Hands Off Politicos

I’m all for account­abil­i­ty but there is sim­ply too much pos­tur­ing and pol­i­tics involved in polic­ing in Jamaica. Montague had every right to request a report from the Commissioner of police the method he chose was out of line and should not be tol­er­at­ed by the police hier­ar­chy. It’s time that the police stand up to these grand­stand­ing part-timers.

Over 1600 Jamaicans were slaugh­tered by ter­ror­ist thugs last year, thus far this year they are on a mer­ry clip to kill as many this year if not more.

Tactical Jamaican police team

Thes guys can solve this prob­lem, turn them lose to stop the killings.

Our offi­cers fear no one„ stop shack­ling them.

Our offi­cers need sup­port to go after the killers.

Police have pulled back because the gov­ern­ment has demon­strat­ed that it does not sup­port them.

Prime Minister Holness, step aside, call off your hounds, allow the police to do their jobs.

Police secu­ri­ty team

We say to Prime Minister Andrew Holness stop play­ing this polit­i­cal game you are play­ing. We say to Peter Phillips and his band of cultists, stop play­ing pol­i­tics and put coun­try first.