Great Example Officer

I am a con­stant crit­ic of the JCF’s senior lead­er­ship which(a) loves to make state­ments to the press it gen­er­al­ly can­not back up.(b) speaks out of turn on crit­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tions and © sits in offices rather than be out on the streets sup­port­ing the men and women under their command.

This lit­tle list of areas in which I can­not agree with the police high com­mand is by far not the only dis­agree­ment that I have as some­one look­ing in.
Certainly there are many areas that the police high com­mand can deliv­er a bet­ter qual­i­ty of ser­vice to the silent major­i­ty of Jamaicans who are not law-break­ers and who want to stand with their police officers.

Nevertheless, when I observe any glim­mer of hope that at least one mem­ber of the senior fra­ter­ni­ty gets it, I am oblig­at­ed to bring it to you just as I bring the crit­i­cisms.
So let’s shout out a “good job” to this senior offi­cer who is out there on a bicy­cle doing the rounds.
Good job officer.