Holness’ Silence In The Face Of Existential Gun Violence Is Astounding And Inexcusable…

Andrew Holness took office talk­ing thrash about police kick­ing off peo­ple’s doors. To date, he has empow­ered polit­i­cal oper­a­tive Terrence Williams to per­se­cute the police but has done noth­ing about the gangs which have tak­en over entire parish­es.
In the mean­time, the police have become an inef­fec­tu­al laugh­ing­stock while the gangs rule the streets, leav­ing those not yet dead cow­er­ing in fear, won­der­ing whether one of the bar­rages of bul­lets they hear has their name on it.

Marcus Mosiah Garvey

One of the most renowned quotes attrib­uted to Jamaica’s first nation­al hero, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, is: “Jamaicans will not know them­selves until their backs are against the wall.“
I do not pre­tend to know just how far up against the wall the small nation of 2.8 mil­lion is will­ing to be pushed?
Neither do I know just how much small­er they can “small up dem self.“
And so, as I have pre­dict­ed time and again, sim­ply putting grill for­ti­fi­ca­tions around one’s home will not be enough giv­en time.
That time is here; grill for­ti­fi­ca­tions do noth­ing to deter the killers any­more.
If they decide to kill, noth­ing stops them. They trav­el in large groups, heav­i­ly armed, total­ly uncon­cerned about police or mil­i­tary pres­ence.
They sim­ply law down huge and sus­tained vol­leys of auto­mat­ic weapons fire on who­ev­er dare approach them.
The trag­ic irony in that overused Garvey quote is that the very peo­ple who recite it unfail­ing­ly fail to grasp that they them­selves are unwit­ting pawns on that chessboard.

Jamaica has one of the world’s high­est mur­der rates. For an Island/​nation with the size of 4,411 square miles or less than a third of the American state of Connecticut, the 48th small­est of that nation’s 50 states, Jamaica’s mur­der rate is stag­ger­ing.
Unfortunately for the law-abid­ing cit­i­zens still left in Jamaica, there will be no respite or let up any­time soon.
The Island’s polit­i­cal lead­er­ship has no con­cern for the blood­let­ting out­side of using it for mileage politically.

Andrew Holness, the Island’s Prime Minister

The sit­ting Prime Minister came to office with a decid­ed atti­tude against the police, or more appro­pri­ate­ly against the police depart­men­t’s tac­tics in keep­ing crim­i­nals in check.
Tactics are used on urban and oth­er crim­i­nals and mili­tias around the world. Those are tough, no-non­sense, hard-nosed polic­ing tac­tics that cre­ate space around the pop­u­la­tion and pause those who would com­mit mur­ders.
Without stip­u­la­tion or con­text, he repeat­ed­ly stat­ed that ” the days of police kick­ing off peo­ple’s doors are over” closed quote.
Now tech­ni­cal­ly, Holness has no pow­er to direct­ly stop the police from going after crim­i­nals, includ­ing kick­ing down doors to get them.
Nevertheless, he has the pow­er to make it increas­ing­ly dif­fi­cult by increas­ing the bureau­crat­ic process after such police actions, there­by ren­der­ing the police unin­ter­est­ed in going after crim­i­nals.
This he did by ramp­ing up the pow­er with stat­ed sup­port for the oner­ous, over­bear­ing and coun­ter­pro­duc­tive police watch­dog INDECOM.
This essen­tial­ly iced police enthu­si­asm for fight­ing crime.
Under this kind of sys­tem, offi­cer’s inter­est is best served by sim­ply run­ning out the clock on their shifts and going home to their fam­i­lies, rather than risk being per­se­cut­ed by an overzeal­ous INDECOM. Usually on false affi­davits pro­vid­ed them by man­u­fac­tured witnesses.

Day after day, I watch uncut video clips of the dead, at oth­er times the bul­let-rid­dled bod­ies, some­times still writhing as the lifeblood drains from their rup­tured bod­ies. Meandering like a lazy pud­dle on the dusty side­walks.
Simultaneously, I see the Prime Minister mis­lead the Jamaican peo­ple that he brings pros­per­i­ty to their lives.
Fundamentally ignor­ing the exis­ten­tial cri­sis the coun­try faces as he makes those promis­es.
Repeating over and over again, the dis­cred­it­ed refrain, know­ing full well, [or does he], that there can be no pros­per­i­ty in an envi­ron­ment of wan­ton unchecked violence.

Peter Phillips, leader of the oppo­si­tion PNP

How stu­pid are these polit­i­cal lead­ers real­ly? They ignore the peo­ple’s cry, in Saint James, Westmoreland, and Clarendon, in Saint Thomas and Saint Catherine and Hanover and Manchester, in Saint Elizabeth and Kingston, in Portland and Trelawny, in Saint Andrew and Saint Mary and Saint Ann.
There is no haven from the gun in Jamaica, guns are every­where, and the gang­sters don’t care who knows that they are armed and dan­ger­ous.
The peo­ple are beg­ging for an end to law­less­ness to live their lives as nor­mal peo­ple do.
Yet the uncon­scionable Administration in Jamaica House, like the one before it, refus­es to release the agents of the state to go after the ter­ror­is­tic thugs who are killing peo­ple at will.
Choosing instead to focus on the sup­posed human rights oblig­a­tions of police offi­cers.
If the lead­ers refuse to plug the dike, then the water will wash over them. Somehow change will come either with their help or to their per­il.
I call upon inno­cent, law-abid­ing Jamaicans to mobi­lize against this threat. If your lead­ers refuse to act, then you must act.
Do not be a sta­tis­tic; stand up and fight and throw out the bums.