Hardley A Success..

Why did he not issue the order to arrest Coke? Remember he said  Lewin indi­cat­ed that the sur­veil­lance would allow for a “soft” deten­tion of Coke and avoid poten­tial unrest should the extra­di­tion request reach the Jamaican authorities.

Stewart Saunders
Stewart Saunders

General Stewart Saunders this morn­ing tes­ti­fied that Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke “hur­ried­ly” left his upper St Andrew home and drove to his west Kingston strong­hold of Tivoli Gardens near­ly five min­utes after he and the Police Commissioner at the time briefed then Prime Minister Bruce Golding.

I am uncer­tain how this bit of news is rel­e­vant in the con­text of the ongo­ing Inquiry been con­duct­ed into events which occurred when the Military and Police entered Tivoli Gardens to arrest Coke who was want­ed for extra­di­tion to the United States .
Unless there is evi­dence that someone(Golding) for exam­ple alert­ed Coke. How is it rel­e­vant when Coke could sim­ply and coin­ci­den­tal­ly be head­ing to Tivoli the epic-cen­ter of his operations.
Saunders told the com­mis­sion that then Police Commissioner Rear Admiral Hardley Lewin request­ed the sur­veil­lance of Coke, indi­cat­ing that he had become aware of a like­ly extra­di­tion request for the for­mer Tivoli Gardens strong­man. According to Saunders, Lewin indi­cat­ed that the sur­veil­lance would allow for a “soft” deten­tion of Coke and avoid poten­tial unrest should the extra­di­tion request reach the Jamaican authorities.

Hardley Lewin
Hardley Lewin

If this evi­dence is true… If Lewin believed Golding to be the source of the leak.
Then it appeared Lewin want­ed to dam­age Golding more than to do his job.
It would appear that Hardly Lewin failed dis­mal­ly as the head law enforce­ment Officer to uphold his sworn oath to pro­tect and serve.
Lewin had always referred to Tivoli Gardens as the moth­er of all Garrisons. If Tivoli was the moth­er then the intri­cate web of PNP Garrisons across the Nation were cer­tain­ly grow­ing chil­dren as far as Garrisons are concerned.
Of course those seemed to have elud­ed Lewin while he was head of the JDF and as head of the Constabulary.
It is shock­ing that Saunders could assert that both he and Lewin were aware that Coke would be want­ed for extra­di­tion and did noth­ing , even though they claimed he was under sur­veil­lance. The state­ment of Saunders opened up both the JCF AND JDF to con­dem­na­tion of being incred­i­bly incompetent.
If they had Coke under surveillance.
If he knew the order to extra­dite was com­ing down the pipe.
If he had infor­ma­tion that Coke was head­ed for Tivoli Gardens soon after he briefed the Prime Minister,and if Lewin was told Coke was alert­ed . Why did Lewin not use his author­i­ty to do what he said he would do? According to Saunders, Lewin indi­cat­ed that the sur­veil­lance would allow for a “soft” deten­tion of Coke and avoid poten­tial unrest should the extra­di­tion request reach the Jamaican authorities

Christopher (Duddus)Coke
Christopher (Duddus)Coke

That was the moment for Lewin to do his Job and he did not.
On that note Lewin should be seen for what he real­ly was a polit­i­cal oper­a­tive who did not do his job.