Govt : 6 Months Notice Or Prison: Oh You Here Long, You Corrupt , Bye…


Jamaican Politicians are large­ly pig-head­ed fools, we all know that. Well, Member of Parliament Horace Dalley from Clarendon con­firmed it recent­ly in a sub­mis­sion to the parliament.
Expressing him­self in the house Dalley demand­ed that the Government cre­ate a spe­cial squad to inves­ti­gate what he said was approx­i­mate­ly six behead­ings in the parish over the course of about a year.

Seemingly angry the mem­ber of par­lia­ment berat­ed the admin­is­tra­tion for not being [“jerked”] into recog­ni­tion that some­thing is wrong. He demand­ed over and over that a spe­cial squad be formed to inves­ti­gate behead­ings, a clear reminder that peo­ple with no idea what they are talk­ing about should leave secu­ri­ty mat­ters alone, even though I under­stand what appears to be gen­uine con­cerns on Dalley’s part.

Then he said it, “call in the FBI “the mem­ber demanded!
Whoa, there mis­ter mem­ber, when did Jamaica become a state of the United States? I mean,I total­ly get that because of you guys the JCF has become a total­ly inef­fec­tive and almost use­less agency.
I also under­stand why you guys did it, why would you all want an effec­tive police force that can actu­al­ly inves­ti­gate and lock up politicians?
That would be peo­ple like you mem­ber Dalley , but what author­i­ty does the FBI have to inves­ti­gate crimes in Jamaica?

What mis­ter Dalley’s state­ment revealed was anoth­er truth which I have spo­ken to repeat­ed­ly, whether PNP or JLP nei­ther par­ty under­stands the com­plex­i­ty of the prob­lem and nei­ther par­ty has the answers.
Ain’t this a bitch though, that Jamaicans love to talk about sov­er­eign­ty and human rights but as soon as shit begins to hit the fan they want oth­ers to clean up their filth?

I mean the only time Jamaican crim­i­nals real­ly face jus­tice is when they are cart­ed off to America. Sorry, mis­ter Dalley you are one of the mem­bers of Parliament who rep­re­sent the parish, don’t tell me you don’t have action­able intel­li­gence which may help the police?
I do know that the police leaves a lot to be desired but come on/.



So Minister of National Security Robert Montague is kind of at it again, reveal­ing that the Administration has revamped the ear­ly retire­ment pol­i­cy that was once in effect.
Montague indi­cat­ed that bad cops had to go[wonder when all the bad politi­cians are going to leave[?
Anyway, The Minister insist­ed that “ a minor­i­ty” of JCF mem­bers has remained a sig­nif­i­cant chal­lenge in an atmos­phere in which “there is an inher­ent desire from cit­i­zens of the coun­try to sup­port the police in their efforts”.

That same cit­i­zen­ry, in addi­tion to var­i­ous civ­il soci­ety groups, have been very vocal in their call for the force to be rid of cor­rupt elements.
As a Government, we have been respon­sive to the demands made by the pub­lic and oth­er groups
As such, last year we pro­vid­ed a mech­a­nism, in the form of a revamped Early Retirement Scheme for police offi­cers, that would help achieve this objective”.

So let me get this straight, old­er mem­bers are by virtue of their age cor­rupt?
Maybe I’m miss­ing some­thing here but if the intent of the pol­i­cy is to send home mem­bers who are cor­rupt, why have these so-called cor­rupt mem­bers not being pros­e­cut­ed, using the very same infor­ma­tion that the Government intends to use to send them home?
So now every mem­ber who takes the ear­ly retire­ment option will leave the force with a cloud over their heads” see he was one of the crooked ones”.
Not cool…

Someone needs to remind this troll about the Patterson slander…

These announce­ments and the ensu­ing on air chat­ting from the likes of Cliff Hughes of Nationwide Radio the pro­pa­gan­da arm of the gov­ern­ment demon­strates when dish tow­el tun tablecloth.
This is a clear demon­stra­tion of what hap­pens when lit­tle boys are giv­en grown men’s jobs and they can­not cope.
Separate and apart from Montague’s inart­ful and mis­lead­ing state­ments on the Government’s new pol­i­cy, why could­n’t this be han­dled in-house?
I don’t think this is good pol­i­cy, at best I know it’s bad pol­i­tics to sug­gest that mem­bers who take advan­tage of the option to leave ear­ly are by virtue of their deci­sions, corrupt.

What will the nar­ra­tive be when these peo­ple leave and there is more [not less] cor­rup­tion in the force, what then?
Why would the Administration sul­ly the char­ac­ter of mem­bers even as it cod­i­fied into law mak­ing it a crim­i­nal offense for offi­cers to leave the force with­out giv­ing a pri­or six months notice to the Commissioner?
It’s hard to imag­ine how the Government is mak­ing it dif­fi­cult for offi­cers to leave freely, going to the extent of cod­i­fy­ing impris­on­ment into the law while pur­port­ing to be plan­ning to cut some loose?

Is this real pol­i­cy or just fod­der for Cliff Hughes to chat about?