Holness Attitude Toward Crime In Jamaica Dictates That The Work Begin Now To Remove Him From Office…

In an effort to appease cer­tain sec­tors of the soci­ety it appears Andrew Holness the Jamaican Prime Minister has made a tac­ti­cal deci­sion to do what count­less oth­er Politicians have done over the peri­od of time that Jamaica has had self-rule.

I sup­port­ed the Labor Party Holness now lead, but I did so while I lived in Jamaica under Edward Seaga’s stewardship.
Though Seaga was vast­ly imper­fect there are cas­es to be made that he was vast­ly supe­ri­or to what we are now see­ing from this polit­i­cal neo­phyte. It is becom­ing clear­er by the day that he has made a tac­ti­cal deci­sion to do what­ev­er, say what­ev­er, against the police with­out the ben­e­fit of facts. Someone should take this idiot aside and cau­tion him to engage his brain before he opens his mouth.

Andrew Holness (cen­tre) in dis­cus­sion with (from left) Luis Moreno, United States ambas­sador to Jamaica; Mark Connolly, UN res­i­dent coör­di­na­tor in Jamaica; David Fitton, high com­mis­sion­er of the United Kingdom to Jamaica; and Terrence Williams, Commissioner of INDECOM at INDECOM’s Caribbean Use of Force Conference, yes­ter­day: Gleaner photo.

Addressing an INDECOM gath­er­ing of Elitists The Jamaican Prime Minister said the following.
The use of force to main­tain law and order has not achieved any­thing beneficial.
“The soci­ety that we are try­ing to cre­ate can­not rely on the use of force to get the preser­va­tion of law and order. For too long, since our inde­pen­dence, since our colo­nial past, we have relied on force in order to get law and order.”

This state­ment is not only non­sen­si­cal , but it is also sim­ply ignorant.
Police offi­cers’ use of force is not option­al. It is not like wak­ing up a decid­ing to cut your lawn.
By open­ing his mouth and try­ing to impress, Holness demon­strat­ed his lack of matu­ri­ty and intellect.
Clearly, this state­ment indi­cates that Andrew Holness’s views reflect the flawed, warped ide­o­log­i­cal­ly left­ist world view of the social­ist incu­ba­tor called the University of the West Indies.

Police use of lethal force in Jamaica is par­tic­u­lar­ly nec­es­sary when con­sid­ered against the lev­el of vio­lence and crime which exists there.
Each case of lethal use of force rests with crim­i­nal gun­men , not with the police as the moron­ic Prime Minister seem to think.
Without ade­quate though or con­sul­ta­tion on how law enforce­ment use of lethal force is acti­vat­ed he went ahead and showed the world that he is a total jackass.

Each and every thug who picks up a gun places him­self in jeop­ardy . It is not up to Police to beg gun-tot­ing hood­lums to obey laws and not fire at police or kill inno­cent civilians.
If Holness can find his way out of his ivory tow­er it would be a good idea to do a ride-along with the police­men and women who patrol the gul­lies and gar­risons , includ­ing the gar­ri­son of Olympic Gardens he calls his constituency.

Holness was address­ing the open­ing of the Caribbean Use of Force in Law Enforcement Conference at the Jamaica Conference Centre in Kingston. A report from the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) showed that, in 2014, the police were shot at 470 times, 425 times in 2015, and 502 in 2016. During those inci­dents, two police­men were mur­dered and eight injured in 2014, eight were mur­dered and 19 injured in 2015, while six were killed and 22 injured in 2016. At the same time, in 2014 some 112 civil­ians were killed by the police, 92 in 2005, and 102 the fol­low­ing year

The report did not show that a sin­gle bul­let was fired at Holness dur­ing the times detailed in the report, or ever was ‚which is a trav­es­ty giv­en his holi­er-than-thou self-right­eous and igno­rant comments.

Before I get angri­er at this idiot’s state­ment let me add the com­ment of an ex-police offi­cer who worked at Hunt’s Bay and wit­nessed some of the worst exam­ples of Jamaican urban warfare.

This man St. Andrew Holiness knows what he is talk­ing about! If he knew the his­to­ry of Jamaica, he would­n’t be mak­ing such charge.

Those of us who were around dur­ing the late 1970s up until the 1980 elec­tion remem­bered that the com­mu­ni­ties in Jamaica erect­ed imag­i­nary bor­der­lines. Gunmen killed close to one thou­sand Jamaicans. At the time it was the social­ist think­ing prime min­is­ter the late Michael Manley.

After the gen­er­al elec­tion, Jamaica wel­comes the best, smartest, pro-police Edward Seaga. The man brought a rev­o­lu­tion­ary change to Jamaica.

Mr. Seaga set-up Operations Base [Eradication Squad]. Criminals: Rapists, rob­bers, gun­men, dons were put on notice.

Most of us who are from the ghet­tos, remem­bered that a major­i­ty of the crim­i­nals migrat­ed to oth­er coun­tries because of their fear of the police.

In the mid­dle of the 1980’s I can tes­ti­fy that on sev­er­al occa­sions my cousins and I would walked from Scarface Pathway, Arnette Gardens, Kingston 12, to down­town, Kingston via Hannah Town.

During our trips to and from Jungle, not even a fly both­ered us.

So, when this head mak­ing dis­hon­est state­ments about the police, some­one who lived through the Seaga lead­er­ship can let the prime min­is­ter know that he’s wrong.

Andrew Holness is Prime Minister because of the hard work sweat and blood of Police Officers and mem­bers of the military.
The coun­try exist because, when the moth­er of all gar­risons rose up in trea­so­nous oppo­si­tion to the rule of law and the exis­tence of the Jamaican state our secu­ri­ty forces said “not on our watch.”

Many peo­ple put in work to change the gov­ern­ment from the tired cor­rupt , out of ideas People’s National Party and it’s bunch of criminals.
They will work just as hard to remove Andrew Holness from Jamaica House when the time comes .
Considering his actions he can count on my efforts toward that end.