I wonder what would have happened if Jamaica’s elites had thrown their collective weight behind our budding democracy in the early days. A Democracy that rose from the ashes of colonialism and the challenges of the 70’s which literally questioned the very idea of whether us Jamaicans could govern ourselves.
Wonder where our country would be if those who had loud important voices capable of shaping opinions, used those powers and perches to push and demand a society centered around the concept of the rule of law?
After all, it is rather easy and convenient to blame everyone else for what we failed to do for ourselves. As Jamaicans, we have certainly blamed the Americans and the CIA for our own stupid failings even as we have blamed the Cubans who were simply looking to broaden its sphere of communist influence. What we did as Jamaicans were totally up to us and not anyone else.
Wonder where our country would be if the newspaper editorials, radio gabbers, and television talking heads used their mediums to educate and challenge our people to respect authority?
I guess we will never know, and so I find it curious that the very same entities are all caught up in hand-wringing at the seriousness of the murder madness gripping the Island.
Nobody seems to understand what to do or have any practical ideas on the way forward. In fact, if you looked at the Observer Editorial page you would walk away believing those jokers were always concerned about the criminal behavior patterns of our people.
The travesty of this reality, is that they really believe that there is some way of getting to the cosmopolitan society they crave, without dirtying their hands.
The sense of empathy that is demonstrated in the Observer’s Editorial page for police commissioner Antony Anderson is astounding, to say the least. This led me to wonder, where was that support over the years for the police? Where was that kind of understanding?
The Observer’s Editors are not only empathetic, but they were also falling over themselves to create a narrative that legitimizes the very inaction of Anderson.
Speaking to the commissioner’s failure to challenge Andrew Holness, the prime minister and Peter Phillips the opposition leader, into collective action on crime they had the following to say.
He has used every opportunity he gets to articulate and paint the big picture on the fight against crime, including his latest interview carried in the Sunday edition of this newspaper, in which he implores Jamaicans to fight this scourge together. And yet we could not help noticing the fact that, in what was his first major interview for the new year, our top crime-fighter and guardian of the nation completely avoided any reference to the role of our elected politicians who should provide leadership. Could it be that General Anderson himself sees no practical use in calling on the Government and Opposition to provide the leadership in mobilizing the country to put partisanship aside and unite against the criminals?
[Get the fuck out of here], are you kidding me? Not only has Antony Anderson failed as all other commissioners of police have failed, (arguably not all because of their own incompetence, but because of the system set up for them to fail.
Nevertheless, no segment of this media fraternity showed any degree of empathy to previous commissioners of police who came up through the ranks. They cared even less about the hard-working grunts who risked life and limb for the shitty beans they are paid for their troubles.
On the contrary, the media was not only hostile, but has demonstrably incited violence against police officers.
General Anderson’s Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) has been consistent in its position on the importance of partnerships and public engagement, stressing that the overall effort to remove disorder and mobilize the groundswell of support among our citizens for a safer Jamaica “requires continuous engagement with the public and private sectors, community-based interests, and our international partners”.
Blah, blah, blah what a load of crock?
Had previous commissioners not said and done the very same things for years?
Under Antony, Anderson, crime has basically continued to climb year over year, with well over 1300 homicides for the year that just ended. Any other commissioner of police would have been berated and classified as a failure.
The men and women under the Commissioner would be demeaned as incompetent uneducated fools.
So what we are up against today is that the [bull-puckey]that this very group of people who told the nation that he reason crime was climbing was that the police force was made up of a bunch of illiterate idiots.
Now that wasn’t a total lie, but what the force lacked in formal education it certainly made up for in dedication from its officers.
The elitist’s elements in our country clamored for a force filled with their cronies from the UWI and other institutions, they got them.
That is the reason Antony Anderson has received latitude that no one before him did.
They are now too ashamed to say that their efforts at social engineering had failed, and failed miserably, so they pretend that it’s not even happening.
In the meantime, the crime situation continues unabated, and all Anderson and his enablers in the Editorial rooms have is hope and a whole lot of bullshit.
Unfortunately for Jamaicans hope is not a strategy, neither is bullshit.
Mike Beckles is a former Jamaican police Detective corporal, businessman, researcher, and blogger.
He is a black achiever honoree, and publisher of the blog chatt-a-box.com.
He’s also a contributor to several websites.
You may subscribe to his blogs free of charge, or subscribe to his Youtube channel @chatt-a-box, for the latest podcast all free to you of course.