Hours lat­er, at the tail end of a protest march through the streets of St. Paul, hun­dreds of peo­ple head­ed out on Interstate 94 at Dale, shut­ting down the free­way. Over the course of about an hour, the crowd thinned out and was moved to a ramp near Marion before State Patrol offi­cers moved in after 12:30 a.m. Saturday and began mak­ing 18 arrests. Among those arrest­ed were reporters Susan Du of City Pages and David Clarey of the Minnesota Daily, who were cov­er­ing the protest.

The deci­sion came on the last day of a three-week tri­al in a case that had been close­ly watched ever since Castile’s girl­friend, Diamond Reynolds, livestreamed the bru­tal after­math on Facebook.

The jury of five women and sev­en men reached its ver­dict after about 30 hours of delib­er­a­tions over five days. They appeared stalled Wednesday, and were called into the court­room and asked to con­tin­ue delib­er­a­tions. Juror Dennis Ploussard said the jury was dead­locked 10 for acquit­tal, two for con­vic­tion until Friday afternoon.

This was very, very dif­fi­cult for all of us,” Ploussard said Friday after­noon in an inter­view at his home. “This was a very, very try­ing case.” Ploussard declined to iden­ti­fy the hold­outs but said they were not the two peo­ple of col­or on the jury.

St. Anthony police offi­cer Jeronimo Yanez has been found not guilty of all counts in the fatal shoot­ing of Philando Castile.

Defense attor­ney Earl Gray leaned over and squeezed Yanez’s shoul­ders after the first not guilty ver­dict was read for the manslaugh­ter charge. After the last two not guilty ver­dicts were read for reck­less dis­charge of a firearm, Valerie Castile stood up from the front-row seat she had occu­pied through­out the tri­al, yelled an exple­tive and walked past sev­er­al deputies, break­ing with strict orders issued min­utes ear­li­er by Ramsey County District Judge William H. Leary III that no one was to leave until after he end­ed the hearing.

Several of Castile’s sup­port­ers cried and filed out after Valerie Castile as about 13 sheriff’s deputies stood watch over the proceeding.

Seven times!” one woman exclaimed, refer­ring to the num­ber of shots Yanez fired into Castile’s car. Five rounds struck Castile; two of them tore through his heart.

Jurors showed lit­tle reac­tion while the ver­dicts were read and were quick­ly escort­ed out a pri­vate side door. Yanez’s moth­er cried and hugged Gray before Yanez and his fam­i­ly were whisked away through the same door, even­tu­al­ly leav­ing in a van that depart­ed from the courthouse’s non­pub­lic indoor garage.

Thomas Kelly, one of Yanez’s attor­neys, said his client was vin­di­cat­ed by the jury’s decision.

We’re not cel­e­brat­ing any­thing here because this was a tragedy and we’re mind­ful of that,” he said.

Shortly after­ward, the city of St. Anthony issued a state­ment on its web­site say­ing it would no longer employ Yanez as a police officer.

The City of St. Anthony has con­clud­ed that the pub­lic will be best served if Officer Yanez is no longer a police offi­cer in our city,” the state­ment read. “The city intends to offer Officer Yanez a vol­un­tary sep­a­ra­tion agree­ment to help him tran­si­tion to anoth­er career.”

Kelly said he was unsure of Yanez’s future plans, but acknowl­edged “it might be dif­fi­cult” were he to con­tin­ue his job in St. Anthony.

Because he has such a good rep­u­ta­tion with­in the law enforce­ment com­mu­ni­ty I’m sure if he want­ed to find anoth­er depart­ment he would not have any dif­fi­cul­ty,” Kelly said.

Reynolds did not attend the ver­dict read­ing, but her attor­ney, Larry Rogers, said she was “close by” and quick­ly informed of the ver­dict. She was dev­as­tat­ed, he said.

She lost some­body very impor­tant to her,” Rogers said. “Her life was in dan­ger. Her daughter’s life was in dan­ger. And this ver­dict says that’s OK.”

Reynolds, who tes­ti­fied at tri­al and attend­ed clos­ing argu­ments Monday, issued a writ­ten state­ment through Rogers’ office say­ing that Castile was fol­low­ing the officer’s orders to retrieve his driver’s license when he was killed.

I am incred­i­bly dis­ap­point­ed with the jury’s ver­dict,” Reynolds said. “…It is a sad state of affairs when this type of crim­i­nal con­duct is con­doned sim­ply because Yanez is a police­man. God help America.”

Yanez was the first Minnesota police offi­cer in mod­ern his­to­ry to be charged with shoot­ing and killing a civil­ian. Eight months before Castile was killed, Jamar Clark, a 23-year-old black man, was fatal­ly shot dur­ing a scuf­fle with two Minneapolis police offi­cers who were not charged. His death sparked weeks of protest in north Minneapolis. Both cas­es were in a wave of high-pro­file police shoot­ings of black men that cre­at­ed unrest across the country.

Yanez, 29, was acquit­ted of felony manslaugh­ter and reck­less dis­charge of a firearm for killing Castile, 32, July 6 in Falcon Heights, and endan­ger­ing his pas­sen­gers, Rey­nolds, and her daugh­ter, then 4. Reynolds’ Facebook Live video of Castile’s death cap­tured world­wide attention.

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety and Ramsey County Attorney John Choi’s office declined Friday to release squad dash­cam footage of the shoot­ing but said it could be avail­able with­in a week.

The U.S. attorney’s office for the District of Minnesota, which des­ig­nat­ed fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor Jeffrey Paulsen to assist with the case, issued a state­ment Friday say­ing they are “assess­ing whether any addi­tion­al fed­er­al review is justified.”

Prosecutors argued that Yanez, who is Mexican-American, racial­ly pro­filed Castile, a black man, when he stopped him for a non­work­ing brake light. Yanez tes­ti­fied that he also want­ed to inves­ti­gate whether Castile was a sus­pect in the armed rob­bery of a near­by con­ve­nience store four days ear­li­er. Castile was nev­er con­nect­ed to the robbery.

Defense attor­neys argued that Castile was cul­pa­bly neg­li­gent in the shoot­ing because he vol­un­teered that he pos­sessed a gun with­out dis­clos­ing that he had a per­mit to car­ry it, that he reached for it instead of keep­ing his hands vis­i­ble, and that he was high on mar­i­jua­na, ren­der­ing him inca­pable of fol­low­ing Yanez’s order not to reach for the gun. Yanez tes­ti­fied last week that he fired because he feared for his life. Read more here : http://​www​.star​tri​bune​.com/​f​i​f​t​h​-​d​a​y​-​o​f​-​j​u​r​y​-​d​e​l​i​b​e​r​a​t​i​o​n​s​-​u​n​d​e​r​w​a​y​-​i​n​-​y​a​n​e​z​-​t​r​i​a​l​/​4​2​8​8​6​2​4​7​3​/#1