How About Paying Attention To Your Job?

Zacca: Gleaner cartoon

Christopher Zacca President of The Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica argues that to build our Country , peo­ple should buy Jamaican. He then does a 180 degree turn dip­ping his snout into the Conversation about the need for a new Commissioner of Police , sug­gest­ing that it is per­fect­ly kosher to look for a new Police Chief from overseas. 

The police Force has many edu­cat­ed well capa­ble offi­cers at all lev­els . These peo­ple have worked tire­less­ly to earn their edu­ca­tion with the belief that if they earn their degrees play by the rules they have a shot at accom­plish­ing their goals.

The last time the JCF tried this mad­ness the results are still being felt. Morale is impor­tant , if this lit­tle Country want to total­ly wreck the rule of law , pick a Commissioner from over­seas and live with the results. It’s time Jamaica stop with the NEGRO men­tal­i­ty . What oth­er Country out­sources it’s National Security to non cit­i­zens? What these Elitists are say­ing is that black Jamaicans are inca­pable of get­ting the job done. What exact­ly did Mark Shields etal accom­plish except his flair for the cock­tail cir­cuit? The Gleaner depict­ed Zacca’s hypocrisy appro­pri­ate­ly in a cartoon.

It goes to show that in Jamaica every­one knows how to do every­one else’s job but their own. I don’t see any­one run­ning back to Jamaica to invest. Maybe Zacca and the Country would be bet­ter served if he paid atten­tion to what he was hired to do leav­ing the Commissioner search to the peo­ple tasked with doing so.