Government Sits On Its Ass And Does Absolutely Nothing To Exterminate Murderous Gangs…

I have been say­ing for years that the sit­u­a­tion that pro­duces the killings in Jamaica are not ordi­nary crim­i­nal activ­i­ties but rather more sin­is­ter acts that destroy nation-states.
Nigeria is the most pop­u­lous state in Africa, yet Government cor­rup­tion and incom­pe­tence allowed Boka Haram and oth­er crim­i­nal gangs to fes­ter into major threats to nation­al security.
Today Nigeria is a shell of what it could have been because crim­i­nal gangs rule entire swaths of the oil-rich nation.
In July 2010, Boko Haram’s for­mer sec­ond-in-com­mand, Abubakar Shekau, appeared in a video claim­ing the group’s lead­er­ship and threat­en­ing attacks on Western influ­ences in Nigeria.
Later that month, Shekau issued a sec­ond state­ment express­ing sol­i­dar­i­ty with al-Qa‘ida and threat­en­ing the United States. Under Shekau’s lead­er­ship, the group has con­tin­ued to demon­strate grow­ing oper­a­tional capa­bil­i­ties, with increas­ing use of impro­vised explo­sive device (IED), vehi­cle-borne IED (VBIED), and female sui­cide attacks against a wide range of tar­gets. (dni​.gov)

In-coun­try after coun­try, from Venezuala to Nicaragua, from Sudan to Haiti, and from Colombia to Honduras, we have seen the evi­dence of what incom­pe­tent, cor­rupt gov­ern­ments accom­plish, [all leftist].
They breed pover­ty that mor­phe into crim­i­nal­i­ty, end­ing in those nations seg­ment­ed into basi­cal­ly ungovern­able enclaves.
The lead­er­ship of those nations is so inher­ent­ly cor­rupt that they are com­fort­able as weak gov­ern­ments that have pre­cious­ly lit­tle sway out­side their nation’s capitals.
Providing basic ser­vices becomes the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Gangs, and so the peo­ple’s loy­al­ty is no longer to the gov­ern­ment but to their [don], or Godfather.
Christopher (dud­dus) Coke was by far not the only [don] in Jamaica, but his reach and pow­er over the gov­ern­ment of both polit­i­cal par­ties speak to the depth of cor­rup­tion in Jamaica.
The pow­er he accu­mu­lat­ed and what he got away with is one for the his­to­ry books if the crim­i­nal co-con­spir­a­tors at the University of the West Indies and his syco­phants in the media do not roman­ti­cize the blood­shed and car­nage he brought on the nation.

Richard Currie

[I] do not believe that the Maroons have a legit­i­mate claim to auton­o­my in Jamaica. We are one Jamaica under God, indi­vis­i­ble, one people.
The Maroons are cit­i­zens of Jamaica and are sub­ject to Jamaican law. However, the incom­pe­tence and inher­ent cor­rup­tion of suc­ces­sive admin­is­tra­tions of both polit­i­cal par­ties have allowed the non­sense of Maroon auton­o­my to fes­ter to the point that we saw the Maroon leader pick up a weapon alleged­ly threat­en­ing law enforce­ment in our country.
After a con­fronta­tion with police in which Richard Currie was seen with a shot­gun slung across his back, Currie bragged that he need­ed no per­mis­sion to defend his peo­ple from the state.
That was a direct threat against the state that should have result­ed in a swift response from the gov­ern­ment that brought all maroon com­mu­ni­ties under the full con­trol of the government.
However, a weak and immoral gov­ern­ment has no author­i­ty to take that kind of action, so Currie and his brig­ands thumbed their noses at the state and are more embold­ened. At the same time, the Firearms Licencing Authority con­ducts a ‘probe’ into how Currie came by the weapon.
It requires a few sec­onds to deter­mine whether or not Richard Currie is a licensed firearms hold­er; that’s it. However, every gov­ern­ment agency is cor­rupt, so the Jamaican peo­ple are led to believe that a probe takes months , years even.
All it takes are a few mouse clicks, but they would be forced to react to their find­ings if they pro­duce a time­ly answer.
So they leave it alone, allow­ing the prob­lem to fes­ter into a sore that will result in some form of amputation.

