The Hidden Agenda Of Those Who Shape Your Views

It’s impos­si­ble to turn on the Tv , log onto the Internet , or even lis­ten to an all oldies music sta­tion with­out being bom­bard­ed with news of the NFL’s Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, or Johnathan Dwyer. Yes, even the Disc Jockeys on the oldies music sta­tion I lis­ten to can­not help them­selves. They stop the music to flap their gums about Domestic violence.

I could­n’t put my fin­ger on what it was that unit­ed all of these dif­fer­ent groups and indi­vid­u­als around a com­mon cause. After all Racism has been in America for over 400 years, most wont men­tion it but will quick­ly deny it’s exis­tence. I have a feel­ing the rea­sons behind the vis­cer­al con­dem­na­tion of the trio of wealthy black men by those old white males have pre­cious lit­tle to do with domes­tic vio­lence. That how­ev­er is a con­ver­sa­tion for anoth­er day.

As I have said mul­ti­ple times, what Ray Rice did was not fun­ny , it was crim­i­nal, Period.

Tlhe NFL has had a his­to­ry of Violence. Not just domes­tic vio­lence of the type we saw in that ele­va­tor video, or what Johnathan Dwyer is accused of doing. Let alone Adrian Peterson spank­ing his kids leav­ing marks. Several Former and cur­rent play­ers have been involved in seri­ous felonies to include Murder.

Was the Ray Rice deck­ing of his then fiancé Janay Palmer the straw which broke the prover­bial Camel’s back?

Or was this Tsunami cre­at­ed to drown out some­thing else? Roger Goodell has been suc­cess­ful as Commissioner of the NFL . Does any­one rea­son­ably believe that NFL Owners who vot­ed (33 to 8 in favor of Goodell for Commissioner in 2006, with the Oakland Raiders abstain­ing, were going to show him the door?

Which brings us to what was front and cen­ter in the News, when the Ray rice ele­va­tor video was exhumed. .


Ronald Ritchie
Ronald Ritchie

Why is it that peo­ple do not want to face the fact that Police Officers are ille­gal­ly killing and seri­ous­ly hurt­ing inno­cent people?

As I’m writ­ing this a Ohio Grand Jury ruled that Cops act­ed prop­er­ly in the Walmart killing of John Crawford III, a 22-year-old black man. According to the web­site Gawker​.com 

Ronald Ritchie, the 24-year-old who made that 911 call, is amend­ing what he orig­i­nal­ly told police and reporters about the Aug. 5 inci­dent. Ritchie, to the dis­patch­er: “He’s, like, point­ing it at peo­ple.” He also said in the call that Crawford was try­ing to load the gun, caus­ing 911 to tell offi­cers, “he just put some bul­lets inside.”

Ritchie, to reporters at the time: “He was point­ing at peo­ple. Children walk­ing by.” Ritchie in the Guardian this week: “At no point did he shoul­der the rifle and point it at some­body.” Well, that’s cer­tain­ly a dif­fer­ent sto­ry. What changed dur­ing the past month?

John Crawford
John Crawford

Ritchie says he was allowed to view the sealed secu­ri­ty video, recent­ly shown to Crawford’s fam­i­ly and their attor­neys, that report­ed­ly shows Crawford nev­er lift­ed the BB gun and was on the phone and stand­ing still when offi­cers shot and killed him.

Will this liar be held account­able for what he did ? Don’t hold your breath, it was only a black man who died.

We do not know how Cops dealt with this case, as a for­mer cop I will not begin to sec­ond guess what occurred in this par­tic­u­lar case. From all indi­ca­tions they lied about yelling out orders before fir­ing 5 bul­lets into his body. Eye-wit­ness­es account indi­cate he nev­er knew what hit him. These Cops know they would nev­er be held account­able for killing Crawford. All is required is that they plant a fab­ri­cat­ed sto­ry in the Main stream Media that Crawford was wav­ing around the air rifle. They would do the rest. Even when evi­dence sur­faced that he was­n’t they still con­tin­ue the lie.

