How Can The JCF Legally Prevent Officers From Resigning The Force?

Those in pow­er tell the Jamaican peo­ple that they want a bet­ter Police Department because the Police are cor­rupt. So cor­rupt that they have to bring in the Army’s head to take over.
Remember now, this was not done once, not twice, we are on the third iter­a­tion of this freak show in which the head of the 3’000-man army is brought in to head the 10’000 man police force.
As far as things look noth­ing has changed for the bet­ter.
Those who hate Police and want their beliefs to be val­i­dat­ed will have their beliefs read­i­ly val­i­dat­ed by the deci­sion mak­ers.
To the rest of us who under­stand that when we go to the super­mar­ket we want gro­ceries for our mon­ey, much like we expect gas when we go to the gas sta­tion, when we pay police we want secu­ri­ty.
With that said when we look at the crime sit­u­a­tion those who are will­ing to think, read­i­ly under­stand that noth­ing is being done to put the boot heels on the neck of the crim­i­nals.
Some will make the argu­ment that crim­i­nals are being empow­ered more and more each day. I am among those people.

I do not care too much who leads the JCF as long as they do a good Job.
In fact, I believe we should have a civil­ian com­mis­sion­er of Police and a police chief in the JCF and I have said so in numer­ous arti­cles.
I also believe that the force has every right to source exper­tise wher­ev­er pos­si­ble or nec­es­sary but that does not mean stu­pid­ly giv­ing those civil­ian work­ers police rank. Doing so is coun­ter­pro­duc­tive.
Rank is earned not some­thing bestowed on some­one because they have a skill you would like to exploit.
In the great­est Military in the world, the US mil­i­tary, rank is award­ed on mer­it. Education and bat­tle-test­ed com­mand com­pe­tence.
In police Departments across America, con­sul­tants give invalu­able ser­vice to the thou­sands of depart­ments nation­wide, they are not giv­en rank.
My prob­lem with Antony Anderson, is that he paid lip ser­vice that he would eschew cor­rup­tion but as soon as he took office he brought his boy with him.
Make no mis­take about it that is cor­rup­tion and it is wrong.
As far as the senior ranks of the JCF are con­cerned, (with the excep­tion of a cou­ple of them) I don’t care whether they are over­looked or not, or they nev­er get anoth­er pro­mo­tion.
They have been abysmal with the pow­er they have had over the decades.
As a con­se­quence, there has been an astro­nom­i­cal­ly high attri­tion rate of tal­ent­ed peo­ple who would not tol­er­ate their BS.
Because of nepo­tism, polit­i­cal lean­ings, gross incom­pe­tence, envy, igno­rance, and a gen­er­al sense of not want­i­ng to see tal­ent­ed young peo­ple advance they brought the JCF to where it is today.

Both polit­i­cal par­ties have been all too will­ing to help push the wag­on over the ledge, all while talk­ing about crime as if they are doing some­thing about it.
Because the senior corps of the JCF aligned itself to the two polit­i­cal par­ties in ways that make them sub­servient yard-boys to the par­ty boss­es, they gam­bled away the pow­er of the JCF, ren­der­ing it inef­fec­tive and unable to impact crime pos­i­tive­ly.
Simply put, if the Commissioner of Police is a slav­ish tool to the rul­ing class, he is also a tool to their crim­i­nal hench­men, if they are tools to the hench­men they are tools to the shot­tas.
What author­i­ty then, does a con­sta­ble have to do his job against these peo­ple?
Whether we acknowl­edge it or not, the fact remains that the Jamaica Constabulary Force is com­plete­ly inca­pable of bring­ing charges against a politi­cian regard­less of his/​her crimes.
This is a direct result of the feck­less incom­pe­tence of the Gazetted Ranks from the com­mis­sion­er of police on down, through­out the years
By that Metric the JCF is inca­pable of bring­ing charges against any major crim­i­nal play­er, (a‑la Christopher dud­dus Coke), his father before him and that goes for the litany of PNP thugs who have been major pro­duc­ers of vio­lent crimes which have tak­en untold amounts of lives.

It is for that rea­son why crime has tak­en hold and flour­ished in our coun­try.
Pervasive igno­rance, arro­gance and the crim­i­nal pro­cliv­i­ty of far too many of our peo­ple are only accel­er­ants to that fire, not the cause of the fire.
In this medi­um, we have sought to shed some light on some of those short­com­ings, because we under­stand the crit­i­cal role police play in suc­cess­ful soci­eties.
And so, for a large sub-sec­tion of the Jamaican pop­u­la­tion, oth­ers will inex­orably have to advo­cate for a bet­ter Jamaica for them, despite them.

When the Commissioner of Police brings his dri­ver and head of his secu­ri­ty detail from the army with him, and that untrained per­son is made an Assistant Superintendent of Police under the guise that his pay in the JDF was com­men­su­rate with the pay he is now receiv­ing as an ASP , they made it about the indi­vid­ual and not about the coun­try and the JCF.
It is cor­rup­tion, but the rank and file are like dis­grun­tled chil­dren who once giv­en a lit­tle talk­ing to sulk away and con­tin­ue with life as chil­dren.
Antony Anderson did that talk­ing to recent­ly and Joel Hamilton was instruct­ed to write a let­ter of apol­o­gy and all is well now.
In the mean­time, the Federation which removed cor­po­ral McBeam as gen­er­al sec­re­tary in a pow­er­play recent­ly was seem­ing­ly rebuffed by the courts.
We were informed she will be rein­stat­ed, we have not been able to inde­pen­dent­ly ver­i­fy that report­ing.
The Gazetted offi­cers who should have object­ed to the promotion/​appointment of Joel Hamilton on prin­ci­ple have uttered not a sin­gle word and have sulked away like lit­tle pup­pies as well.

What they are strong on is cas­es like the above let­ter in which a mem­ber of the depart­ment, who no longer wish­es to be in the agency is being told that he can­not leave the force as he desires.
In the inter­est of full dis­clo­sure, I am not a lawyer, but these rules to which the JCF mem­ber­ship are sub­ject­ed seem eeri­ly uncon­sti­tu­tion­al. to me.
(1) Six months of advanced notice before resign­ing.
Rules were not in effect when most of the force joined.
(2) Must give state­ments to INDECOM imme­di­ate­ly after an inci­dent of force.
Rules were not in effect when prob­a­bly half of the depart­ment joined.
(3) How can you con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly stop any per­son from leav­ing a job they no longer wish to serve in?

Ladies and gen­tle­men what kind of police offi­cers do you expect to have come to your res­cue if they are slaves unable to leave the police depart­ment on their own voli­tion?
At the time the JCF decid­ed to insti­tute this 6‑month pre­clear­ance rule before res­ig­na­tions I said it was a bad idea. This admin­is­tra­tion in cohorts with the oppo­si­tion par­ty is destroy­ing the police depart­ment
Creating rules designed to stem attri­tion is not a solu­tion for stop­ping attri­tion.
There is a rea­son that 50 peo­ple leave the Jamaica Constabulary Force each month.
Truthfully, a large per­cent­age of the pop­u­la­tion does not deserve the sac­ri­fices those young peo­ple make on their behalf.
The job is an ungrate­ful, dan­ger­ous, thank­less and shit­ty one which pays peanuts.
Those leav­ing are mak­ing the deci­sion to take their chances else­where.
The JCF hier­ar­chy has done some real­ly dumb things, try­ing to pre­vent offi­cers wish­ing to leave from doing so , is right up there with the real­ly dumb things they are doing.