God I Thank You For Your Promise

I nev­er real­ly and tru­ly gave the after-life much thought before the pass­ing of my beloved son Kodi 3 months ago. I guess even though th (1)I am a Christian by faith I was not ful­ly tuned into what it means to live life eter­nal with Christ Jesus.

The loss of my son has left me with deep burn­ing desire to be con­vinced that my son has passed from mor­tal­i­ty to immor­tal­i­ty. I want to know that some­day through the dis­tinct promise , and on the author­i­ty of God Almighty I would be reunit­ed with my son. The though of nev­er ever see­ing him ever again is more than this father can take.

I need to be con­soled by God him­self, not just mere promises.

♦I need some­thing that speaks of cer­tain­ties, not just hopes.

  • I need some­thing that speaks with authority.
  • I need some­thing that pro­vides true com­fort and gives some­thing and some­one to believe in/​to trust as we go on from here.
  • I need more than sin­cere expres­sions of sym­pa­thy and con­cern (as won­der­ful as they are) in a time of sor­row and death
  • I need the author­i­ta­tive, com­fort­ing “Thus saith the Lord!” the rev­e­la­tion of Scripture.

images (1)I pon­dered the exis­tence of God, please do not Judge me, I am human. Despite by hard belief in him this tragedy has left my faith shak­en. I know I would nev­er accept that there is no God , so I am back to look­ing at what his word said to us in times like these. Would God leave us with­out com­fort ? Would the God of Moses, the God of Daniel, The God of David leave his son Mike with­out comfort?

So I turned to the place where I know he will speak to me , his holy word.th

  • II Corinthians 5:6 – 8 tells us that when we Christians die, we go imme­di­ate­ly to be with God. To be “absent from the body-present with the Lord.”
  • Philippians l:23 Paul tells us when we depart from this life, we are with Christ.

Oh blessed hope, with­out this affir­ma­tion I can hon­est­ly tell you that I don’t know

what I would have done.Without this defin­i­tive state­ment from my God who can­not lie I would have suc­cumbed to the decep­tive guile of the enemy.

Oh there is noth­ing for you to live for! Would a lov­ing God take your son know­ing just how much you love him? 

  • God promis­es Christians that they will be reunit­ed whether through death — (Review) The Christian who dies has the promise:
    of an imme­di­ate recep­tion into the Lord’s presence
    of a res­ur­rect­ed body
    of reunion with loved ones (fel­low believers).
  • But we should not for­get that these promis­es are con­di­tioned on faith in Christ as Savior who died as our sub­sti­tute on Calvary and rose again (vs. 14).
    • The Lord may come back today, if He does the believ­ers who are alive will be reunit­ed with our Christian loved ones in God’s pres­ence. Our sep­a­ra­tion is not per­ma­nent! (and then sec­ond­ly there will be a reunion with Christ). One day the Lord will come back and Christians who are alive will be caught up to join the res­ur­rect­ed bod­ies of those who have died. “And so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

God in his infi­nite wis­dom knew we would ache, he knew we would be pained . What he wants from us is an under­stand­ing that the mal­adies we endure today are not per­ma­nent. He wants us to under­stand that we have to get through this. This pain , this hurt, this heartache. Before we get to life Eternal.

Glory to God .