Out Goes The Queen, Out Goes The Privy Council.…


There is a gen­er­al con­sen­sus that as a nation we have han­dled our affairs bad­ly since Independence, there is no deny­ing that.
However there is no longer a viable argu­ment to be made for stay­ing under the Crown out­side of what­ev­er val­ue the Island derive from hav­ing the UK Privy Council as it’s final court of appeals.
Jamaicans can’t hop on a plane and enter England like Puerto Ricans can the US.
Simply put there is real­ly no upside for Jamaica keep­ing the British Monarch as a head of state out­side the val­ue of the Privy Council.
Sorry Governor General I real­ly like you but you’ll be okay.
It is impor­tant that we rec­og­nize how­ev­er that if Jamaica remove the Queen as head of state we have by default signed on to a Caribbean court of Justice as our high­est court, or worse trust­ing our failed bro­ken down sys­tem which has been a colos­sal flop.
Not a thought I rel­ish in light of the record of the Island’s crim­i­nal Justice system.
If we decide to get rid of the queen maybe we should also get a new Constitution , why not?

The pos­si­bil­i­ty of a Caribbean court of appeals, or worse the final court of appeals being in Jamaica should give Jamaicans much pause.
Set aside the chest thump­ing and the patri­ot­ic gob­bledy­gook about our own abil­i­ties the record sim­ply has not matched the darn rhetoric.
So lets quit the non­sense and face real­i­ty , we have made a mess of things.
There is more than enough evi­dence that the judi­cial process have failed the Jamaican peo­ple and have through it’s inept­ness and lib­er­al stance sig­nif­i­cant­ly added to the Island’s crime situation.
When cit­i­zens believe they will get no jus­tice in the courts they exact their own brand of jus­tice which is nev­er jus­tice but vengeance.
When an alleged goat thief gets hacked to death its not jus­tice. Yes it may give future goat-thieves pause but it places the lives of all Jamaicans at risk . Merely pass­ing through a com­mu­ni­ty where you are not known makes you sus­pi­cious and a tar­get for those would kill you just for the hell of it.
Given the fail­ings of the Judicial process I am stunned that some peo­ple still believe in it’s fideli­ty. Though not the best enti­ty to point this out , even the US Government has point­ed to the Jamaican jus­tice sys­tem and it’s myr­i­ad prob­lems, which the very Jamaican gov­ern­ment agrees with.
That ought to be a dis-qual­i­fi­er as it per­tains to giv­ing it more responsibility.

The aver­age man on the street does not believe the Justice sys­tem works in his inter­est, no one is immune. The police which is the most vis­i­ble part of the jus­tice sys­tem gets all the blame when the police is prob­a­bly least to blame for the woes of the system.
The Judges are prob­a­bly the least con­spic­u­ous of all the play­ers in the process but they arguably have the most impact.
They are less vis­i­ble but the crim­i­nals they turn loose on tech­ni­cal­i­ty and with slaps on the wrist aren’t.
People have no con­fi­dence that the sys­tem will pro­tect them when mur­der­ers are sum­mar­i­ly returned to the streets time and time after being charged with homicides.
There is no rea­son for peo­ple to jeop­ar­dize their lives by coop­er­at­ing with a sys­tem which bends over back­wards to appease crim­i­nals at their expense.
Only in Jamaica are accused mur­der­ers grant­ed bail to go out and kill over and over and over again.
To hell with the argu­ment that the bail act is not sup­posed to be puni­tive. If some­one is arrest­ed for a mur­der a judge can gloss over the evi­dence and see whether the charge has mer­it before con­sid­er­ing bail, if at all.

Most of the lead­ing Caribbean Islands are not a part of the CCJ. The new admin­is­tra­tion should think this through thor­ough­ly, . Bustamante worked hard to pull Jamaica from the West Indian Federation sup­port­ed by the PNP , soon after the West Indian Federation collapsed.
On Bustamante’s vision Jamaica’s sov­er­eign­ty and Independence was born.
It would be iron­ic if the labor par­ty now become the par­ty which guide Jamaica into a CCJ alliance .
Getting rid of the Monarchy also means get­ting rid of the UK Privy Council as well.