How Many Americans Do Cops Kill Annually

What will Police killings inspire in the way of change in America?
Over the lase sev­er­al months police have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly mur­dered unarmed black men even in the face of nation­al out­cry from con­sci­en­tious people. 
The killings con­tin­ue with­out any care, recog­ni­tion or thought of “what if we are held account­able for this one” ?
Which leaves rea­son­able observers to con­clude they do not believe they will be held accountable .
After a Florida Jury exon­er­at­ed wannabe-cop George Zimmerman, Police have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly killed dozens of unarmed black men under ques­tion­able cir­cum­stances. Each time the lies they tell become more bizarre and out­landish. To hear them try to artic­u­late what caused them to use lethal force is dif­fi­cult to watch. 
Lying absolute­ly does that.






Police and oth­ers con­tin­ue the killing after this list was released.
Twelve year old Tamir Rice killed in a park with a toy gun when Police drove up and opened fire in less than two sec­onds the child laid on the ground dying from two bul­lets in his young body.
An unarmed Akai Gurley killed by a New York City Rookie hous­ing cop in a dark stair­well . Police was quick to say he did noth­ing wrong but label his death an accident.
Since Gurley’s killing the rash of police killing of black and Latino men have gone on unabat­ed, with no end in sight. In fact no one knows just how many peo­ple police kill each year, much less those killed under dubi­ous cir­cum­stances. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI does not have report­ing from the tens of thou­sands of police agen­cies in the coun­try on who or how many they kill. They aren’t even man­dat­ed by Law to report the num­ber of cit­i­zens they kill.

The United States Congress is large­ly silent, so too are state leg­is­la­tures across the coun­try, even as police con­tin­ue to kill, giv­ing worn-out tired excus­es for the sum­ma­ry mur­ders they com­mit daily.
One of the expla­na­tions we hear is that police do not go out intend­ing to kill any­one. This is a load of crock , In instance after instance cops are caught telling cit­i­zens they want to kill them. They are caught on audio/​video record­ing devices threat­en­ing to murder. 
Rather than fix the prob­lem states are begin­ning to take more of the rights cit­i­zens have to record police abuse. Even though it is per­fect­ly legal as per the US Supreme Court for cit­i­zens to record Police activ­i­ty as long as they do not hin­der cops, Police con­tin­ue to assault, intim­i­date, arrest, and abuse cit­i­zens who do and destroy their prop­er­ty in the process with­out consequence.
Recently a NYPD cop was caught on cam­era harass­ing a black man dig­ging into his pock­ets and con­fis­cat­ing his mon­ey. When the man demand­ed that his mon­ey be returned to him he was roughed up while oth­er good cops (sic , stood by and did nothing.
His mon­ey was nev­er returned to him. When the gen­tle­man, his sis­ter and onlook­ers com­plained the cop pep­per-sprayed them in their faces, repeatedly. 

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In this inci­dent no one was arrest­ed, the Police alleged­ly stat­ed only $67 was tak­en , as if that legit­imized the bla­tant armed rob­bery recorded.
Lamard Joye, and his sis­ter Lateefah Joye the vic­tims through their lawyer, say they have evi­dence of bank with­drawals done, in an effort to head of alle­ga­tions that the mon­ey may have been ille­gal­ly obtained.

The Police Union chimed in say­ing that ama­teur videos record­ed when police are involved in oper­a­tions are the prob­lem and should be outlawed.

The founders warned you this would happen
The founders warned you this would happen

Even when the crime is com­mit­ted in full view,the NYPDPBA head Patrick Lynch and his sup­port­ers con­tin­ue to dis­tort, obfus­cate and lie about what is actu­al­ly seen by cit­i­zens. The NYPD has for years stolen monies from cit­i­zens whom they claim are drug deal­ers. In many cas­es they do not report ever tak­ing these wads of cash and cit­i­zens are left to lick their wounds with­out recourse.
We con­tin­ue to hear that the NYPD is the world’s best Police depart­ment despite the crimes many in the depart­ment com­mit. If of course we take sup­port­ers of the depart­ment at their word that indeed it is the best, what does that say about the state of polic­ing in America?

Ask yourselves who is the enemy
Ask your­selves who is the enemy

It says that crit­ics are indeed cor­rect that most police depart­ments are now jack-boot­ed death squads, ded­i­cat­ed to abus­ing, rob­bing and killing peo­ple of color.
One of the talk­ing points com­ing out of this epi­dem­ic of mur­der is the ques­tion, “Why are white Americans not out­raged by these killings” The truth is that the demon­stra­tions have gar­nered the sup­port of white Americans of all ages and socio-eco­nom­ic stand­ing. It would be disin­gen­u­ous to sug­gest only blacks are out­raged. In fact white peo­ple are on the streets voic­ing their dis­plea­sure at events and are being abused and arrest­ed by police equal­ly with their black coun­ter­parts. They under­stand they are not safe if this is allowed to continue.

The Constitution prevents them from using the military, they created another standing army
The Constitution pre­vents them from using the mil­i­tary, they cre­at­ed anoth­er stand­ing army

Notwithstanding, there is rough­ly one half of America which absolute­ly loves what is hap­pen­ing. To that part of the pop­u­la­tion the black and brown peo­ple must be cur­tailed, cor­ralled and con­tained , if not worse. Blacks for their part are far less like­ly to take assault from the Klux-Klux-Klan in this day and age with­out a fight.
They know it.

However, what if they placed police uni­forms on the Klan?
The peo­ple they don’t like can­not legal­ly fight back against the duly con­sti­tut­ed author­i­ty of the states, enshrined in their police officers.
Check-mate !!!.

It's already too late.....
It’s already too late.….

The polit­i­cal right which is large­ly white Anglo-Saxon and male is like a wound­ed ani­mal. That demo­graph­ic iden­ti­fies itself as Republican , Conservative, and Tea ‑Party. They saw a man of col­or and his fam­i­ly occu­py the white house. They see a black man head the Justice Department.
Have you ever won­dered why they hate Barack Obama and Eric Holder with such venom?
I sug­gest you hold your noses switch to FOX tele­vi­sion and guar­an­teed you will come away with a bet­ter under­stand­ing of why police are mur­der­ing black peo­ple unchecked. You will also come to the real­iza­tion that absolute­ly noth­ing will be done to rein in killer cops.
Well over Four hun­dred years of white suprema­cy is com­ing to an end. Those who had lives of priv­i­leged and pow­er are not about to relin­quish them with­out a fight.

There is no going back to the way it was....
There is no going back to the way it was.…

As such, those who shucked and jived after the mar­gin­al gains of the 50’s and 60’s will have to pre­pare to fight the very same bat­tles their par­ents and grand par­ents fought, only dif­fer­ence this time is that the ene­mies of jus­tice are doing so under the guise and cov­er of the law.
Not that they did not , in the fights of yester-year, they are much more deter­mined this time, too much is at stake. There is a col­ored man in the white house.