Good Job Cops: What’s This About Apologizing For Their Loss ?

Jamaicans woke up to wonderful news Sunday morning January 15th. It was like back in the days when the police were allowed to go after criminals.
The fatal shooting of six men in an alleged gun battle with members of the security forces in Goodwill, St James was good news indeed.
There will be two types of responses from these killings , wild celebration by people who believe in the rule of law ‚and a load of bullshit from those who benefit from crime and thus support criminality.
The fraud­u­lent Elitists on the Island who sit in their ivory tow­ers and pon­tif­i­cate about treat­ing these ver­min with kids gloves should be made to stare at their dead bod­ies for hours with­out stop­ping.
These alleged mem­bers of the ski-mask gang will not be tak­ing the lives of any oth­er inno­cent person.

That’s it.
The com­ments going for­ward will be clear cut in deter­min­ing the side com­men­ta­tors are on , no mat­ter how they try to couch their argu­ments in gobbledygook.

The secu­ri­ty Forces final­ly decid­ed to say fuck you” to Terrence Williams and his bunch of scum-bag friends who pro­tect the crim­i­nals on the Island.
They demon­strat­ed that what all for­mer Jamaican Police offi­cers already knew, cops are absolute­ly not afraid of any dirty filthy crim­i­nals.
They are afraid of a Government which is too chick­en-shit to pro­tect them as they go about what they are sworn to do.
This not a crit­i­cism of the Andrew Holness led Government.
Government in this con­text is par­ty neutral.

As usu­al (inde­com) is sup­pos­ed­ly inves­ti­gat­ing the exter­mi­na­tion of the six. My only regret is that every­one in that out­fit was­n’t caught in the cross­fire.
These sce­nar­ios are not the same as shootouts in oth­er coun­tries where a per­son pulls a weapon on an offi­cer and is shot.
These sce­nar­ios have exist­ed for decades in Jamaica and has exac­er­bat­ed now with the huge pro­lif­er­a­tion of semi auto­mat­ic weapons all over the Island.
In oth­er coun­tries the sce­nar­ios which play out in Jamaica dai­ly elic­it mas­sive swat respons­es, and the shoot­ing death of the perpetrators.
The take-away is that Jamaican cops are asked to face heav­i­ly armed killers but are not allowed to appro­pri­ate­ly defend them­selves if the elit­ists con­tin­ue to have their way.

Weapons recov­ered by the police at the scene.

Jamaican Police offi­cers are not con­fronting sane ratio­nal peo­ple who are will­ing to drop their weapons when con­front­ed, they want to kill police officers.
These are ruth­less , mind­less, ani­mals who take tremen­dous plea­sure in killing every­one, includ­ing police.
Strike that .
Particularly police.

What I don’t want to hear from the Police is the non­sense bull­shit that they are sor­ry for the loss of life.
Get over your damn selves already.
The spe­cial inter­ests who sup­port these mass mur­der­ers do not utter a word when police offi­cers are gunned down mercilessly.
Neither of the two state spon­sored anti ‑police enti­ties, (inde­com) and the pub­lic defend­er’s office, nor Jamaicans for Justice and the oth­er despi­ca­ble leech­es who give aid and com­fort to those low life garbage, ever offer a word of com­fort to the fam­i­lies of slain officers.
These crim­i­nals made a deci­sion not to val­ue the lives of oth­ers . They decid­ed not to val­ue their own lives when they opened fire on the police and soldiers .
The secu­ri­ty forces should not be in the busi­ness of apol­o­giz­ing for their loss.
Thats the remit of (inde­com) (jfj) and others.

One thought on “Good Job Cops: What’s This About Apologizing For Their Loss ?

  1. Amen amen amen final­ly some­one say­ing it as it is amen brother

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