol­lar question .
Why is it that whites in America and across the Globe refuse to com­pete on a lev­el play­ing field?
The myth that Caucasians are supe­ri­or based on con­coct­ed myth­i­cal per­cep­tions of grandios­i­ty have long been debunked leav­ing those who believe it look­ing igno­rant and stupid.
So they don’t say it in pub­lic any­more they mere­ly recite it in their lit­tle inner cir­cles where igno­rance is the defin­ing theme.

The rest of the world which by the way is major­i­ty peo­ple of col­or have long exposed the non­sense that white supe­ri­or­i­ty as a con­cept is lit­tle more than the think­ing of a fright­ened infe­ri­or peo­ple who deal in lies and bullyism.
In America when stu­dents of col­or are placed in class­rooms with white stu­dents in most cas­es black stu­dents com­ing from mid­dle class homes do bet­ter aca­d­e­m­i­cal­ly than their white counterparts.
Don’t men­tion the Jewish or Asian kids or the kids who come here from Africa.
So it would be instruc­tive to learn from the pur­vey­ors of white supe­ri­or­i­ty what met­ric they use in arriv­ing at their conclusion.

It can’t be that they are more ath­let­ic, that lie has be dead and buried long ago so what is it?
Is it that whites are bet­ter swim­mers ? Are they supe­ri­or because there are hard­ly any swim­ming pools in urban areas just like ten­nis courts and golf cours­es are con­ve­nient­ly absent ?
I guess you get my point !!!

The fact of the mat­ter is that well into the 21st cen­tu­ry a large swath of white America are act­ing like petu­lant lit­tle children.
They can­not be cap­tain of the team because oth­er mem­bers of the team are more tal­ent­ed and have bet­ter lead­er­ship skills, so they want to pick up the ball and go home.
Only the ball does not belong to them.
The ball belongs to the team so they are not allowed to pick it up and take it home with them.

COLUMBIA, MO - NOVEMBER 9: Members of Concerned Student 1950 celebrate after the resignation of Missouri University president Timothy M. Wolfe on the Missouri University Campus November 9, 2015 in Columbia, Missouri. Wolfe resigned after pressure from students and student athletes over his perceived insensitivity to racism on the university campus. (Photo by Brian Davidson/Getty Images)
COLUMBIA, MO — NOVEMBER 9: Members of Concerned Student 1950 cel­e­brate after the res­ig­na­tion of Missouri University pres­i­dent Timothy M. Wolfe on the Missouri University Campus November 9, 2015 in Columbia, Missouri. Wolfe resigned after pres­sure from stu­dents and stu­dent ath­letes over his per­ceived insen­si­tiv­i­ty to racism on the uni­ver­si­ty cam­pus. (Photo by Brian Davidson/​Getty Images)

And there­in lie the prob­lem in 2015, whether it’s Missouri University Campus or Ferguson Missouri, Be it Staten Island the south of New york State or Cleveland Ohio and all places beyond the despi­ca­ble igno­rant racist atti­tudes of white peo­ple are the same.

They couch it by pre­tend­ing to sup­port Police aggres­sion against peo­ple of col­or but more specif­i­cal­ly Black peo­ple the sub­ject of their hatred. Every year more and more peo­ple are killed by American police and most of those killed are white. It is true that more blacks are dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly killed based on their num­bers but in raw num­bers more whites are killed each year.

Whites though rabid sup­port­ers of police can­not be hap­py with the num­ber of unarmed white men being killed by those sworn to pro­tect and serve. In fact they aren’t.
Their right­eous indignation[sic] is unbri­dled when white men are vic­tims of police abuse, or they are con­ve­nient­ly silent.
The killing of Black men becomes a feed­ing fren­zy for them. The cho­sen tact is demo­nize dis­tort and devalue.
They look at every­thing the mur­dered per­son ever did, use it to demo­nize him/​her then they use their media to dis­tort his/​her life his­to­ry, sub­se­quent­ly devalu­ing his/​her life which in the end val­i­dates the mur­der or assault on the vic­tim’s person.

One of the things I per­son­al­ly have a prob­lem with is the pas­siv­i­ty and sense of secu­ri­ty blacks demon­strate while it is clear that white peo­ple are active­ly teach­ing their chil­dren to hate.
There can be no rea­son­able argu­ment that seeks to con­vey a mes­sage that America is get­ting bet­ter with race rela­tions. Look at the nean­derthal per­sona of America since Barack Obama rose to the presidency.
And please do not insult me with the gob­bly gook that Obama was elect­ed by white voters.
Obama did receive some white votes of course, after all there are decent white peo­ple , most of whom are enlight­ened to vote Democratic and they did vote for Obama twice. However Obama was elect­ed twice because those whites, unprece­dent­ed amounts of Blacks,Latinos, Jews, Asians, Gays and Lesbians and those with oth­er social­ly defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tic vot­ed for him.

Yes white stu­dents have always stood for what’s right and decent , my cri­tique is in no way a blan­ket indict­ment of the white race but there are far too many white cur­mud­geons who are con­tent to ben­e­fit from white privilege.
Too many of those hyp­ocrites chose to remain silent in the face of unmit­i­gat­ed hatred and aggres­sion against black peo­ple in America.
Too many are con­tent to have police abuse and kill black peo­ple while they sit in their lit­tle cir­cles and gloat because they are too chick­en shit to com­pete on a lev­el play­ing field.
Too many are com­fort­able with Police depart­ments becom­ing active mil­i­taries against the nation’s black population.

How much black blood is enough for America ?
From the shores of Western Africa through the mid­dle pas­sage to the shores of the west­ern world , from slav­ery through jim crow , from the chain gangs to present day , how much black blood will appease the glut­tony of America’s white vampires?
How much is enough? When will it stop? When will black peo­ple be allowed to live with­out the vit­ri­olic hatred fuelled by white peo­ple’s low self esteem and sense of insecurity?