Govts Strategic Approach To Crime More Like Strategic Cowardice…

If you are Jamaican you will be no stranger to the old say­ing that “while the grass a grow di horse a starve.”
Pretty self-explana­to­ry stuff right?
Well, I thought that this old Jamaican proverb appro­pri­ate­ly sums up the cur­rent Jamaican Prime Minister’s state­ment on crime.
On the one hand, I want to give him ground and tag him as sim­ply naive and woe­ful­ly in a bubble.
On the oth­er hand, each day close to [sev­en] peo­ple are shot and killed or decapitated.
Additionally, many are shot and stabbed who man­age to sur­vive, so I have no grace to offer the Prime Minister for his gross elit­ism and mis­in­formed perspective.

Said Holness when asked about crime yesterday…

PM Andrew Holness

The gov­ern­ment is try­ing to take a more strate­gic approach over time rather than a solu­tion that will yield “imme­di­ate results” as that route might cause “imme­di­ate prob­lems”.

That trans­lates into I am afraid of tri­al lawyers and the pha­lanx of crim­i­nal rights lob­by oper­at­ing in Jamaica.
Who would­n’t want imme­di­ate success?
Why are imme­di­ate suc­cess and long term suc­cess mutu­al­ly exclusive?

We’ve learned that les­son already and we’re not going back to those measures,” 
“We’re going to focus on build­ing pub­lic trust and build­ing the con­fi­dence of the secu­ri­ty forces so that they can apply mod­ern polic­ing meth­ods that respect the rights of cit­i­zens.

What absolute nonsense!
The notion that cit­i­zens rights are abridged because law enforce­ment aggres­sive­ly goes after mur­der­ers stinks of either igno­rance or blow­ing smoke up peo­ple’s ass.
At the rate, peo­ple are being killed by the time his strate­gic approach begins to bear fruit if at all, there will be no one left but the killers to see it.

On a note to the igno­rant polit­i­cal hacks who engage in ad hominem attacks, you must know I do not care about your opinions.
Neither do I need your per­mis­sion to be crit­i­cal of the government.
Not that it mat­ters, but the PNP is not in Government so it would be stu­pid of me to engage the PNP who is out of office.
The JLP is the par­ty in pow­er this is their problem.

Surely the Prime Minister’s state­ments must be music to the ears of the mur­der­ers and rapists, includ­ing those who gunned down Constable Nicaldo Green, in his own home in Portmore Saint Catherine, as well as the two masked men who shot and injured a police cor­po­ral at his house inside a gat­ed com­mu­ni­ty in the parish of Trelawny recently.

Let me say this once again to the Prime Minister; ” you keep say­ing that the police were used to using tac­tics and we are not going back to those tactics.”
Let me divest you of that lofty and igno­rant point of view.
Here are the mur­der sta­tis­tics between 1970 and 2016.

Year # of Murders
1970 152
1971 145
1972 170
1973 227
1974 195
1975 266
1976 367
1977 409
1978 381
1979 351
1980 899
1981 490
1982 405
1983 424
1984 484
1986 449
1987 442
1988 414
1989 439
1990 543
1991 561
1992 629
1994 690
1995 780
1998 953
1999 849
2000 887
2002 1045
2003 975
2004 1471
2005 1674
2006 1340
2007 1574
2008 1601
2009 1680
2010 1428
2011 1125
2012 1097
2013 1200
2014 1005
2015 1192
2016 1350

Thus far for 2017 over a thou­sand Jamaicans have been slaugh­tered at the hands of Jamaica’s empow­ered and unen­cum­bered killers.
Please pray tell, if you care about dead Jamaicans where would you rather be on this scale?

The very hard-nosed ded­i­cat­ed polic­ing you have been dem­a­gogu­ing for years clear­ly did not fail as you like to tell those who do not know the truth.
It was politi­cians who failed the Jamaican people.

In fact, it was the ded­i­cat­ed hard-nosed polic­ing which kept the shit out of the fan for years until you, your par­ty and the oth­er crim­i­nals sup­port­ing par­ty now in oppo­si­tion which com­plete­ly demor­al­ized and destroyed the police force.
Now crim­i­nals real­ize they have true friends in Jamaica house who care about their rights over the rights of the vic­tims they slaugh­ter daily.

Let me be absolute­ly clear, it was the PNP and JLP to the extent it was trust­ed with state pow­er, which failed to divest them­selves of crim­i­nal con­nec­tion and support.
It has been the two polit­i­cal par­ties which failed to apply social inter­ven­tion meth­ods in the urban com­mu­ni­ties which They them­selves cre­at­ed and militarized.

The Police did not cre­ate Arnett Gardens nei­ther did they cre­ate Tivoli Gardens. The JCF did not cre­ate any of the dozens of polit­i­cal gar­risons across the Island.
It was crim­i­nal politi­cians who brought our coun­try to this.
Let it be under­stood, at the time politi­cians were hand­ing out guns to young unem­ployed and impres­sion­able youths to kill each oth­er over pol­i­tics, police offi­cers were los­ing their lives try­ing to remove those very guns from the streets.
I am one of those police offi­cers so I know what the f**k I’m talk­ing about.

Imagine if the police weren’t tak­ing it to the scum­bags who want­ed to turn Jamaica into a nar­co-crim­i­nals state in the late 80’s through the ear­ly 1990’s?
It was because we did not accept any shit from them that they ran to Cananda the United States and England, spon­sored of course by politicians.
Many also ran away to Cuba. Let’s not have selec­tive amne­sia about the sequence of events which got us here.
The United States used the Rico statute to pros­e­cute and put away Jamaican gang­sters. Gangsters Jamaica refused to pros­e­cute then and still refuse to pros­e­cute today.

It is only when forced that Jamaican polit­i­cal lead­ers have no choice but to give up for pros­e­cu­tion the most vio­lent despi­ca­ble killers oper­at­ing in Jamaica.
I will not, to the best of abil­i­ties allow the nar­ra­tive to be changed, and the blame for what hap­pened to my coun­try to be mis­placed by politi­cians and the sheep who fol­low them blind­ly. I will not allow his­to­ry to be rewrit­ten by politi­cians and their lap­dog fol­low­ers who are too stu­pid to think for themselves.