GOP Fielded Record 17 Candidates And Couldn’t Find One…


At the start of the Republican primary campaign to select a nominee to wrest back the executive branch for their party I told my wife that this would be a rather unusual campaign .
I told her that in a normal situation Ohio’s Governor John Kasich would probably be the last candidate standing. In fact American voters has shown a preference to electing Governors over Senators. But I got the feeling this 2016 season would be anything but a normal cycle.
This does not mean that John Kasich is a good candidate he is just the least vile of a bunch of rotten bunch.
I was mindful of the fact that after seven plus years of FOX and talk radio anti-Obama invective there was a toxic environment out in the heartland which was ready to explode.
President Obama correctly characterized it by saying Republicans parched the earth Trump simply struck the match.

Scott Walker Wisconsin (R)
Scott Walker
Wisconsin ®

I began hand­i­cap­ping the field this way.
(1) Scott Walker the Republican Governor of Wisconsin was pret­ty good at win­ning elec­tions at home despite wag­ing open war­fare on Unions in favor of the KOCH brothers.

However after being tricked into believ­ing he was speak­ing to one of the Kock broth­ers by two radio pranksters after he won the Governorship , it appeared this guy may have had too much stuff on him to be elect­ed President.
He was the first to drop out of the race.

Mike Huckabee (R) Arkansas
Mike Huckabee
® Arkans

(2) Former ® Arkansas Governor and Baptist preach­er Mike Huckabee who ran for the nom­i­na­tion before become becom­ing a FOX com­men­ta­tor is only inter­est­ed in keep­ing his name in the husking.

Bobby Jindal (R) Louisiana
Bobby Jindal
® Louisiana

(3) Bobby Jindal Louisiana Governor’s response to President Obama’s state of the Union was wide­ly panned by all . In fact USA Today list­ed Jindal’s appear­ance as one of the five poor­est State of the Union respons­es seen in recent years.
Jindal was seen as not ready for prime-time. Additionally, the Governor’s poor poll num­bers at home make him a less than attrac­tive candidate.

Rick Santorum
Rick Santorum

(4) Rick Santorum Former Republican PA US Senator and peren­ni­al jour­ney­man pres­i­den­tial can­di­date did not have any­thing that would have made a dif­fer­ence from the oth­er times he was a can­di­date. Santorum the sweater-vest can­di­date can­di­date seem to rel­ish the process of run­ning to keep his name in the spot­light as well.

Rick Perry
Rick Perry

(5) Rick Perry Former ® Texas Governor did not bring any­thing new which would have negat­ed the giant “Oops” which char­ac­ter­ized his pre­vi­ous pres­i­den­tial bid.
It appeared top Republican donors were not going to throw much good mon­ey at a bad can­di­date . Rick’s pres­i­den­tial ambi­tions evap­o­rat­ed rather quick­ly as well.
Perry like sev­er­al oth­er can­di­dates may have been embold­ened to run again know­ing they would not have to face Obama.

Carly Fiorina
Carly Fiorina

(6) Carly Fiorina for­mer tech­nol­o­gy busi­ness exec­u­tive, nev­er had a chance as far as I’m con­cerned . Fiorina a for­mer Hewlett Packard CEO was ulti­mate­ly forced to resign from the com­pa­ny amidst a ques­tion­able merg­er she under­took between HP and Compaq. Fiorina lat­er ran a ill-fat­ed Senate bid in her home state of California against Democratic pow­er­house Dianne Fienstien which she lost.

Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush

(7) Jeb Bush the Former ®Florida Governor was run­ning against a name head-wind , there was a gen­er­al sense that the nation had had it’s fill of the Bushes. In fact Jeb’s own moth­er said the nation should look to anoth­er fam­i­ly for peo­ple to run for President or some­thing to that effect. Jeb raised tons of mon­ey and launched his cam­paign using his first name and stat­ing he was his own man.
In the end no amount of mon­ey or run­ning from his fam­i­ly name could save Jeb Bush . Primary vot­ers were clear­ly in no mood for anoth­er Bush and Donald Trump did the rest by defin­ing Jeb as low energy.
Jeb would lat­er embrace his fam­i­ly name by bring­ing his broth­er , for­mer President George W Bush to stump for him , as well as his moth­er the matron­ly Barbara Bush. Trump again ridiculed Jeb laugh­ing that he brought out his mom­my to defend him. Jeb even­tu­al­ly dropped out.

George Pataki
George Pataki

(8) George Pataki the for­mer new York Republican Governor may have decid­ed to take a long-shot grab at the rung . For all intents and pur­pos­es Pataki’s polit­i­cal ship had long sailed , in fact hard­ly any­one remem­bered who George Pataki includ­ing in his home state of New York. But with Barack Obama dis­qual­i­fied by term lim­its , oh why the hell not?
With a fiz­zle pop, pop Pataki’s cam­paign end­ed before it began.

Ben Carson
Ben Carson

(9) Ben Carson the renowned pedi­atric brain sur­geon’s cam­paign was based on the ridicu­lous things he said about President Barack Obama the nations first black pres­i­dent. Carson likened the President’s sig­na­ture Affordable Care Act to slav­ery. He con­tin­ued to make out­landish state­ments about the pres­i­dent which endeared him to the most vile ele­ments of the polit­i­cal right .
In the end Carson suc­ceed­ed in estab­lish­ing that though a brain sur­geon he was not very smart , he’s out and now he may have all the time he needs to sleep and pon­der the idio­cy of his state­ments about the president.

Chris Christie
Chris Christie

(10) Chris Christie the ram­bunc­tious New Jersey Governor said in 2012 he was not ready to run for pres­i­dent . At the time there was much hype sur­round­ing his sup­posed ris­ing star in the GOP. I was nev­er one who thought that Christie’s style of lead­er­ship was going to fly on the nation­al lev­el. He was far too loud , abra­sive, dis­mis­sive, and dis­re­spect­ful to be President. Embracing President Obama after the President vis­it­ed his state after the hur­ri­cane in 2012 may have been the death-knell for his chances.

With the bridge gate scan­dal and the loud obnox­ious Donald Trump in the pack this cycle it was clear that Christie was not going to out Trump Trump.
before long Christie was a Trump cheer-leader.

Dr Rand Paul Us Senator (R) Kentucky
Dr Rand Paul
Us Senator ® Kentucky

(11) Like his father Ron Paul the for­mer Texas con­gress­man ‚Kentucky Senator Rand Paul decid­ed to throw his hat into the crowd­ed GOP ring . But in a year when the loud mouth brava­do of the likes of Cruz, Christie, and Trump are dri­ving the debate about who can kill more peo­ple by car­pet-bomb­ing or tor­tur­ing them the mild man­nered Kentucky US Senator’s mes­sage of non-inter­ven­tion had no res­o­nance and he too was out.

Senator Lindsay Graham
Senator Lindsay Graham

(12) South Carolina ® Senator Lindsay Graham anoth­er also ran also seem to lose sleep at night think­ing about how to be pres­i­dent of the United States . They say nev­er say nev­er but the Senator with the deep south­ern drawl would prob­a­bly be bet­ter served if he enjoy being one of a very spe­cial club , the US Senate.
I hard­ly believe Lindsay Graham is going to be President of the United States and nei­ther does Republican Primary voters .

Jim Gilmore
Jim Gilmore

(13) Former Virginia ® Governor Jim Gilmore not a bad Governor but no one knew who he was and with a crack and a fiz­zle out went the Governor’s chance of becom­ing President.