Who can blame Richard Currie However, Currie has seen Duddus reign of ter­ror over 2.7 mil­lion peo­ple, which pro­duced no con­se­quence in Jamaica.
Since he [may] not be involved in that lev­el of crim­i­nal­i­ty, one can see how he would rea­son that he does not have to obey Jamaican laws.
Engaging with, and hin­der­ing the police in the law­ful dis­charge of their duties is a crim­i­nal offense, a sim­ple reminder for those who will argue that I am mak­ing Currie a crim­i­nal.
Whatever the think­ing of the Maroons today, it is easy to under­stand why they would want to secede from Jamaica with its hun­dreds of crim­i­nal gangs com­mit­ting hun­dreds of mur­ders each year on the tiny Island.
Even though I’m afraid I have to dis­agree with Currie on Maroon Sovereignty, I empathize with his peo­ple’s desire to have auton­o­my over their lives, free from the two crim­i­nal gangs that run our country.
The dan­ger is so grave that for­eign jour­nal­ists have done numer­ous doc­u­men­taries on the gangs oper­at­ing in our coun­try. Yet, the Jamaican gov­ern­ment sits on its ass and does absolute­ly noth­ing to exter­mi­nate them.
In those inter­views, Gang lead­ers and mem­bers can clear­ly be iden­ti­fied; they brag about the killings they did, flash their weapons with pride, and brag about the dif­fer­ent crimes they commit.
The Government does nothing!

From Mountain View to Mount Salem, Criminal gangs have carved up Jamaica into turfs. At the same time, the Government points to new Police Stations and young gazetted offi­cers in stu­pid lit­tle cos­tumes with more degrees than a thermometer.
The sad real­i­ty is that many of those senior com­man­ders can­not inves­ti­gate their way out of a brown paper bag and, on the issue of polic­ing, can­not tell the dif­fer­ence between their heads and their asses.
No one is safe any­where; gangs have the man­pow­er and capa­bil­i­ty to strike any­where, any­time, and kill anyone.
We saw how eas­i­ly gangs ter­mi­nat­ed the Haitian president.
More impor­tant­ly, we saw some of the alleged prin­ci­pals decid­ing to flee to Jamaica, the crim­i­nal par­adise where they thought they would escape the con­se­quences of their actions.
Why did they choose Jamaica?
They chose Jamaica because they know there is a weak and inef­fec­tu­al gov­ern­ment in Kingston. They know that Jamaica has all but become the crime cap­i­tal of the entire world. That is the rea­son they threw in their lot with hid­ing out in Jamaica.

Here is how to deal with this threat to National secu­ri­ty, begin­ning with Mountain View.
Marshall assets of the Jamaica Defense Force, have a few pla­toons of the JDF come over the back of the moun­tain and seal off any escape back up the moun­tain. When those assets are in place, rapid­ly seal off the area from moun­tain view avenue to the south, Rockfort to the east, and upper Mountain View Avenue to the west, then slow­ly and delib­er­ate­ly squeeze the cir­cle toward the middle.
Once the area is sealed, police and sol­diers with dogs and bull­doz­ers tear down all unoc­cu­pied build­ings. Remove all zinc feces and find the guns and the shoot­ers, mov­ing inch by inch.
Arrest those who decide to sur­ren­der peace­ably and oth­er­wise glad­ly oblige those who decide to resist.
Once this is done effec­tive­ly, estab­lish a police pres­ence in the area, bring in social work­ers, and estab­lish social programs.
Bring this approach to every nook and cran­ny of the Island where gangs are oper­at­ing and watch Jamaica return to respectability.
There is noth­ing inhu­mane or against human rights in the gov­ern­ment doing what it must to pro­tect the peo­ple. The most impor­tant task the gov­ern­ment has is to pro­tect the population.
The gov­ern­ment can­not con­tin­ue to lis­ten to the mon­grels in Jamaicans For Justice and oth­er crim­i­nal sup­port­ing groups in our coun­try that have noth­ing to say about the inno­cent peo­ple who are being murdered.
We must fix our coun­try; those who stand in the way, the ene­mies of Jamaica one way or anoth­er [must] be moved out of the way, regard­less of what cov­er they use to hide under to sup­port murderers.
The Colombian peo­ple awak­ened and Los Pepes was born; Jamaica may have to con­sid­er a sim­i­lar recourse if the gov­ern­ment refus­es to do what it was elect­ed to do.

Here is the thing the Government will not act on this advice, and the oppo­si­tion par­ty will scream blue mur­der if this com­mon-sense approach is adopted.
Neither par­ty wants this prob­lem fixed; much too much is at stake mon­e­tar­i­ly in this dan­ger­ous con­tract killings and extor­tion game.
As long as the so-called dons have respon­si­bil­i­ty for pro­vid­ing for the needs of the poor, atten­tion is divert­ed away from the fail­ings of gov­ern­ment. People are less inclined to pay atten­tion to the real­i­ty that noth­ing is get­ting done.
Roads that were beau­ti­ful­ly asphalt­ed across the coun­try three decades ago are now lit­tle more than dirt tracks; once beau­ti­ful neigh­bor­hoods are now reduced to gang-infest­ed territories.
Administrations of both polit­i­cal par­ties steal from the pub­lic and are not called on to deliv­er for the people.
The [Dons] are the de fac­to rulers of Jamaica.







Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.