Govt’s Attempt To Stop Attrition From JCF Cheeky And Contemptous.

According to the Jamaican Government and the JCF hier­ar­chy, decid­ing to leave the police depart­ment is now tan­ta­mount to a seri­ous assault or with­hold­ing a firearm alleged­ly used in a homi­cide from law enforcement.
It is now the same as what Patrick Powell did.
It is now eas­i­er to crim­i­nal­ize a cop than to hold a mass mur­der­er account­able on the Island.

So you want to know what I’m talk­ing about?
Here goes .….In its week­ly Force Orders, the JCF high com­mand instruct­ed that a six-month notice is now required before resignations.
The Department insists that auto­mat­i­cal­ly accept­ing res­ig­na­tions result in the following:

Disruption to the func­tion­ing of for­ma­tions from the sud­den loss of Specialists who are not eas­i­ly replaced.
• Dismissal of cas­es for want of pros­e­cu­tion where mem­bers who are crit­i­cal wit­ness­es sep­a­rate with­out mak­ing ade­quate pro­vi­sion for the con­tin­u­a­tion of cases. 
• The inabil­i­ty for the orga­ni­za­tion to imple­ment reten­tion strate­gies owing to the absence of data that should have been cap­tured at an exit interview.

The penal­ty for vio­lat­ing this new order will result in a fine of no more than $250,000 or impris­on­ment for a term not exceed­ing three months.
For years the Elites in the intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to and the pen­ny mil­lion­aires have argued that the rea­son for the prob­lems with­in the JCF may be anchored in the fact that the police depart­ment is viewed as a para­mil­i­tary organization.
If we set aside the fact that the vio­lent nature of Jamaicans nec­es­sar­i­ly argues for a para­mil­i­tary force, we may log­i­cal­ly argue that this new order con­firms, and cat­e­go­rizes the JCF not as a para-mil­i­tary agency but a mil­i­tary one.

Andrew Holness

Before we go fur­ther it is impor­tant to deal point by point with the rea­sons the Government and the JCF high com­mand cooked up for this new policy.
All log­i­cal points but how do we get around these same points when an offi­cer dies or has com­mit­ted a crime and must go?

♦ If you are a spe­cial­ist in any capac­i­ty work­ing in any dis­ci­pline it is incum­bent on your employ­er to find ways to (a) keep you in his/​her employ through the use of good salary and remu­ner­a­tions, (b)good work­ing con­di­tions, and © oth­er mea­sures which will keep you in his/​her employ.

If the spe­cial­ist dies or runs afoul of poli­cies which make him/​her no longer employ­able that per­son is gone imme­di­ate­ly. No debrief­ing done.

♦ Companies and agen­cies have a respon­si­bil­i­ty to train enough peo­ple so that they do not have to uncon­sti­tu­tion­al­ly try to pre­vent work­ers they deem spe­cial­ists from leav­ing their employ on their own voli­tion and at their own leisure.

♦Police offi­cers leav­ing police depart­ments is noth­ing new. A sim­ple upgrade to the rules of evi­dence is enough.
Treat Police affi­davits as dying dec­la­ra­tions are treated.
A dying per­son­’s state­ment of fact is viewed as sacro­sanct so too should the police offi­cers dis­in­ter­est­ed state­ment of facts be viewed.
♦ Exit inter­view? This is the most laugh­able. Are police offi­cers CIA spies who need to be debriefed?
This asi­nine excuse is remark­able, there is an over bloat­ed senior staff in the JCF, not senior because they know much about polic­ing or senior out­side the rank they were given.
A sup­posed exit inter­view can be done in a cou­ple of hours, which makes that exit inter­view sto­ry that much more ludicrous.

Commissioner of Police George Quallo

Of all the stu­pid and ret­ro­grade things the Government could do in the sup­posed fight against crime, this is right up there at the top as a real­ly brain dead move.
This is not some­thing thought up at 103 Old Hope Road by Commissioner George Quallo, this is an elit­ist attack on the police which came straight out of Jamaica House.
This is exact­ly a part of Andrew Holness’ Zones of Special Operation Act.

As I have been say­ing the Zones of Special Operations Act is not an attack on crim­i­nals it is an attack on the secu­ri­ty Forces.Without equiv­o­ca­tion, the Andrew Holness Government has decid­ed­ly thrown its lot in against the police.
Criminalizing cops for dar­ing to leave an agency they vol­un­tar­i­ly signed up to is not only cheeky and pre­sump­tu­ous it is unconstitutional.
The notion of attach­ing penal­ties to police offi­cers who have done their time and wish­es to leave the ser­vice at a time of their choos­ing is con­temp­tu­ous and bla­tant­ly dis­re­spect­ful in a coun­try which was afraid to attach puni­tive sanc­tions on Christopher Duddus Coke Tesha Miller, and others.

Bruce Golding

Kern Spencer is a free man despite bla­tant evi­dence that he com­mit­ted crimes in the dis­tri­b­u­tion of light bulbs donat­ed by Cuba.
What this Government is attempt­ing is not only ille­gal it is at its core con­temp­tu­ous of police and their basic human rights.
Of course, its sup­port of INDECOM and the Office of Public Defender is proof pos­i­tive that this admin­is­tra­tion like the one it suc­ceed­ed has no inter­est in low­er­ing the fright­en­ing mur­der num­bers plagu­ing the Island.