Commissioner Owen Ellington :

The Police High Command has raised the threat levels against it’s members to extreme. They say they have credible information that certain criminals are determined to kill cops even in their own homes.

I can­not say what ben­e­fit cops will derive from the ele­vat­ed threat lev­els, what I can say is I’m appalled that cops are now cow­er­ing in fear of being slaugh­tered in front of their fam­i­lies because of the war waged on them by one Mulatto
 woman from uptown St Andrew.

Jamaicans for Justice Head Carolyn Gomes :

It is a damn shame when we as Jamaicans live to see the day our coun­try is forced to the brink of col­lapse and ruin, by an inept and cor­rupt Government, which gives tac­it sup­port to crim­i­nal ele­ments, who ruth­less­ly mur­der police offi­cers on and off the job.

I am par­tic­u­lar­ly appalled at the Police Department, that it has allowed vice, to reduce it to a paper tiger.

The Jamaican pub­lic has allowed itself to be brain-washed by elit­ist pedi­atric Doctor Carolyn Gomes and oth­ers, into believ­ing that our coun­try is a first world coun­try, that crim­i­nals should be treat­ed with kids gloves. First of all Gomes is a Doctor, I have no idea where she stud­ied laws or police pro­ce­dures, to be dic­tat­ing pol­i­cy to police , but that“s anoth­er sub­ject for anoth­er day.

Elitist present them­selves as legit­i­mate human rights agen­cies, they fool the pub­lic into believ­ing that Jamaican crim­i­nals can be reha­bil­i­tat­ed by just ignor­ing the mur­der rape and oth­er vis­cous crimes they unleash on soci­ety. Gomes is not alone there are numer­ous ele­ments with­in the coun­try who are ben­e­fit­ing, and( eat­ing a food) from crime.

The truth is that Jamaican Criminals have nev­er been ordi­nary run of the mill crim­i­nals, from Three Finger Jack , to Sandokan ‚Natty- Morgan , Rigen, Bucky-Marshall , Tony Brown and George Flash, Copper, Burry-Boy, Chubby Dread, Jim Brown, and the list goes on and on, these crim­i­nals were hard­ened mon­sters who deserved noth­ing but the ulti­mate justice .

Be not fooled ‚the present sit­u­a­tion in our coun­try must be con­tained and elim­i­nat­ed, Police offi­cers are involved in seri­ous crim­i­nal activ­i­ties and that com­pli­cates the prob­lem, but it does not ren­der it unsolvable.

As I read the Commissioner’s emp­ty words my blood boils, they have shack­led name brand cops who know how to get things done , Laing, Ford, Dadrick Henry, Parra Campbell, and all the great sol­diers of urban polic­ing, yes we know how to find them and we know how to bring jus­tice to them. The Courts could nev­er be trust­ed to do jus­tice, they cer­tain­ly can­not be trust­ed today.

The Jamaica Observer report­ed today that the same gun which killed Assistant Commissioner Gilbert Kameka almost six years ago was the same gun which killed Deputy Superintendent Denzil Boyd,

Yester­day, a high­ly placed police source told the Observer that the sus­pects are linked to the dead­ly Klansman gang in Spanish Town and have ties to a tough Corporate Area neigh­bor­hood off Spanish Town Road. The police source also said that bal­lis­tic reports indi­cat­ed that the weapon used to kill Boyd was also the one used to slay Kameka at a premis­es in Irish Town, St Andrew on November 29, 2007. Kameka was report­ed­ly vis­it­ing 18-year-old Tina-Gaye McGowan when he was attacked and shot. Read more: 

McGowan plead­ed guilty to con­spir­ing with 26-year-old Massinissa Adams, a for­mer mem­ber of the Gideon Warriors gang; 18-year-old Kemar Dawson; and 21-year-old Rohan Townsend to rob Kameka who remains the most senior mem­ber of the con­stab­u­lary to be cut down by gunmen’s bul­lets. In November 2008, she was giv­en a three-year sus­pend­ed sen­tence for co-oper­at­ing with gov­ern­ment prosecutors.

Adams, Dawson and Townsend were found guilty and sen­tenced to death. The weapon used to kill Kameka was nev­er recov­ered by police. “We the­o­rize that Adams told one of his cronies in prison where to find the weapon, and that was when it resur­faced some five years after,” the police source said. “Ballistic tests also revealed that the same gun was also used in a mur­der at the Causeway Fishing Village last year.”

Boyd was in charge of secu­ri­ty at the Causeway Fishing Village when he was killed.

Read more:‑cops-slain-by-same-gun#ixzz2Q7COgBWM

The above sto­ry from the Observer is a sneak peek into the dark inte­ri­or of Jamaica’s crim­i­nal gangs and the sophis­ti­ca­tion with which they oper­ate. This sto­ry though not com­plete, opens a win­dow into the very sophis­ti­cat­ed and com­plex method­i­cal effi­cien­cy with which these Jamaican crim­i­nals operate.

Various law enforce­ment agen­cies in the United States, Britain, Canada, and oth­er coun­tries found out just how demon­ic and mon­strous these cretins are. Jamaican cops knew this all too well for decades now and have used a heavy hand to sup­press and deter them. Many ran away to oth­er coun­tries and con­tin­ued with a life of crime where they met jus­tice or jus­tice was hand­ed to them.

I con­tin­ue to make the point that these men under­stand two things , extreme­ly long prison sen­tences, with­out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole or a swift end from police bul­lets. Jamaica has decid­ed not to have either, and while we are at it, they are not being hanged either. Many Jamaicans act as though Jamaican crim­i­nals are just now demon­ic, the truth is they have always been that way. Former Prime Minister Hugh Lawson Shearer, obvi­ous­ly frus­trat­ed with the ram­pant crim­i­nal­i­ty of his coun­try-men, report­ed­ly said the police should shoot first then ask ques­tions lat­er. Shearer must be turn­ing in his grave,this was not a pol­i­cy from the late Prime Minister, it was a state­ment made by a Jamaican who hap­pened to be Prime Minister.

The crime cod­dling pop­ulist Government of the People’s National Party has reduced Jamaica to a God-for­sak­en crim­i­nal waste-land. Our peo­ple are shunned by even our Caribbean neighbors.

The police must adopt a new approach to secure the coun­try, and in the process their own lives.

(1) Create a grid sys­tem, which locks down and encir­cles neigh­bor­hoods when crim­i­nals strike, then close the cir­cle until they find the perpetrator/​s.

(2) Carry out their duties to the fullest extent of the law pos­si­ble with­out fear or favor, mal­ice or ill will.

(3) Remove cops from Police Stations and place them in strate­gic loca­tions, mobile ready and equipped to han­dle any and all sit­u­a­tions. Only a skele­ton staff should be left to man stations.

(4) Device strate­gies to make sure that when a cop is killed, not even the killers moth­er will shel­ter him. Lean hard, very hard on every­one and do not rest until they give up the suspect.

(5) Do a bet­ter job con­duct­ing inves­ti­ga­tions, know crim­i­nals , where they live, know their moth­er, and most of all know the bitch­es who they sleep with, make their lives so mis­er­able they have nowhere to hide.

(6) Make sure inves­ti­ga­tions are done pro­fes­sion­al­ly and thor­ough­ly to ensue that those charged will be convicted.

(7) Make sure those who refuse to be tak­en alive are sum­mar­i­ly and expe­di­tious­ly dealt with accord­ing to law.

Jamaica is a small coun­try with less than 3 mil­lion peo­ple, this police force must stop being the Barney Fyffe of Police Departments.


  1. Good read dud , good read, let the haters hate, keep doing the good works.

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