Gunman Who ‘ambushed’ Fargo Officers Had 1,800 Rounds Of Ammunition And A Grenade, AG Says

The gun­man who ambushed three Fargo, North Dakota, police offi­cers in an unpro­voked attack Friday had an arse­nal that includ­ed 1,800 rounds of ammu­ni­tion and a home­made hand grenade, the state attor­ney gen­er­al said Wednesday.

Mohamad Barakat, 37, “absolute­ly ambushed” the offi­cers, firing a .223-cal­iber rifle from inside his vehi­cle Friday as police were respond­ing to a car acci­dent, Attorney General Drew Wrigley said.

One offi­cer, Jake Wallin, 23, was killed and two oth­ers were shot and wound­ed. Barakat was shot and killed by Police Officer Zach Robinson, offi­cials said.

Barakat also shot a woman who was stand­ing on the street after the unre­lat­ed car acci­dent. She was struck twice as she ran from the gun­fire, Wrigley said.

Official por­traits of Fargo, N.D., police offi­cers involved in a shoot­ing a day ear­li­er are dis­played dur­ing a news con­fer­ence, Saturday, July 15, 2023, at Fargo City Hall. Officer Jake Wallin, far left, was fatal­ly shot. Officers Andrew Dotas and Tyler Hawes were both crit­i­cal­ly injured. Officer Zachary Robinson, who killed the sus­pect and is on paid admin­is­tra­tive leave, is also pic­tured. Authorities have said a civil­ian was also injured. (AP Photo/​Ann Arbor Miller )This pho­to pro­vid­ed by The City of Fargo, N.D., on Saturday, July 15, 2023 shows police offi­cer Zach Robinson. On Saturday, Fargo’s police chief said a gun­man opened fire on police and fire­fight­ers as they respond­ed to a traf­fic crash in North Dakota. One offi­cer was killed and two oth­ers were wound­ed before a fourth offi­cer, Robinson, killed him. 

In the wake of Mohamad Barakat’s mur­der­ous, unpro­voked attack, Officer Zach Robinson’s use of dead­ly force was rea­son­able, it was nec­es­sary, it was jus­ti­fied, and in all ways it was law­ful,” he said.

Robinson, who was in the road around 75 feet away, radioed for help and returned fire, and one of the bul­lets he fired dis­abled Barakat’s .223-cal­iber rifle, Wrigley said.

Barakat, who was wound­ed and now out­side his vehi­cle, got a 9 mm hand­gun and was “wav­ing it around” before Robinson even­tu­al­ly shot and killed him, Wrigley said.

The shoot­ing is under inves­ti­ga­tion, and offi­cials have said a motive is unknown.

Wrigley said the offi­cers, who were there for a traf­fic acci­dent, were shot with­out warn­ing or reason.

He absolute­ly ambushed them from inside that vehi­cle. They had no way to know,” he said.

Inside the vehi­cle, inves­ti­ga­tors found the 1,800 rounds of .223-cal­iber ammu­ni­tion, explo­sives, gas can­is­ters and a home­made grenade with a fuse out of the top that was oper­a­tional, Wrigley said.

There were three long guns in all, one of which had a scope, as well as four hand­guns and a vest car­ry­ing mag­a­zines, he said.

This photo released by the North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation on Wednesday, July 19, 2023, shows the cache of weapons and ammunition that authorities recovered from the car of a man who opened fire on Fargo, N.D., police officers on Friday, July 14. One officer, Jake Wallin, was killed and two others were injured before a fourth officer shot and killed 37-year-old Mohamad Barakat. (North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation via AP)

The rifle used in the attack had two mag­a­zines that were attached side by side, car­ry­ing 60 rounds total, Wrigley said. Barakat fired 40 or 41 rounds before the rifle was struck and dis­abled, he said.

Mayor Tim Mahoney said that had police not killed Barakat, “we would have had many more casualties.”

Police Chief David Zibolski said it was remark­able that Robinson, armed with a hand­gun, was able to shoot Barakat and dis­able his rifle from 75 feet away while being shot at.

The inci­dent and the gun­fight last­ed around two min­utes, he said.

Wrigley said Robinson gave Barakat 16 direc­tives to raise his hands or put the gun down before he shot Barakat.

Officials are expect­ed to release more infor­ma­tion Friday.

The shoot­ing was cap­tured on police body-worn cam­eras, which Wrigley said were reviewed along with oth­er evidence.

He said that the gun­fire by Barakat was so rapid that it sound­ed like ful­ly auto­mat­ic fire and that Robinson believed it was ful­ly automatic.

It will fool any­body who lis­tens to it,” Wrigley said.

Officials believe that Barakat legal­ly acquired all the weapons and that he was not pro­hib­it­ed from hav­ing firearms, but the inves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ues, Wrigley said.

In addi­tion to the guns in the car, addi­tion­al firearms were found in a search of his res­i­dence, he said. Barakat car­ried the guns to his car in a rolling suit­case, he said.

Gov. Doug Burgum ordered Tuesday that flags be flown at half-staff through Saturday in hon­or of Wallin, the offi­cer who was killed.

The two offi­cers who were wound­ed were still hos­pi­tal­ized in crit­i­cal but sta­ble con­di­tion Wednesday and are improv­ing, said Zibolski, the police chief.

This arti­cle was orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished on NBCNews​.com