Holness Government Once Again Demonstrates It’s Hostility To The Police…

Since the Labor Party assumed the role of Government less than two years ago the administration has taken several steps which indicate that the interest of the Constabulary and its members are not paramount in its plans.

The first indi­ca­tion of that was the appoint­ment of Robert Montague to the National Security Portfolio. Montague may be a decent guy but that does not qual­i­fy him to over­see the crit­i­cal National Security Portfolio.

We are told that Montague is an agron­o­mist of sorts which at best would make him a bet­ter can­di­date for the Agriculture Ministry.
Andrew Holness the Prime Minister has on sev­er­al occa­sions gone out of his way to say that the police of the past kicked down peo­ples doors, plant­ed guns and killed peo­ple extra-judi­cial­ly, so too has Montague.

Yet in all of the times, he has cho­sen to den­i­grate the police with his slan­der­ous lies he has not pro­vid­ed one scin­til­la of proof.
Those inflam­ma­to­ry state­ments do noth­ing to fos­ter good rela­tion­ships between cit­i­zens and police and have a debil­i­tat­ing effect on law enforcement.

Stunningly Holness has fos­tered a close rela­tion­ship with two tax-pay­er fund­ed agen­cies ded­i­cat­ed to being antag­o­nis­tic to the police department.
I know of no civ­i­lized nation on earth which active­ly cre­ates, fund and encour­age dis­sent and antag­o­nism against its law enforce­ment agencies.
The Office of Public Defender and INDECOM are two such agen­cies of big gov­ern­ment which active­ly per­pet­u­ates a cul­ture of antag­o­nism toward the police department.

In the mean­time, Holness is pre­sid­ing over a rapid­ly dete­ri­o­rat­ing crime sit­u­a­tion which is evi­denced by a mas­sive increase in mur­ders which some esti­mates put at four per day but the real num­bers are actu­al­ly clos­er to sev­en dead each day.
Several of his min­ions have been overt­ly con­de­scend­ing to the police force includ­ing Marlene Malahoo-Forte and others.
Time after time the Holness admin­is­tra­tion has demon­strat­ed that it sup­port is not with the police but in enabling the insti­tu­tions which are vis­cer­al­ly against the police.

As a result, the esca­lat­ing homi­cide num­bers are a direct cor­re­la­tion to the way this admin­is­tra­tion has respond­ed to police officers.
Let me be clear my cri­tique of the hap­less and mis­guid­ed Andrew Holness is not an endorse­ment of the oth­er moral­ly bank­rupt polit­i­cal party.
I under­stand that many peo­ple are intel­lec­tu­al­ly inca­pable of see­ing things oth­er than through the nar­row prism of parochial par­ti­san politics.

Below is a Jamaica Gleaner Article sur­round­ing the Police review done to counter the one sided biased and repug­nant Tivoli Gardens Inquiry com­mis­sioned by the for­mer PNP Government to indict the Police and embar­rass the then oppo­si­tion for polit­i­cal purposes.
The inquiry which was sup­posed to be a fact find­ing one end­ed up being a dis­grace­ful and ungrate­ful attack on the secu­ri­ty forces. As was to be expect­ed, the lengthy and extreme­ly expen­sive report was devoid of any evi­dence of wrong doing by the secu­ri­ty forces but long on rec­om­men­da­tions of penal­ty to sev­er­al high rank­ing police offi­cers, despite no evi­dence of wrong doing.

The dis­grace­ful inquiry head­ed by an anti-police neo-colo­nial­ist Bajan, David Simmons and two sell­outs from Jamaica was a cha­rade from the start. It’s bias­es and dis­re­spect for law enforce­ment was obvi­ous and pal­pa­ble from the word go.

♦If the inquiry was a seri­ous one the ques­tion of Bruce Golding’s con­duct in shield­ing a transna­tion­al crim­i­nal Christopher Coke now serv­ing a lengthy sen­tence in a US Federal prison would have been cen­ter stage.
♦The ori­gin of the mon­ey which paid the American Law Firm Manhatt Phelps and Phillips to lob­by the US State Department on behalf of said Gangland Criminal would have been the issues inves­ti­gat­ed also.
♦ Who warned Christopher Coke that an American extra­di­tion war­rant was issued for his arrest after the then Commissioner Hardly Lewin told the then Minister of National Security of the warrant?
♦ Why was Tivoli Gardens allowed to become a law unto itself and a place out­side the remit of Jamaica’s laws and law enforcement?
♦Who sup­plied the guns to the Tivoli Militia?

