Heaven Helps When The Volcano Blows

Another American city erupts in violence.
This time it’s Baltimore Maryland over the death of Freddy Grey who died from a sev­ered spine while in Police custody.
It is the same as usu­al Grey was a crim­i­nal with an expan­sive rap-sheet.
Police effect a vio­lent arrest took him into cus­tody and now he is dead.

citizens make their voices heard
cit­i­zens make their voic­es heard

For some in the White com­mu­ni­ty it’s no big deal it’s just anoth­er nig­ger dead.
For the black com­mu­ni­ty it is one more exam­ple of police act­ing as judge jury and executioner.
Many in the Black com­mu­ni­ty believe racial diver­si­ty in police depart­ments is the answer to the epi­dem­ic of police bru­tal­i­ty in America.
I dis­agree it has any­thing to do with the way police behave.

America's police departments have displayed a tone-deafness to police murder of citizens
America’s police depart­ments have dis­played a tone-deaf­ness to police mur­der of citizens

Lost in the noise as always, is the nev­er end­ing litany or periph­er­al issues affect­ing the African-American com­mu­ni­ty, it makes good talk­ing points until the winds died down and it’s back to the status-quo.
The fact of the mat­ter is that police depart­ments have to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for the actions of the peo­ple they put into the com­mu­ni­ties to act as police officers. 

Violence erupts following funeral for Freddie Gray in Baltimore
Violence erupts fol­low­ing funer­al for Freddie Gray in Baltimore

During Martin O’Malley’s admin­is­tra­tion as may­or, the depart­ment had become 43% African American.[25] While progress has been made to improve the depart­men­t’s rela­tion­ship with Baltimore’s now major­i­ty African American com­mu­ni­ty, improve­ments are still being made to the depart­ment which for sev­er­al years has been sub­ject to crit­i­cism for its treat­ment of African American cit­i­zens. Police com­mu­ni­ty rela­tions have remained strained with the war on drugs that has plagued sev­er­al African American neigh­bor­hoods in East and West Baltimore and coin­ci­den­tal­ly enough, many of the most despised offi­cers in sev­er­al of Baltimore’s African American neigh­bor­hoods are also African American.wikipedia.

Freddy Gray Protest Erupts In Chaos As Baltimore Police Cars Get Smashed
Freddy Gray Protest Erupts In Chaos As Baltimore Police Cars Get Smashed

How long do they think they will be able to sus­tain the sim­mer­ing caul­dron of anger and resent­ment that is threat­en­ing to engulf us all?
When Dr.King marched and fought over 50 years ago the num­ber one issue fac­ing black Americans was police brutality.
Today the prob­lem is the same.
States in America have demon­strat­ed a mad­den­ing tone-deaf­ness in deal­ing with the issues of police bru­tal­i­ty and murder.
Governors elect­ed by the peo­ple stand with police abuse of black citizens.

American Governors reac­tion to police abuse with­ing their states have the pre­dictable default posi­tion of mobi­liz­ing the nation­al guard.

This is a powder keg...
This is a pow­der keg…

The truth is some are afraid to tack­le police unions and oth­ers do not care to do any­thing about the problem.
The police should take no com­fort in the silence or tac­it acqui­es­cence of some with­in the white com­mu­ni­ty who sup­port them when they engage in crim­i­nal conduct.
They are the ones who will face the music when the pal­pa­ble anger becomes too much to be kept under a lid.
They can talk about loot­ing and destruc­tion of prop­er­ty all they want, rather than con­demn they bet­ter learn the per­ti­nent lessons real fast.
We shall over­come will not appease this generation .…