Holness Admin. Trains Cops In Human Rights While Scores Of Heavily Armed Thugs Assault Police Station, Attack Each Other..

Like it always was so it was yes­ter­day morn­ing as gun­men sprayed the Denham Town Police sta­tion with high pow­ered weapons fire.
Oh in case you are won­der­ing the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) is con­duct­ing an investigation.
Gotta have that.

Hannah Town Police sta­tion burned in 2010

According to the police ear­ly yes­ter­day Tuesday, July 18th about forty(40) men armed with high pow­ered weapons launched an assault on the Denham Town Police station.
The police the­o­rized that the attack was retal­i­a­tion because they inter­vened between the gang of men known as the Young Generation gang from Tivoli Gardens and anoth­er gang from DenhamTown.

The Darling Street Police Station destroyed as well.

According to reports even with the increased inci­dence of vio­lence in West Kingston and as rival gangs grap­ple for con­trol of turf, both the Jamaica Constabulary Force and Jamaica Defence Force have strate­gi­cal­ly placed their mem­bers at hotspots with­in the com­mu­ni­ties, act­ing as buffers between rival gangs. However, despite the buffers, gun­men are deter­mined to launch attacks.
That is noth­ing new they have destroyed police sta­tions before and the Government have apol­o­gized to them.
Why would they not con­tin­ue to launch attacks on the police?


I expe­ri­enced it in the mid 80’s as we took fire, we were asked not to return fire by the polit­i­cal com­mand­ing offi­cer in charge.
We had gone there from the mobile Reserve to give sup­port to their staff exact­ly because they were con­stant­ly com­ing under attack from mer­ce­nar­ies from Tivoli Gardens.
We did return fire, for the record.


The idea that cops who are to oper­ate in hos­tile sit­u­a­tions in which heav­i­ly armed killers rule must be trained in human rights is the great­est crock of shit./

While our police are com­ing under attack by hordes of heav­i­ly armed thugs the Jamaican Prime Minister has his own ideas on how the secu­ri­ty forces should respond to the exis­ten­tial threats posed by the thugs.

These are a few of the police offi­cers and sol­diers who will be going into the so called zones of spe­cial oper­a­tions which will be des­ig­nat­ed by the Government of Andrew Holness as a strat­e­gy to deal with the increas­ing­ly seri­ous issue of vio­lent crime on the Island.

Officers who will oper­ate in the zones of spe­cial oper­a­tions receive train­ing on human rights. Just what they need.

In oth­er words, they are to be human sac­ri­fices, effec­tive­ly plac­ing them­selves between heav­i­ly armed thugs but they must ensure that they do not harm the hair on any­one’s head. As they were asked to do in 2010, they are once again being placed on the altar of polit­i­cal cor­rect­ness to sat­is­fy the elites and for the admin­is­tra­tion’s polit­i­cal survival.

A brief syn­op­sis of this sce­nario goes like this.
Honess is cling­ing to a sin­gle seat major­i­ty in the legislature.
Crime and vio­lence are at an all time high and get­ting worse. If Holness had a big­ger cush­ion he would­n’t give a rats ass about the mount­ing dead bodies.

But he did promise that if he won Jamaicans would be able to sleep with their doors open.
He would prob­a­bly like to see that hap­pen unfor­tu­nate­ly for the Prime Minister wish­ing and wait­ing is not a crime strategy.
The nation is expe­ri­enc­ing unprece­dent­ed lev­els of law­less­ness on his watch so the panacea ‚the zones of spe­cial oper­a­tions act is born.[sic]

Interestingly Holness has an obstruc­tion­ist and intran­si­gent oppo­si­tion nip­ping at his heels and a large group of crim­i­nal sup­port­ing lob­by­ists yelling in his ears.
The aver­age Jamaican being slaugh­tered and their fam­i­lies are damned.
So we get a law which will basi­cal­ly flood ghet­tos des­ig­nat­ed by Holness with active bodies.The bod­ies of sol­diers and police.
The only prob­lem with this fraud­u­lent scheme is that the killers will sim­ply move to an area not occu­pied by those law enforce­ment bodies.

Andrew Holness

Jamaicans in the coun­try areas can look for a lot of new faces com­ing into their com­mu­ni­ties and a flare-up of killings across the board.
That is because this strat­e­gy which some serv­ing and polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed ex-offi­cers tell me needs time will not work.
It is a strat­e­gy designed to show force at the expense of police bod­ies and a hope crime will be low­ered by just their pres­ence. It is not a real crime strategy.

Neither this Administration nor the Opposition par­ty has a real desire to see crime reduced in a sub­stan­tive way.
Eradicating this scourge from the coun­try requires courage and resolve some­thing nei­ther par­ty has.
This is no longer minor leagues we are deal­ing with Pros, unfor­tu­nate­ly for the good and decent peo­ple being vic­tim­ized by crime and liv­ing in fear and ter­ror, they have minor lea­guers as their leaders.

They have it in them to throw the bums out at the next elec­tions and con­tin­ue doing so until they get the kind of lead­er­ship they need.
This is absolute­ly not it.
This is smoke and mir­rors, a gross abdi­cat­ing of duty.