Heavily Armed Mercenaries Threaten Law Enforcement On Maxfield Ave:

One of the tools used to erode the rule of law in Jamaica is demagoguery.
The Media, Criminal Rights activists, and oth­ers have used this tool rather effec­tive­ly to com­plete­ly turn the pop­u­la­tion against law enforce­ment over the last 30 years.
The nation’s teeth is now on edge from suck­ing that sour fruit.
Part of the dem­a­gog­ic approach has been to ridicule the sequence of events giv­en by Police in shoot­ing inci­dents. They do so by cast­ing doubt and cre­at­ing the impres­sion the events as out­lined were con­coct­ed by offi­cers, sole­ly to escape accountability.
From time to time police con­front armed crim­i­nals result­ing in some­one being shot, and no weapons are recovered.
That sce­nario has been a gift to the ene­mies of the rule of law who exploit these inci­dents to the fullest.

As a result, I wrote the fol­low­ing arti­cle below out­lin­ing some of the sce­nar­ios in which these events can and do occur.

How Terrain And Topography Affect Policing .….

As a con­se­quence of this sec­ond guess­ing an entire­ly new career genre has emerged against law enforce­ment, all sup­pos­ed­ly in sup­port of human rights, but which are instead cesspools of sup­port and com­fort to the Island’s killers and rapists.

As a for­mer police offi­cer in that ingrate incu­ba­tor, I have tried to shed some light on these issues with a view to bring­ing some truth and per­spec­tive to counter the lies and deceptions.
My attempts should not be con­strued to mean that there aren’t excep­tions to the rule.
They are cer­tain­ly not intend­ed to sug­gest that there are no crooked cops who step out­side the bound­aries of the law and shame their cho­sen profession.
Truth be told when I served I bare­ly tol­er­at­ed many of the cops with whom I worked, (that sen­ti­ment may have been mutu­al) and many years after I left, I am shocked at what I hear from some past and serv­ing members.
But that is true of any cho­sen pro­fes­sion, it has noth­ing to do with the pro­fes­sion, it is total­ly about the peo­ple who are in those disciplines.

I want to show­case two inci­dents which hap­pened on Tuesday which should add some per­spec­tive to my contention.

Constable Akeem McLean was shot and injured in the vicin­i­ty of Regent Street and Golden Heights, Denham Town.

Incident #1

The Police said McLean was a part of a team respond­ing to reports of explo­sions in the Race Course area about 2:10 am. Upon reach­ing the Metcalf Remand Centre, the offi­cers noticed men car­ry­ing out sus­pi­cious activ­i­ties but when they alight­ed from their vehi­cles to inves­ti­gate, they were shot at. The gun­fire was returned, and the men fled.
Anderson said McLean who was wear­ing a bal­lis­tic vest, was shot dur­ing the exchange. “The vest actu­al­ly cush­ioned the impact of the bul­let, but the frag­ments from the bul­let actu­al­ly inflict­ed the wound to his neck.

So much for the lying dem­a­gog­ic vil­lage lawyers who have an opin­ion on everything.
This police con­sta­ble was almost killed, no weapon was recov­ered and as far as we know none of the assailants may have been injured.
Now if we flip the script a lit­tle and these offi­cers had come out of their vehi­cle guns blaz­ing, chances are Constable McLean would not have been shot and almost killed, a mere week after Constable Hanson was slaugh­tered on Constant Spring Road.
So let us imag­ine things a lit­tle bit fur­ther, what if one of the scum were hit and the oth­ers had fled leav­ing no weapons behind?

We all know what would have transpired!
Terrence Williams, the chief lying dem­a­gogue, would have called a press con­fer­ence to shed croc­o­dile tears about his con­cern for the shoot­ing of these malig­nant tumors.
There would have been much hoopla in the media and on social media about how the police are deranged lunatics.
But once it was the police who found them­selves on the busi­ness end of the gun it is crickets.…..Total silence.…


In anoth­er inci­dent on Tuesday, two men were fatal­ly shot by the police in a sec­tion of Arnett Gardens called Zimbabwe. Two guns — a rifle and a hand­gun — were seized fol­low­ing that shoot­ing, police said.
The two men remained uniden­ti­fied up to yesterday.
According to the police, a team was on patrol in the vicin­i­ty of Paradise Grove when the offi­cers were greet­ed with gun­fire. The law­men returned fire, and the men were shot.

The Police said it was the third attack on mem­bers of the police force in that area of the city in the past two weeks.

These two dirt­bags met their just due but just imag­ine if the police were shot at, returned fire, and their cronies had man­aged to scoop up those two weapons?
Yes, Terrence Williams and the bunch of leech­es who can­not cut it in the real world on their own with­out tax­pay­ers largess would have had a field day with this.

In sum­ma­tion let me say this, there is much that has been done over the decades to lead us to this point in Jamaica.
These actions have had a fer­til­iz­ing effect on crime, yet none has empow­ered crim­i­nals more than the work of Jamaicans for Justice, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Families against State Terrorism and oth­ers lead­ing to the cre­ation of INDECOM.
These attacks on our police offi­cers were even sub­tly called for by the for­mer head of the Government’s own pub­lic defend­er’s office.
Former head Earl Witter said that for police accounts of dead gun­men to be cred­i­ble there would have to be more dead cops.
That shock­ing state­ment came from a tax pay­er fund­ed bureaucrat.

In the mean­time, heav­i­ly armed gun­men are threat­en­ing to kill mem­bers of the JDF and JCF if they are seen in the low­er sec­tions of Maxfield Avenue.
In any oth­er nation in which these kinds of threats are made the Government would have sent in the best troops they have and bull­dozed the entire thing if nec­es­sary to root out this threat to the Nation.
In Jamaica, it is busi­ness as usual.
We also hear that key duties are on track to be removed from the Police and placed into the hands of pri­vate secu­ri­ty companies.
These events will invari­ably erode fur­ther what lit­tle effec­tive­ness the police has, cre­at­ing, even more, law­less­ness in the country.

I warn this Administration not to use any pub­lic resource to pay any secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny to do any duties which should fall under the nation’s police department.
Much dam­age has been done to our coun­try as a result of INDECOM it behoove the Government to gar­ner what­ev­er resources it can toward the mod­ern­iz­ing the legit­i­mate Police Agency of the country/
Unless of course, the end game is to destroy the JCF as part of a larg­er plan totally.