How Henry County police abused African-American former NFL player then tried to cover it up - mikebeckles.

How Henry County Police Abused African-American Former NFL Player Then Tried To Cover It Up

The fol­low­ing is a state­ment for for­mer NFL play­er and African-American male Desmond Marrow: 

I was false­ly arrest­ed & tak­en into cus­tody in Atlanta by the Henry County Police. I only had my cell phone in my pos­ses­sion and they claimed to be scared for their lives. I had no type of weapon in my pos­ses­sion. I was arrest­ed for hav­ing a gun that turned out to be my cell phone. During the arrest, the police knocked my teeth out, slammed me on my head and choked me out until I was uncon­scious. In addi­tion, I suf­fered a shoul­der strain and a con­cus­sion. They threw me into iso­la­tion and labeled me a gang mem­ber because of my tat­toos. I was ful­ly coop­er­at­ing with the offi­cers with ZERO resistance.

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I thought I was going to die. Henry County police dept was try­ing to keep me qui­et, but once they found out I was a for­mer NFL play­er & there was a video of the inci­dent did they then try to drop my charges. They were basi­cal­ly try­ing to get me to sell my soul in exchange for the video not being post­ed and they would drop all the felonies and clear my record. They said I was resist­ing arrest, being out of con­trol, spit­ting and assault­ing the Officers by head­but­ting them.

But GOD record­ed it and I have PROOF!”