Great Job Jamaica…(indecom) Has Been A Terrific Success More Innocents Were Murdered !


Before the inception of the (indecom) act. people of questionable characters , murderers, rapists, and other dangerous criminals were killed in confrontations with police.


Terrence Williams

Jamaica has since made the deci­sion that it will go the route of a failed state in which the Island is divid­ed into enclaves con­trolled by gangs who trade in guns, drugs , mur­der for hire, extor­tion and lot­to scamming.

Funerals have since tak­en over as a means for peo­ple to survive.
Grave dig­gers make good mon­ey as they are kept busy keep­ing up with the demand for their services.

Bands and sound-sys­tems make mon­ey as they are con­tract­ed to play at wakes , known local­ly as set-ups.

Funeral par­lors make a killing from the macabre cul­ture of death. Word is that some of the own­ers of these estab­lish­ments actu­al con­tribute to the kill-cul­ture as a means of enhanc­ing their bot­tom lines.

Jerk ven­dors and oth­ers sell­ing every­thing imag­in­able adorn the envi­rons of the home in which a descen­dant lived.

The tra­di­tion­al norm of griev­ing the deceased is replaced with a car­ni­val like atmos­phere of deca­dent cel­e­bra­tion and money-making.

In order for this cul­ture of killing to get to this the police had to be ren­dered impotent.
Both polit­i­cal par­ties saw to that through the cre­ation of con­trol, manip­u­la­tion, inter­fer­ence, and over­lay­ing of over­sight it has used to tie the hands of the police.

The pub­lic, nev­er one sold on the rule of law has tak­en on the gris­ly accep­tance of eat­ing and drink­ing from the pro­ceeds of the dead whose blood lay splat­tered on lit­er­al­ly every square yard of the Island’s vil­lages and towns.

So now the police have stopped active­ly engag­ing these blood­thirsty killers because they have no desire to be pur­sued by a lunatic with too much pow­er intent on incrim­i­nat­ing them.
Why should they?
And the peo­ple cheer for the exis­tence of (inde­com), because in a twist­ed way when the police exter­mi­nate the blood thirsty demons who kill the inno­cents busi­ness is bad for the funer­al direc­tor, the sound sys­tem man, the jerk ven­dor, the bands­men, the hand­cart ven­dors and the grave diggers.
Children have to go to school, these peo­ple all depend on the kill cul­ture to survive.
In a way it is a macabre way for a coun­try to devour itself with­out real­iz­ing it.

Sure today is for that per­son but tomor­row it will be some­one else and ulti­mate­ly you!
None of this mat­ters in this crime infest­ed crim­i­nal paradise.
Death is good busi­ness and (inde­com) ensures that the killing of the inno­cent will con­tin­ue . People have to eat.

This year so far over 1300 peo­ple have been mur­dered on this tiny Island of 4411 square miles and 2.8 mil­lion people.
The peo­ple at the top crow like the true vul­tures they are at the dra­mat­ic less­en­ing of mur­der­ers who meet their just deserts at the hand of the police.
But they are deaf­en­ing­ly silent at the over 1300 killed by the demon­ic blood­thirsty gangsters.
Of course (inde­com) is a rag­ing success»>

One thought on “Great Job Jamaica…(indecom) Has Been A Terrific Success More Innocents Were Murdered !

  1. The tip of the ice­berg is break­ing apart, and it is com­ing down­stream. The only thing to stop what are hap­pen­ing is robust and deci­sive actions by the gov­ern­ment if they are will­ing to aban­don the crim­i­nal wing of the Jamaican populace. 

    Jamaica worst is com­ing in 2017, mark my word! The brazen attacked in the Hunts Bay Police Station is the teas­ing of what are ahead for the Jamaican people! 

    The watch­man sees the dan­ger and warns the peo­ple, but the peo­ple laughed and jeered him. So when their blood is spill, and lives lost. Then the watch­man is free from blame because he has done his job!

    Any Jamaican know about crim­i­nals, and how they oper­at­ed would know the pri­ma­ry and cause for this brazen, bold, and fear­less action that a gun­man went into one of the most pres­ti­gious police sta­tion in Jamaica, that has the name recog­ni­tion to do such a hor­ri­ble, dis­re­spect­ful, and cal­lous act.

    I used to work at Hunts Bay Police Station, and it is one of the hard­est and tough­est police divi­sion in Jamaica. West Kingston, have some dan­ger­ous gangs but Hunts Bay Police area have pro­duced some of the most ruth­less, heart­less, and uncon­scionable killers in Jamaica.And for any­one to work there, you must be very brave and will­ing to take on these criminals.’

    The main rea­son for this attacked in the Hunts Bay Police Station: is Indecom and only a Jamaican fool or crim­i­nal sym­pa­thiz­er, bene­fac­tor, and sup­port­er would not acknowl­edge the truth. 

