Guilty Of Violating George Floyd’s Civil Rights…

From left to right J Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane & you Thao

Former Minneapolis police offi­cers Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng, and Thomas Lane were found guilty of vio­lat­ing George Floyd’s civ­il rights by a fed­er­al jury in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Thursday. The 12 jurors — four men and eight women — found Lane, Kueng, and Thao guilty of depriv­ing Floyd of his civ­il rights by show­ing delib­er­ate indif­fer­ence to his med­ical needs as for­mer Minneapolis police offi­cer Derek Chauvin knelt on Floyd for more than 9 min­utes on May 25, 2020 — ulti­mate­ly killing him. The jurors also found Thao and Kueng guilty of an addi­tion­al charge for fail­ing to inter­vene to stop Chauvin. Lane, who did not face the extra charge, tes­ti­fied that he asked Chauvin twice to repo­si­tion Floyd while restrain­ing him but was denied both times.

Hopefully, this ver­dict will send a strong mes­sage to police across the coun­try that they are law enforce­ment offi­cers, not judges, jury, and exe­cu­tion­ers. Also that whether a per­son com­mits a crime or a vio­la­tion, that act is com­mit­ted against a per­son or the state and not against them.
It is not out of the ordi­nary to hear cops telling motorists who may have com­mit­ted the most insignif­i­cant traf­fic vio­la­tion that they are in their town or on their high­way. No town or high­way is the prop­er­ty of any cop or police depart­ment, and even if they were, they would equal­ly be the prop­er­ty of every law­ful dri­ver on the roads as well.
It is now up to depart­ment super­vi­sors to reori­ent cops under their com­mand, not just to refrain from the war­rior train­ing they are unleash­ing on the pub­lic but also to remem­ber that if they do not stop their col­leagues bru­tal­iz­ing charges in their care„, they will go to prison.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.