There is a whole host of seri­ous and salient points from which a cred­i­ble inquiry of crim­i­nal­i­ty and col­lu­sion could have been launched which would inex­orably lead to the impris­on­ment of many dirty politi­cians pos­ing now as decent law abid­ing citizens.
Instead what tran­spired was a kan­ga­roo inquiry which sought to incrim­i­nate law enforce­ment offi­cials who annexed Tivoli Gardens to Jamaica in a war which only begun when the forces of law and order went into the com­mu­ni­ty to arrest Christopher Coke.
The Police had every right to con­duct its own inter­nal review of the garbage report and rub­bish the rec­om­men­da­tions therein.

Be it remem­bered that two police offi­cers were mur­dered as well as a mem­ber of the JDF and sev­er­al police sta­tions burned to the ground.
The lead­er­ship in Jamaica are a worth­less bunch of filthy crim­i­nals who cel­e­brate gang­sters and killers while fool­ing the une­d­u­cat­ed mass­es that it is try­ing to do some­thing about crime.

It is no sur­prise than Horace Chang would be the one respond­ing to the police attempt to cor­rect the gross injus­tice of the Simmons com­mis­sion which, to begin with, pro­vid­ed zero evi­dence for its flim­sy innu­en­dos and assumptions.
There should be no sur­prise that Chang does not want the Police to be a bad­der gang [sic]that those in his St James Constituency in which mur­der is par for the course.
Neither he nor Andrew Holness wants the gang­sters and killers in their con­stituen­cies con­trolled. Holness is in hid­ing on this, even as the Federation is tak­ing his Government to court for sur­rep­ti­tious­ly try­ing to sneak a back­door change to the Constabulary Force Act which fur­ther infringes on the con­sti­tu­tion­al rights of police officers.

Bruce Golding

The JLP has a his­to­ry of arro­gance and elit­ism as soon as it gains state pow­er. This time is no dif­fer­ent. It is no won­der that it has been in the polit­i­cal wilder­ness for an unprece­dent­ed 1412 years before Golding was giv­en a chance, only to be dumped in less than one term.
This new admin­is­tra­tion has demon­strat­ed that 14 12 years in polit­i­cal obliv­ion has not been enough for their par­ty to come to its senses.
The Police Department has every right to expect that the polit­i­cal admin­is­tra­tion will stand solid­ly behind it in all instances where it is not out­side the bound­aries of the laws.
Holness and his admin­is­tra­tion has drawn the bat­tle lines rather suc­cinct­ly and have placed them­selves square­ly against the police.
I hope that the police will remem­ber these moments in the future when they have the chance to step into polling booths.

I am ashamed of the sup­port this medi­um gave to Holness and the JLP while they were in oppo­si­tion and seek­ing state power.
This medi­um will work dou­bly hard to right that mis­take in light of Andrew Holness sys­tem­at­ic attempts to dis­man­tle the Jamaica Constabulary Force one brick at a time.


A senior mem­ber of the Andrew Holness admin­is­tra­tion has dis­closed that the recent­ly released Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) Administrative Review report has not been accept­ed by the Government. 

The con­tro­ver­sial report which cleared five cops of wrong­do­ing in the 2010 secu­ri­ty oper­a­tion in Tivoli Gardens has been reject­ed and denounced by sev­er­al civ­il soci­ety, human rights groups and the Public Defender Arlene Harrison Henry.

But Dr Horace Chang, the min­is­ter with­out port­fo­lio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, says the Government can­not accept the report at this time. “We are not sat­is­fied that we can accept that report,” Chang said. “It is not a good report and it is not reflect­ing well on the police force [giv­en] where we are com­ing from,” Chang added.

He is the first min­is­ter of the admin­is­tra­tion to pub­licly com­ment on the report since its release. Chang, a min­is­ter who is some­times left in charge of the Government in the absence of the prime min­is­ter, would not def­i­nite­ly say whether the Government will ask the JCF to with­draw the report, but said it is ‘like­ly we will go that way’. Chang, while he is ful­ly aware of the tough chal­lenges JCF faced, he cau­tioned that the police response “can­not be to be a ‘bad­da’ gang than the gangs out there”. The min­is­ter said the Cabinet will be ask­ing the min­is­ter of nation­al secu­ri­ty, Robert Montague, and the National Security Council to review the report and pro­vide a full some response.

He was speak­ing on Nationwide Radio this morn­ing. Last week, Police Commissioner George Quallo declared at a Rotary meet­ing in Kingston that he is stand­ing by the report. Attorney General Marlene Malahoo Forte is to pro­vide an opin­ion on the legal stand­ing of the report.