Hayworth Talks To Black Church About Food-stamps And Other Gov Benefits

Hayworth and alleged Gay son
Hayworth and alleged Gay son

Off Year Elections are due In the United States in just a mat­ter of hours. All across the Country vot­ers will be going out to elect Governors, Senators. Congressional Representatives and every­thing all the way down to Dog-catch­er. Okay maybe not dog-catch­er, but some of the Candidates run­ning are not fit to be Dog catch­ers really.

It is the habit of Politicians to can­vass for votes wher­ev­er they can find them.

Democrats are real­ly tame when it comes to the ground game of Republicans.

Frankly the fact that there is a com­pet­i­tive Republican Party is tes­ta­ment to the Racist , Xenophobia of Americans.

The Republican Party has lit­er­al­ly blocked progress over the last 6 years sole­ly on the basis that they do not want President Barack Obama to have any achieve­ment to his credit.

For those of you who say, “who me I’m not racist I have a black friend” , that is called Racism. Putting hatred and Party over Country bor­ders on trea­son. Yet the entire Republican Party signed on to sab­o­tage Obama’s Presidency. From all indi­ca­tions they will be reward­ed with more seats in the House of Representatives and some believe even tak­ing con­trol of the United States Senate.

Sean Patrick Maloney
Sean Patrick Maloney

I was always a lit­tle mys­ti­fied at the con­cept of a President of One Party the Senate of that Party and the House from the oth­er par­ty. Why vote for a President if he is not allowed to enact his agen­da? Oh well it’s the con­cept of Divided Government, I get it.…not really !!!

Nan Hayworth, the Republican seek­ing to unseat Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney a Gay Democrat in New York’s 18th Congressional District launched an Ad fea­tur­ing her son who claims to be Gay . Hayworth’s son tells poten­tial vot­ers in the Ad his Mom Nan is no extrem­ist. Never mind that Maloney is run­ning Ads with Hayworth claim­ing in her own words that she a is proud Radical.

Issues aside, being Gay is the cool thing to be these days it seem. People are falling over them­selves to let every­one know they are Homosexuals. I won­dered to myself whether this cam­paign was about who could be the more deviant.

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Sunday Morning November 2nd Nan Hayworth turned up at the large­ly Black Beulah Baptist Church to beg for votes. As is cus­tom­ary our Pastor in his gen­er­ous Wisdom, gives those run­ning for office the oppor­tu­ni­ty to tell vot­ers what they are for, irre­spec­tive of Party.

Hayworth addressed the Congregation for just over sev­en min­utes, not once dur­ing the address did she men­tion the word Republican. Not once did she men­tion that she is a Radical Tea Party Republican who fought the Obama Agenda tooth and nail. Hayworth men­tioned Obama once and it was mere­ly as a pass­ing ref­er­ence. The thing which real­ly both­ered me about Hayworth though was that she thought it was per­fect­ly okay to show up on a Sunday Morning to a black Church and talk about Food-stamps and Medicaid.

Obviously to Nan, black peo­ple are only con­cerned about receiv­ing food-stamp ben­e­fits and oth­er good­ies from Government. But of course you may lis­ten to her 7 min­utes address and judge for your­self. At the end of her address Congregants gave Tea par­ty dar­ling Nan a cour­te­ous round of applause. I am a lit­tle uncer­tain whether they felt dis­re­spect­ed that she would see fit to address them on Food-stamps and oth­er Government benefits.

Hayworth nev­er both­ered to men­tion that while in Congress she vot­ed to..

(1 Repeal Obama-Care report­ing require­ments for small busi­ness. (Jan 2011)

(2 Voted YES on ter­mi­nat­ing the Home Affordable mort­gage Program. (Mar 2011)

(3 No EPA reg­u­la­tion of green­house gas­es. (Jan 2011)

(4 Voted YES on bar­ring EPA from reg­u­lat­ing green­house gas­es. (Apr 2011)

After the address I mut­tered to my son that Hayworth was very slick in not men­tion­ing that she was a mem­ber of the Republican Party and a Tea Party member.

One lady asked me what was Tea Party

All across America Politicians will be get­ting elect­ed on lies dis­tor­tions and guile, sim­ply because too many of us refuse to apprise our­selves of the issues.