Govt Begs Banks Not To Hike Fees, As It Begs Criminals Not To Commit Crimes…

Criticisms by Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Finance Minister Nigel Clarke of the deci­sion of Banks to increase charges on the strug­gling Jamaican pub­lic are a day late and a dol­lar short.
In fact, it demon­strates that this gov­ern­ment, like oth­ers before, lacks the true under­stand­ing of what it takes to pro­tect the gen­er­al pub­lic from rapa­cious huck­sters like the banks oper­at­ing in our country.
Local media report­ed that National Commercial Bank (NCB) and Scotiabank Jamaica recent­ly informed the pub­lic of new ser­vice charges, with increased and rein­stat­ed fees that will take effect between January and March this year.

Among the egre­gious abus­es, the banks are charg­ing their cus­tomers to use their own ATMs, even though they grad­u­at­ed cus­tomers to use the ATMs as a way of clear­ing up lob­by traffic.
Graduating cus­tomers to use their auto­mat­ed ser­vices saves them mon­ey as they do not require as many tellers to ser­vice their customers.
NCB charges $30.95 for cus­tomers with­draw­ing from the bank’s pro­pri­etary ATMs. This ser­vice was pre­vi­ous­ly free. NCB cus­tomers using non-NCB ATMs will be charged $60, while it will cost $25 to make a bal­ance inquiry in an ATM and $500 for the use of Visa deb­it cards at inter­na­tion­al ATMs.
On the oth­er hand, Scotiabank will charge its cus­tomers, with effect from February 1st, $25 to with­draw from its own ATMs and $60 from oth­er banks’ machines, with seniors pay­ing a reduced charge of $31. Scotiabank will also charge cus­tomers $312 to with­draw from an inter­na­tion­al ATM. (The Observer reports).

I have been fol­low­ing this sto­ry with some inter­est for some time. It is fair to rec­og­nize Fitz Jackson, People’s National Party mem­ber of par­lia­ment who has been call­ing on the gov­ern­ment to do some­thing to pro­tect the Jamaican peo­ple from the banks for some time.
The Prime Minister urged finan­cial insti­tu­tions to be cog­nizant of the dif­fi­cul­ties Jamaicans are fac­ing, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the nov­el coro­n­avirus pandemic.
The Finance min­is­ter described the banks as tone-deaf. All well and good, but the peo­ple elect­ed the gov­ern­ment to pro­tect them, not just from the ram­pag­ing gun­men wreak­ing ter­ror on the nation, but from rapa­cious vul­tures like the banks charg­ing fees to use their own ATMs.

As is the case with the vio­lence, the gov­ern­ment lacks the met­tle to deal with the bank­ing industry.
The con­tin­ued incom­pe­tence of this admin­is­tra­tion to [leg­is­late] has left the Jamaican peo­ple open to vio­lent onslaughts from ram­pag­ing mur­der­ers and fleeced of the mea­ger resources by the greedy banks.
The sit­ting gov­ern­ment does­n’t need to beg or beseech the bank­ing sec­tor to do a damn thing. Banks oper­ate in a coun­try sub­servient to that coun­try’s laws. The gov­ern­ment owes the peo­ple strong laws pro­tect­ing them from leech­es and blood­suck­ers like the banks. The gov­ern­ment can­not con­tin­ue to act like it has no tools to address this grave assault on the peo­ple as it sits on its hands while the mur­der­ers ram­page, unafraid of consequences.

The admin­is­tra­tion must imme­di­ate­ly pass laws dic­tat­ing what the banks can and can­not do. If they do not like the laws, they can go else­where to do business.
I con­tin­ue to make the case that we can­not run a coun­ty by beg­ging when we should be leg­is­lat­ing. Begging crim­i­nals to stop com­mit­ting crimes. Begging Banks to stop increas­ing fees is luna­cy. If the admin­is­tra­tion is unable to respond to the needs of the peo­ple, then it is time for it to go.







Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.