    The crim­i­nals KNOW that they have the upper hand of the police force who are cow­er­ing in fear of doing their jobs because they are pau­per­ized, pub­lic beg­gars, and finan­cial­ly strug­gling to buy food much less than to find mon­ey to pay attor­neys to go to Indecom when they con­front criminals.

    In Jamaica, law enforce­ment offi­cers are treat­ed like crim­i­nals and crim­i­nals are treat­ed as law enforce­ment offi­cers and role models! 

    What kind of place is this? The crim­i­nals par­adise in the Caribbean Sea, Jamaica no problem!.

    The police force is just a law enforce­ment agency con­trol by the most cor­rupt peo­ple with­in the Jamaican soci­ety, and they waxed rich from their crim­i­nal activ­i­ties, and they don’t care who los­es their lives in their endeav­ors to achieve more wealth.

    Indecom is the MAIN rea­son for the brazen­ness, fear­less, and active pur­suit of a gun­man to go into a police sta­tion want­i­ng to exe­cute one of his rivals at a place where cit­i­zens should feel safe.

    The attacked with­in the con­fines of the Hunts Bay Police Station is unheard of, shock­ing, dis­turb­ing, but not sur­pris­ing at all! And if the politi­cians think­ing that they are immune to these gun tout­ing and blood thirsty men, they bet­ter think again!

    And I have tout­ed for a long time that the day was near for this kind of crim­i­nal activ­i­ties because they are the ones who are not liv­ing in fear but the law abid­ing cit­i­zens and the secu­ri­ty forces. If you watch the record­ings on “Youtube​.com,” you will see how the Jamaican pop­u­lace is obstruct­ing, assault­ing, and dis­re­spect­ing the police dur­ing their duties. 

    But I nev­er knew that it would have been the sta­tion where I used to work, this is the heights of rude­ness on the police force and the gov­ern­ment of Jamaica. 

    The JLP gov­ern­ment do not view itself as a part of the Jamaican gov­ern­ment because they oper­ate with their sets of rules and their jobs are to pro­tect the Jamaica crim­i­nals as they make sure that they got elect­ed to the high­est office of the island.

    Jamaican crim­i­nals are empow­ered to do what­ev­er they want with no reper­cus­sions because the sys­tem is designed for them and thanks to peo­ple like you, Delroy Chuck, St. Andrew Holiness the Prime Minister of Jamaica and the oth­er politi­cians in Jamaica.

    Sir Andrew Holiness, the Jamaican Prime Minister, and the oth­er Jamaican politi­cians (boasie slaves) are doing such an excel­lent job for the crim­i­nals in Jamaica. I am so proud of you for doing Jamaica such a good piece of work by giv­ing com­fort, aid, sup­port, and shel­ter to the most depraved mind­ed Jamaicans, the criminals. 

    The cre­ator of Indecom is the Jamaican Labor Party, and they are the ones who are in charge of the gov­ern­ment, and they should be proud of them­selves for their accom­plish­ments. As the mur­der rate keep climb­ing and the crim­i­nals killing the unarmed cit­i­zens in Jamaica and now the attacked in the con­fines of the Hunts Bay Police Station, and they, deserve a human­i­tar­i­an award for their inac­tion on Indecom. 

    The chick­en is inch­ing clos­er to the roost, don’t wor­ry Mr. Jacket and Tie (St. Andrew Holiness, DisHonorable Minister Delroy Chuck and the oth­er boasie slaves in Jamaica, the next time it is going to be the “House of Parliament or one of the Official Government’s Buildings.”

    When the par­a­sites attack one of these gov­ern­ment build­ings, elect­ed offi­cials or their dawgs, I hope that their body­guards would take refuge by using self-preser­va­tion and leave these elect­ed crim­i­nal sup­port­ers, enablers, and cud­dlers to their con­stituents mer­cy. And hope­ful­ly, they would NOT show them any mer­cy as their modus operan­di of being cold­heart­ed, and wicked.

    Stupidity is some­times an engrained gene, and it doesn’t mat­ter because some­one can write a sen­tence or a para­graph means that they are smart.

    Indecom is the lead­ing caus­es of the crime prob­lems in Jamaica because crim­i­nals know that they have friends in the Jamaican par­lia­ment who are look­ing out for them like Delroy Chuck et al. and the Prime Minister St. Andrew Holiness and the oth­er boasie slaves.

    It is a mat­ter of time before these scoundrels enter the con­fines of these elect­ed MISLEADERS (par­lia­men­tar­i­ans, and gov­ern­ment offi­cials) inti­mate space and unleash what­ev­er anger they have inside of them. Thus by mak­ing one or more them a mar­tyr for every Jamaicans; when this could have been pre­vent­ed by enact­ing laws dis­man­tling Indecom, and make the police the num­ber one secu­ri­ty. The days are draw­ing nigh, so St. Andrew Holiness and the oth­er boasie slaves, think­ing that they are immune from these par­a­sites, they bet­ter think again!

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