Holness’ Utopian Force For Good, Will Not Protect You From The Killers, It’s A Load Of Crock.…

There are sev­er­al dif­fer­ent con­ver­sa­tions going on at the same time about the Robbery In May Pen Clarendon last Sunday morn­ing, most of which makes sense.
Some are sym­pa­thet­ic to the offi­cers who were wound­ed, none more than this writer who has been shot in the line of duty as well.
Others are con­cerned about the response time which seemed from my van­tage point to have been pret­ty darn good.
Then there are those who believe that these events are a pre­cur­sor to big­ger things to come.
But one of the salient points I have heard raised is that offi­cers are not expos­ing them­selves to the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem as they did before, no mat­ter what the Prime Minister and or the Minister of National Security says it appears that the dam­age has already been done.

One for­mer col­league has been adamant that as things get clos­er to crit­i­cal mass we will be see­ing a singing of a dif­fer­ent tune by the polit­i­cal lead­er­ship. The Minister Of National Security seems to be adopt­ing a dif­fer­ent tack from his pre­vi­ous tone and tenor but the Prime Minister seems stuck in a one-track mind which has noth­ing to do with the nation’s secu­ri­ty.
Addressing the Police Federation In Ocho Rios Holness said that the JCF was chang­ing and that it was chang­ing to a [force for good]. That by default, means that the force has always been a force for bad.
Holness said that the force over the last decade has changed from a bru­tal force to one that mem­bers may not even see, even though those changes are hap­pen­ing right before their very eyes(not exact­ly a ring­ing endorse­ment of their intel­lect). The Prime Minister said that his Commissioner is imple­ment­ing changes and they are bear­ing fruits.
In oth­er words, the changes being imple­ment­ed are being made with­out the input of the mem­bers of the police depart­ment whom the changes will affect the most.
I watch a video “Holness said,“an a man seh but dem ya police ya a joke”. the infer­ence being that the police did not take action as they are duty bound to do in the face of crim­i­nal con­duct being com­mit­ted in front of them.
The infer­ence being that tak­ing law­ful action as com­men­su­rate with the laws is tan­ta­mount to being bru­tal. That is the intel­li­gence lev­el of the Jamaican Prime Minister.
Remember that it was just a few days pri­or that that inci­dent in May Pen occurred in which heav­i­ly armed Militia-men sent the police scur­ry­ing for cov­er and two offi­cers near­ly paid with their lives.
And here was the nation’s chief exec­u­tive address­ing police offi­cers mere days later.

Jamaica murder rate 1972 – 2016

Posted on January 3, 2017 by jay


Year# of Murders

Ten years ago yu coul­nd’t turn on yu tele­vi­sion and not see neg­a­tive accounts of police per­tain­ing to police killings, a bru­tal force” Holness said. ” The per­cep­tion is now chang­ing, “the per­cep­tion of the bru­tal force is now chang­ing I think it is a good thing.“
Holness told mem­bers that for the 151 years the JCF has been used as an instru­ment of bru­tal­i­ty which has nev­er served us well and that Jamaica has nev­er record­ed a sus­tain­able reduc­tion in crime and vio­lence.
The real­i­ty is that Holness’ claim is not sup­port­ed by the facts. Up to and around until around the late 80’s to ear­ly 90’s crime increased in Jamaica as it did in even indus­tri­al­ized nations.
What Holness [did not men­tion], was the fact that despite the lack of resources, despite the lack of Governmental-sup­port, and in his view, the gen­er­al idea that the sac­ri­fices, of many mem­bers pay­ing the ulti­mate price, and the [force is a force for bad](sic) offi­cers have done a ter­rif­ic job.
The Prime Minister then went on to lay out a laun­dry list of polit­i­cal plat­i­tudes and promis­es, safe­ty vests, new police sta­tions, gyms and oth­er basic ameni­ties and accou­ter­ments which ought to be stan­dard fare for the police officers.

In the end, I tuned out Andrew Holness, and came to the con­clu­sion that when Andrew Holness tells us that he came from a two-bed­room board house in Cumberland Spanish Town, we should accept that he is a prod­uct of his envi­ron­ment.
Not the two Bedroom house part(most of us came from even more hum­ble begin­nings), but the geog­ra­phy of his ori­gin, and how it has shaped his [mis­un­der­stand­ing] of what actu­al polic­ing is all about.
Holness’ Utopian con­cept of the new Jamaica Constabulary Force did not include a sin­gle recog­ni­tion that, not only is crime increas­ing, the inci­dents of vio­lence have become more egre­gious, but the method­ol­o­gy and orga­ni­za­tion of the crim­i­nals have changed expo­nen­tial­ly.
The coun­try has had a whole lot of peo­ple deport­ed back, who have spent many many years in devel­oped coun­tries and have lived lives in crime and have learned how to evade police in those devel­oped coun­tries.
I wrote about this years ago that this would inevitably pose a seri­ous chal­lenge to Jamaica and to local law enforce­ment as the lev­el of sophis­ti­ca­tion these crim­i­nals would be employ­ing would require a dif­fer­ent kind of polic­ing.
Unfortunately, as I see it, the police are being watered down instead of being rein­forced.
Jamaica is in for a tor­rid time, I’m afraid. 

In the end, Holness’ lengthy speech was greet­ed at best with less than a luke-warm smat­ter­ing of applause. For the most part, mem­bers sat there in bored silence.
At one stage after talk­ing about the Mobile reserve Holness tried to force applause” well if you don’t clap for that I am hap­py for it,” offi­cers oblig­ed with about five peo­ple clap­ping dejectedly.

YouTube player

There are sev­er­al videos cir­cu­lat­ing on social media and what was clear is that the Robbers were pre­pared to fight regard­less of who inter­cept­ed them.
On one par­tic­u­lar video, sev­er­al police vehi­cles were seen back­ing away from the scene. Whether this was a tac­ti­cal maneu­ver to estab­lish a wider perime­ter is unclear.
What was obvi­ous is that not a sin­gle mem­ber of the group of an esti­mat­ed eight gun­men was killed or inter­cept­ed. So it becomes a lit­tle clear­er to deci­pher that maybe the marked police vehi­cles seen leav­ing the scene were not leav­ing to form a wider perime­ter.
If the the­o­ry is that the offi­cers retreat­ed and did not engage the rob­bers then this is a sem­i­nal moment whether Horace Chang, Andrew Holness or Antony Anderson acknowl­edges it or not. 

Every per­son is free to look at the mul­ti­ple videos on YouTube and form their own con­clu­sion as to whether this is some­thing that is get­ting bet­ter as the Prime Minister would have you believe.
Is this the [new Force for good] that the Prime Minister is mis­lead­ing the nation about?
Every Jamaican has a deci­sion to make because the choic­es are clear. The crit­i­cal ques­tion must be this.
Do you feel safer with this lev­el of secu­ri­ty the Prime Minister is offer­ing you in his new­ly trans­form­ing police force for good?
Here is my chal­lenge to you, lis­ten to the Prime Minister’s speech then deter­mine for your­self whether he made men­tion of the numer­ous mur­ders each and every day, not to men­tion the oth­er acts of vio­lence which do not read­i­ly result in death.
What he is con­cerned about is an image, unfor­tu­nate­ly, image can­not keep peo­ple safe.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police cor­po­ral, busi­ness own­er, avid researcher, and blog­ger. He is also a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge.