Happy Birthday Jamaica:

coat of arms

Jamaica turned 49 years old as an inde­pen­dent Nation on August 6th 2011. True to form our peo­ple engaged in a series of activ­i­ties, and sport­ing events to mark the Country’s Independence.

Jamaicans have a euniqe abil­i­ty to make some­thing out of noth­ing , so it was not hard to imag­ine the var­i­ous activ­i­ties all around the coun­try to mark this event. On Sunday a group of church lead­ers , led by the rev­erend Al Miller of (dudus fame) led a march of chris­tians and well wish­ers through the com­mu­ni­ty of Lauriston just out­side the old Capital of Spanish Town. The pur­pose of the march was to give hope to res­i­dents of that com­mu­ni­ty crip­pled by fear, fear of a series of behead­ings that occured over a peri­od of just one week . During which three peo­ple were ruth­less­ly decap­i­tat­ed .The group of marchers , dressed in black report­ed­ly stopped at the gates of res­i­dents to pray and offer com­fort to them.

I com­mend rev­erend Miller as exten­sive­ly as I crit­i­cized him in the Christopher dudus Coke case. Any act of com­mu­ni­ty must be com­mend­ed, I will not begin to sec­ond guess or mon­day morn­ing quar­ter ‑back the actions of any­one who is so involved. As such I salute those res­i­dents who took the ini­ta­ti­ave to march for their com­mu­ni­ties and by exten­sion the country.

I salute the police for arrest­ing and bring­ing 4 sus­pects into cus­tody in rela­tion­ship to the afore­men­tioned killings.

As I have indi­cat­ed in pre­vi­ous blogs this new trend which strikes ter­ror into the hearts of res­i­dents , may have at it’s geni­sis a pos­i­tive devel­ope­ment. I have pre­vi­ous­ly the­riosed that the unend­ing sup­ply of bul­lets may have been dis­rupt­ed. This I the­o­rized is at the heart of this more nean­derthal method of killing , hav­ing spo­ken to sources on the ground ‚this the­o­ry have been some­what confirmed.

Are the Jamaican Police look­ing at this and for­mu­lat­ing a plan for­ward? As I com­mend them for the arrests I must state my absoloute lack of faith that those arrest­ed will even­tu­al­ly be held respon­si­ble for those killings. E ven if they are miracelous­ly found guilty in a Jamaican court, the sen­tence met­ed out to them will be a slap on the wrist and they will be back on the streets in no time.

Lets exam­ine what can be accom­plishe by this and oth­er march­es. They can poten­tial­ly assauge fears , com­fort the bereaved and trau­ma­tized, as well as show sol­i­dar­i­ty with the com­mu­ni­ty. none of these things, though admirable, will pre­vent the next killing, whether by decap­i­ta­tion or otherwise.

The les­son this and all com­mu­ni­ties must learn is that shield­ing crim­i­nals , fail­ing to report crim­i­nal activ­i­ties , and choos­ing the side of evil over that of the rule of law, does have dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences for your health.

There are var­i­ous Organizations oper­at­ing in Jamaica that pur­port to be ded­i­cat­ed to Human Rights. Here are three of them.

Amnesty International: British based with Offices around the world .

Jamaicans for Justice: head­ed by Carolyn Gomes. Given a National honor.

Families against State Terrorism; head­ed by Yvonne Sobers Mcalla: State terrorism?

The most basic and fun­da­men­tal right a per­son has , is the right to life. Neither group was present yes­ter­day , march­ing with those who sup­port the rule of law and those trau­ma­tized by these events. And do you know why they weren’t there?? There is non pub­lic­i­ty to be gained , if the agents of the state are not involved they do not care, what they care about is per­se­cut­ing inno­cent hard work­ing Police Officers and mem­bers of Our Military who risk life and limb to make sure those fraude­lent imposters are safe. As nau­se­at­ed as I am at that con­cept they do have the right to life. And as such we will all have to deal with their hypocrisy and lies.

Jamaicans have a choice to make, the answer does not lie in prayer alone, when we pary we must acti­vate the response by our par­tic­i­pa­tion. God does the big things , we have to do the small things, if women,/mothers wives/​girlfriends /​sisters/​neices/​aunts , con­tin­ue to shield and lie to pro­tect the crim­i­nal men in their fam­i­lies noth­ing will change . As long as a man’s val­ue is deter­mined by how much mon­ey he can give to a girl he likes, then each and every young man will be forced to show his worth and sat­is­fy his lust by rob­bing and mur­der­ing to get those dollars.

As a for­mer Prime Minister infa­mous­ly stat­ed quote “man fi hav nuff gal” it brings into sharp focus the putrid min­d­est that is at the heart of those killigs.