Guards Stop Shooters In Morning Assassination Attempt :see Videos.

See videos of the incident

From our organ­ic street Reporters who cap­tured the scene as it occurred in the New Kingston Area where two men went to Spartan Gym on Lady Musgrave Road and opened fire hit­ting Uriel James, the leader of the reput­ed Rose Town-based Discipline Gang as he was about to enter the gym com­pound about 7:50 am.
The assailants sprayed his vehi­cle with bullets.

In the videos, the assailants are seen lying on the ground while secu­ri­ty offi­cers took con­trol of the scene. Two firearms were recov­ered and hand­ed over to the Police.

More and more these scenes are play­ing out across the coun­try as crim­i­nals ride up on motor­cy­cles or in motor cars and open fire killing peo­ple and sim­ply dis­ap­pear­ing with­out con­se­quence. Regardless of what we think about the vic­tim in this regard, the act in itself is rep­re­hen­si­ble and should not be tolerated.
In the mean­time, the Government and the crim­i­nal rights lob­by are ful­ly engaged in ren­der­ing the police depart­ment less effec­tive.

Kudos to King Alarm offi­cers who did a great job hang­ing onto the two would-be mur­der­ers until the Police arrived and took them into custody.
On an obser­va­tion sidenote.
The Uniform of King Alarms secu­ri­ty offi­cers is pret­ty impres­sive. As a pro­po­nent of chang­ing the sil­ly uni­form of the police, I won­der what it would take for our police offi­cers to have the uni­form like those worn by King Alam secu­ri­ty guards?

One thought on “Guards Stop Shooters In Morning Assassination Attempt :see Videos.

  1. The vic­tim is a very wealthy Jamaican! But he did NOT got hid wealth from hard and hon­est work. He’s a known crim­i­nal who’s affil­i­at­ed with the Jamaican Labor Party government. 

    The vic­tim owns an apart­ment com­plex close to the Canadian Embassy in Jamaica and sev­er­al oth­er businesses. 

    What hap­pens to the prove or lose laws in Jamaica? Seems like they only enforce it against their polit­i­cal rivals!

    The brazeness of the Jamaican crim­i­nals are not surprising. 

    The hit­men have done their recon­nais­sance, but did­n’t expect that they would be caught in the act. 

    Knowing Jamaican crim­i­nals, the vic­tim won’t coöper­ate with the Jamaican Constabulary Force inves­ti­ga­tors because he does­n’t want to be labeled an informer, snitch, or a rat.

    The secu­ri­ty guards uni­form are supe­ri­or to the Jamaican Constabulary Force mem­bers . Their attire are that of an American Police depart­ment. First class!

    Congrats to King Alarm Security Officers for sav­ing this par­a­site’s life. He is lucky that the secu­ri­ty guards were close by or else he would be added to the list of mur­dered Jamaicans.

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