Lets Not Disrespect All House Negroes

Barkley: Ghetto Would Be Like ‘Wild, Wild West’ if it Wasn’t for Police

Charles Barkley
Charles Barkley

The notion that white cops are out there just killing black peo­ple – that’s ridicu­lous. That’s just flat-out ridicu­lous,” the TNT bas­ket­ball ana­lyst told CNN. “I chal­lenge any black per­son to try to make that point. Cops are actu­al­ly awe­some. They are the only thing in the ghet­to between this place being the wild, wild west. So this notion that cops are out there just killing black men is ridicu­lous and I hate that nar­ra­tive com­ing out of this entire situation.”Barkley pre­vi­ous­ly had strong words about the vio­lent pro­test­ers in Ferguson, call­ing them “scum­bags”.

I am extreme­ly reluc­tant to respond to some­one, whose vocab­u­lary’s extent is the word stupid.
Mister Barkley like many oth­ers have grown fat and com­fy on the backs of count­less moral and intel­lec­tu­al heavy­weights who have gone on before us.
Such is life that an intel­lec­tu­al imbe­cile like Barkley can sit in a tele­vi­sion stu­dio and make dis­parag­ing unin­formed state­ments about his own peo­ple, when the likes of King,Malcolm, DuBois, Douglas, Evers and count­less oth­ers paid the price so that he may do so.
I though that I would address at length the con­tra­dic­tion which is Charles Barkley but it’s not nec­es­sary . One of his for­mer col­leagues have done a mas­ter­ful job in address­ing mis­ter Barkley , bet­ter than I ever could.
I will just has­ten to ask that we do not quick­ly char­ac­ter­ize mis­ter Barkley as a house negro.
You see, we miss a fun­da­men­tal truth about the house negro.
History is not kind to him/​her. With all of the neg­a­tive con­no­ta­tions attached to the house negro, one fun­da­men­tal fact eludes us.
The house negro was a con­duit which pro­vid­ed the field negro with valu­able infor­ma­tion on the who, when where, and how.
So as we seek to place Charles Barkley let us not mis­place him in that all impor­tant cat­e­go­ry of house negro.

It’s impor­tant that Charles Barkley be informed /​reminded the rea­son they place a micro­phone in front of him is so he can con­tin­ue to make a buf­foon of him­self. It’s time mis­ter Barkley under­stands he is a mere car­i­ca­ture of their most base racist and igno­rant narrative.
It’s time some­one tell the Emperor he is naked.….….. 


They did it in the Trayvon Martin tri­al and now with Mike Brown and the deci­sion in Ferguson. It’s not that you shouldn’t ever

Kenny Smith
Kenny Smith

have an opin­ion, but you are often quot­ed along­side the likes of Al Sharpton and even President Obama. I would hope that Sharpton or President Obama would nev­er be ref­er­enced with you when pick­ing the next NBA Champs!

The body of work that our Black Civil Rights lead­ers put in by plan­ning, exe­cut­ing and acti­vat­ing does not jus­ti­fy you being in the con­ver­sa­tion. While your body of work on the court very few com­pare to nor should be men­tioned when you are giv­ing your expert analy­sis. Again, I respect that you have an opin­ion on Ferguson. And here’s mine.

The ques­tion must be asked: Why is there so much dis­trust in the police and the legal sys­tem from the African-American com­mu­ni­ty? Without man­i­fest­ing what the effects of slav­ery still have today, Dec 1st still marks only 59 years since Rosa Parks sat on that mem­o­rable bus. Many of our par­ents and grand­par­ents have lived through those times and have passed those sto­ries on to all of us. Those civ­il rights changes were at one time the law! They were not illegal.”

So did the pro­tec­tion of the law by the courts and police make it right? Obviously not, so as African-Americans we still know and feel that there are laws and juris­dic­tions that severe­ly penal­ize the poor and, most impor­tant­ly, African-Americans greater than any oth­er group. Some laws were ini­tial­ly made with­out us as equals in mind; that’s just the facts. So the thought process that it’s not for us or by us will unfor­tu­nate­ly lead to distrust.”

When some­one is in “the strug­gle,” which many of our black com­mu­ni­ties are in, they are liv­ing with a lack of edu­ca­tion­al facil­i­ties, high unem­ploy­ment and poor recre­ation­al facil­i­ties. The mass­es involved in “the strug­gle” will react in sev­er­al ways. They can over­come it, chal­lenge it, live in it, or fall vic­tim to it … For those of us who are decades removed from “the strug­gle” because of our life through sports or busi­ness, we now have to acknowl­edge that every option list­ed exists. If not, then we are the igno­rant ones.”

That leads me to the loot­ers and civil­ians burn­ing build­ings which you referred to as “scum­bags.” Here’s an anal­o­gy: If you put 100 peo­ple on an island with no food, no water, no hope of a ship com­ing, then some will over­come it and be resource­ful, some will live in it, oth­ers will pan­ic and oth­ers will show hor­rif­ic char­ac­ter, which is wrong. But not to under­stand that all alter­na­tives are pos­si­ble is wrong as well. I was also dis­heart­ened to see the reac­tion of burn­ing build­ings and loot­ers by some. However, when you are in “The Struggle” to not expect that that poten­tial reac­tion is fool­ish on our part.”

When some­one is in “the strug­gle,” which many of our black com­mu­ni­ties are in, they are liv­ing with a lack of edu­ca­tion­al facil­i­ties, high unem­ploy­ment and poor recre­ation­al facil­i­ties. The mass­es involved in “the strug­gle” will react in sev­er­al ways. They can over­come it, chal­lenge it, live in it, or fall vic­tim to it … For those of us who are decades removed from “the strug­gle” because of our life through sports or busi­ness, we now have to acknowl­edge that every option list­ed exists. If not, then we are the igno­rant ones.”

That leads me to the loot­ers and civil­ians burn­ing build­ings which you referred to as “scum­bags.” Here’s an anal­o­gy: If you put 100 peo­ple on an island with no food, no water, no hope of a ship com­ing, then some will over­come it and be resource­ful, some will live in it, oth­ers will pan­ic and oth­ers will show hor­rif­ic char­ac­ter, which is wrong. But not to under­stand that all alter­na­tives are pos­si­ble is wrong as well. I was also dis­heart­ened to see the reac­tion of burn­ing build­ings and loot­ers by some. However, when you are in “The Struggle” to not expect that that poten­tial reac­tion is fool­ish on our part.”

Others have respond­ed to Barkley , today we fea­ture Kenny Smith.
Wow !!!!!