The Grand Juries are gen­er­al­ly made up of the most pro-Police peo­ple, who lack objec­tive think­ing. Usually rel­a­tives of cops. In the United States the Grand Jury process involv­ing Cops is a grave mis-car­riage of Justice for the fam­i­lies of those wrong­ful­ly killed by Police. There is no Justice in them.

Eric Garner
Eric Garner

As if that killing was­n’t bad enough, there were mul­ti­ple oth­er killings in the News which sim­ply would­n’t go away. Staten Island Native 43 year old Eric Garner was killed by NYPD cops who used a two decades old banned choke hold.Garner was accused of alleged­ly sell­ing un-taxed cig­a­rettes. In Ferguson Missouri an unarmed 18 year old Michael Brown was gunned down by Police offi­cer Darren Wilson. Brown was­n’t even accused of com­mit­ting a crime.

In St Louis County a few miles from where Brownwas exe­cut­ed Kijame Powell a 25 year old black man of unsound mind was sum­mar­i­ly gunned down by police 23 sec­onds after

Michael Brown
Michael Brown

arriv­ing on scene. Powell was alleged­ly act­ing weird , but had not hurt any­one. Cops arrived and imme­di­ate­ly esca­lat­ed what from video evi­dence was a non-issue, then sum­mar­i­ly exe­cut­ed him on the spot. This even as ten­sions were run­ning extreme­ly high in Ferguson a few miles away. Those cops did not stop to think what if we don’t get away with this?

In Saratoga Springs. …Utah 22 year old Darren Hunt was killed by police, 6 bul­lets to the back, he was car­ry­ing a sword. Eyewitnesses say he was run­ning from

Darrien Hunt
Darrien Hunt


These are just a few of the black men who were killed in quick suc­ces­sion across the coun­try. This does not include the vis­cous assaults cops com­mit­ted on men and women of col­or which did not result in death. The media need­ed to find some­thing else to talk about. The already League lit­i­gat­ed Ray Rice sto­ry was resus­ci­tat­ed and giv­en new life to take the heat off cops and it worked.

In the mean­time Criminal cops could go back to what they were doing . abus­ing and killing with­out con­se­quence. There are good cops in every police depart­ment. If you are a good cop read­ing this and you do noth­ing when your col­leagues do these things, you are not a good cop. You are a criminal.

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Unfortunately none of the cow­ard­ly grand-standers will have the courage, char­ac­ter or integri­ty to stand with preg­nant Sandra Amezquita, 44, who was thrown to the ground by NYPD cops.” Seriously though, what kind of cop does that? A Lawyer speak­ing on behalf of the woman said “Her bel­ly is now with black and blue bruis­es. She’s bleed­ing and she’s hav­ing complications.”

Sandra Amezquita,
Sandra Amezquita,

Sandra Amezquita, stepped in to pro­tect her 17 year old son who was being stopped and frisked by Cops of the Brooklyn 72 Precinct. This hap­pened less than a week after an offi­cer from the same precinct was sus­pend­ed for kick­ing a street ven­dor, accord­ing to WABC.

Ray Rice is cru­ci­fied for punch­ing out his fiancé, and cor­rect­ly so. What should hap­pen to Cowardly cops who do this to a preg­nant woman?Or are we to believe it is okay for cops abuse women but no one else is allowed?

After all the Government is ready to cru­ci­fy Adrian Peterson for dis­ci­plin­ing his chil­dren he’s not sup­posed to. But it’s per­fect­ly with­in the realms of accept­abil­i­ty for the Government’s paid enforcers to mete out what­ev­er pun­ish­ment they see fit includ­ing death with­out consequence.

Who will bell this can­cer­ous cat? The silence will be deaf­en­ing, guar­an­teed. I am wait­ing to see the tough-guys who want­ed a piece of Ray Rice stand up and demand jus­tice for this preg­nant mother.

I won’t hold my breath, I did say you were hyp­ocrites and frauds. You are hyp­ocrites and frauds !