GOP Lawmaker: Lynch Anyone Who Takes Down Confederate Monuments

None of the state’s Republican leaders have condemned Karl Oliver’s comments.

A Republican mem­ber of the Mississippi House of Representatives has called for lynch­ing any­one who removes a Confederate mon­u­ment, includ­ing law­mak­ers in a neigh­bor­ing state.

On Saturday, state Rep. Karl Oliver ® described the “destruc­tion” of Confederate mon­u­ments in Louisiana as “heinous and hor­rif­ic” and com­pared lead­ers in that state to Nazis.

They should be LYNCHED!” Oliver wrote in com­ments post­ed on his Facebook page.


Oliver’s post came a day after a stat­ue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee was removed in New Orleans. It was the city’s fourth Confederate memo­r­i­al to be dis­man­tled in recent days.

Although no state Republican lead­ers have con­demned Oliver’s com­ments, Democrats in the state blast­ed Oliver’s call for the vio­lent killing of peo­ple he dis­agrees with, Mississippi Today reported.

I am offend­ed and out­raged that a pub­lic offi­cial in 2017 would, with an obvi­ous con­vic­tion and clear con­science, call for and pro­mote one of the most cru­el, vicious and wicked acts in American his­to­ry,” Mississippi state Sen. Derrick Simmons, a Democrat, told The Root.

I strong­ly con­demn the state­ment by my col­league Rep. Karl Oliver — it’s hate­ful, offen­sive and igno­rant. In 2017, it’s a shame.

A state­ment from Mississippi Democratic Trust Executive Director, David McDowell:

State Rep. Sonya Williams-Barnes, a Democratic mem­ber of the Mississippi Legislative Black Caucus, decried Oliver’s “shame­ful, but seem­ing­ly extreme­ly com­fort­able, choice of words.” In an email to Jackson-based CBS sta­tion WJTV, Barnes said Oliver’s com­ments “were offen­sive to me as the act of lynch­ing was com­mon­ly used and most tar­get­ed toward African-American men, women and chil­dren in the south and espe­cial­ly in our state.”

She also com­mend­ed Louisiana for remov­ing a num­ber of Confederate memo­ri­als and urged her state to do the same.