Hope You Enjoy Viewing Them As Much As I Enjoyed Taking Them…

A down­riv­er view from the para­pet at the West Point Military Academy.

Looking upriv­er from the same van­tage point.

Across the riv­er same van­tage point.

Downriver view from the parapet.

Partial view of the parapet.

A small Marina, view from the Shadows on the Hudson.

Same van­tage point.

Same van­tage point, how­ev­er, this is a por­tion of the new Vassar Brothers Medical com­plex just com­plet­ed. While in the fore­ground are new apart­ment build­ings over­look­ing the Hudson River, also recent­ly com­plet­ed, and form­ing part of the revi­tal­iza­tion process that Poughkeepsie is experiencing.

A ship sail­ing upriver.

I want­ed a clos­er look so I zoomed in.

A clos­er look reveals a freight train across the riv­er, long as the eyes can see.

And in the back­ground as dark­ness falls, the beau­ti­ful­ly lit Mid Hudson Bridge.