Marco Rubio
Marco Rubio

(14) Marco Rubio ® Florida of all of the can­di­dates for President I abhorred him the most. The son of Cuban immi­grants he turned his backs on immi­grants plac­ing repub­li­can far right xeno­pho­bic rhetoric over peo­ple. Rubio once said “Barack Obama has no class” in ref­er­ence to the pres­i­dent of the United States. President Obama was twice elect­ed and has had a scan­dal free admin­is­tra­tion. The first fam­i­ly has been an exer­cise in class and grace.
Additionally Rubio was dis­re­spect­ful, arro­gant, and cocky to say the least. He referred to the pres­i­dent by his name only with­out men­tion­ing that he is the pres­i­dent of the United States. This I though was a clear attempt to de-legit­imize the duly twice elect­ed pres­i­dent of the United States of America.
I could tol­er­ate that from a white Anglo-Saxon, they start­ed that , I expect noth­ing less from them, but I would not tol­er­ate it from a Cuban who want­ed to pass him­self as a white Anglo-Saxon.
In the end the peo­ple of the great state of Florida agreed with me Rubio could­n’t even win Florida.

John Kasich
John Kasich

(15) John Kasich ® Governor of Ohio vet­er­an GOP politi­cian a sit­ting Governor of a major indus­tri­al state , a swing state. In a year when vot­ers are not con­sumed with Trumps fas­cism Kasich would be a good bet for nom­i­nee of his par­ty. He is not a ide­o­logue hes is prob­a­bly the best of the sor­ry lot.
John Kasich has no viable path to secur­ing the req­ui­site del­e­gates to win the repub­li­can nom­i­na­tion , but he sol­diers on nonethe­less, hop­ing that through some stroke of mir­a­cle he will pre­vail in a bro­kered convention.
That is as like­ly to hap­pen as I am like­ly to win the lot­to (I nev­er buy a tick­et) Of the three remain­ing GOP can­di­dates Kasich has the least num­ber of delegates.

Ted Cruz a modern day Joe McCarthy...
Ted Cruz a mod­ern day Joe McCarthy…

(16) Ted Cruz ® Texas , is a first term sen­a­tor born in Canada to a Cuban father and he claims a Welsh moth­er, Cruz was a Canadian cit­i­zen util two yeras ago when he real­ized he want­ed to run for pres­i­dent and he could­n’t do so while being a Canadian cit­i­zen. Then and only then did Cruz denounce his Canadian citizenship.
Does any­one recall the stink sur­round­ing Barack Obama’s cit­i­zen­ship? Obama was born in Hawaii which is the United States. The Cuban Canadian Ted Cruz who pass­es him­self as a white south­ern neo­con does not men­tion that he should not be run­ning for pres­i­dent, and nei­ther does the oth­er lying republicans.
In the sen­ate where Ted Cruz is one of one hun­dred peo­ple he is hat­ed by his peers, even though this guy is still in the race it’s dif­fi­cult to envis­age enough peo­ple hold­ing their noses and vot­ing for this pre­ten­tious self absorbed twit.

Donald J Trump
Donald J Trump

(17) Donald Trump the self described New York bil­lion­aire devel­op­er and real­i­ty Television star has been the lead­ing GOP can­di­date from the start of the 2016 cycle , recent events seemed to have slowed the jug­ger­naut known as the Trump Campaign a bit .
The Candidate is run­ning to make America great again a poor­ly dis­guised dog-whis­tle which real­ly means, make America white again.
His cam­paign has been xeno­pho­bic, Islama-pho­bic- nar­cis­sis­tic, misog­y­nis­tic, racist, and every­thing in between .
Nevertheless he has found favor with a seg­ment of the GOP which find com­mon cause with his mes­sage of divi­sive­ness and enmity.
It is yet to be deter­mined how this spec­ta­cle will turn out , nev­er­the­less I am hav­ing loads of fun at what is occur­ring in the par­ty which has side­lined Colin Powell , Michael Steele and oth­er black con­ser­v­a­tives for rabid racist crea­tures like Trump and fakes and frauds like Rubio and Cruz.