Devastating news, those of us on the left who support President Obama and the 99% were greeted with the follow-up right hook to the left upper-cut Mitt Romney gave to our candidate in the first debate. Greg Anthony former NBA player has decided to support Mitt Romney.

I’m unsure how the Obama cam­paign will recov­er from this one two punch of the effects of los­ing the first debate to Romney , fol­lowed by the even more con­se­quen­tial loss of the vote of mis­ter Anthony.

Former NY Knick Guard Greg Anthony.

Mister Anthony has been fea­tured in a Romney Campaign Ad blast­ing the pres­i­dent for mak­ing excus­es for the econ­o­my, whilst throw­ing his sup­port to mis­ter Romney.

Anthony played eleven sea­son in the NBA and is most­ly remem­bered for his tenure with the New York Knicks dur­ing the ear­ly 1990s. He was far more suc­cess­ful in col­lege, where he starred with oth­er future NBA play­ers Larry Johnson and Stacey Augmon at UNLV. The 1990 team won an NCAA Championship.

In col­lege, Anthony was a nation­al vice-chair­man for the Young Republicans from 1989 – 91. He is cur­rent­ly a bas­ket­ball ana­lyst on NBA TV and CBS Sports.(the grio​.com)

I am sure President Obama is appre­cia­tive of all who voted/​will vote for him, after all the work he set out do is far from fin­ished, to be hon­est we appre­ci­at­ed the fact that Greg Anthony a life-long Republican said he vot­ed for the pres­i­dent the first time around.

But you see you nev­er were a believ­er Mister Anthony, after all your record shows you were an inter­lop­er rather than a died in the wool believ­er in the cause.

Of Racial Justice.

Of Respect for women and all peo­ple , irre­spec­tive of col­or, class, sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, reli­gion and any oth­er defin­ing characteristic.

Of the desire for fair­ness, believ­ing in the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple that we are our broth­er’s keep­er, that we should not give hand-outs but should always be will­ing to give a hand up to our fellow-man.

Of the desire for peace and har­mo­ny on earth, under­stand­ing that some­one who is dif­fer­ent that we are , are not alien to be bombed, but our broth­ers to be learned and appreciated .

You see mis­ter Anthony, those are Democratic principles.

The very gen­e­sis of your exis­tence was an irrec­on­cil­able oxy­moron. As a black-skinned man who in col­lege was vice-chair of the young repub­li­cans you were already a walk­ing contradiction.

I can see how some­one like you would enter col­lege with­out any strug­gle , gets accept­ed into a sports league, make mil­lions and assume that is the lot of others.

What is real­ly instruc­tive is that you allow your­self to be used by a man, a cam­paign and a par­ty which has zero respect for you , or your race,but find it con­ve­nient to fea­ture you in their AD over 308 mil­lion oth­er Americans.

There is only one way to tear down a black man and that is to use anoth­er black man to do it, obvi­ous­ly col­lege was of lit­tle use to Greg Anthony beyond basketball.

I can total­ly under­stand how Anthony would berate the pres­i­dent, accus­ing him of mak­ing excus­es, for sav­ing the Auto Industry. Killing Osama Bin Laden. Pulling the econ­o­my back from the brink, cre­at­ing over 5 mil­lion jobs in the process. Ending the war in Iraq. Allowing Gays to serve their coun­try in the nation’s mil­i­tary, like any oth­er American. Signing the Lily Ledbetter Act Into Law, afford­ing women equal pay for equal work. Signing trade agree­ments with oth­er coun­tries which cre­ates man­u­fac­tur­ing jobs here in America. Winding down the Afghan war. Restoring America’s cred­i­bil­i­ty and Integrity abroad in the eyes of the world, a sharp devi­a­tion from tor­ture, ren­der­ing pris­on­ers of war to oth­er coun­tries to be tor­tured and God knows what else. Decimating Al Qaeda.Using Executive action to give hope to dreamers. 

There is much more that the pres­i­dent has done that is wor­thy of mis­ter Anthony’s ire.

Conversely I total­ly get Greg Anthony’s admi­ra­tion for Mitt Romney a patho­log­i­cal liar, what’s not to like?

A man who indis­crim­i­nate­ly writes off 47% of the coun­try he wants to lead, label­ing them tak­ers and moochers. A man who says exact­ly what each and every audi­ence in every demo­graph­ic group wants to hear. A man who lacks the char­ac­ter to stand up and say “NO” to the racists in his par­ty. A man who has lied him­self about the pres­i­den­t’s record, and stood spine­less by while his sup­port­ers and con­trib­u­tors use every demean­ing car­i­ca­ture to describe our pres­i­dent. A man who avoid­ed serv­ing in any branch of the mil­i­tary and nei­ther does any of his kids , but is a right-wing hawk with America’s mil­i­tary pow­er, where have we seen this before?

I under­stand Mister Anthony’s admi­ra­tion for a man who nev­er, ever opens his mouth to do what men do, be men, by say­ing enough to the most vile despi­ca­ble racist that now make up a large swath of the repub­li­can party.

There is much more to be said on the issue of Mister Greg Anthony,but when Greg Anthony is eval­u­at­ed it is easy to under­stand his polit­i­cal position.

Greg Anthony was at best a mediocre point Guard who played back-up to Derrick Harper on the New York Knicks. At the zenith of his bas­ket­ball car­rear he was a back­up, as he was mediocre at the thing he does best, we get how his polit­i­cal judge­ment could be this misguided.

Greg we are hap­py to see you go, and while you are leav­ing , take Arthur Davis, and Allen West with you, we do not want the inter­pre­ta­tion of black men any more tainted.


Listening to Republicans talk about the state of the econ­o­my, if one did not know any bet­ter one would have thought that the last Administration in office which dev­as­tat­ed the econ­o­my was a Democratic Administration.

Republicans do not men­tion the name Bush, but I will say it.

George Bush was the per­son who dev­as­tat­ed the econ­o­my, with huge tax-cuts- give-aways to the rich­est Americans.

Two unfund­ed Wars.

Allowed Wall Street unbri­dled access to do what­ev­er it pleased.

And mas­sive expan­sion of the Federal bureaucracy.

Just though Republicans need some reminding.