God Calls Us To Repentance For Our Sins, Not To Remain In Them

Jesus calls us to Repentance, we rec­og­nize that we are sin­ners who have come short of the glo­ry of God. That we were born in sin and shaped in inequity. That makes Repentance mandatory.

The Salvation of Jesus Christ is free. Jesus paid the price on Calvary’s Cross. We are sim­ply required to acknowl­edge that we are sin­ners who need Jesus, accept him into our hearts and con­fess him with our mouths and we are saved chil­dren of God.

King James 2000 Bible
Your word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

A time is fast approach­ing when Christians will be impris­oned , even killed for mere­ly speak­ing of God. Many say this will not hap­pen , yet most of us mature folks can recall when we were required to pray and wor­ship God in School daily.

Where are those devo­tion­als now?

God's holy word
God’s holy word

One dare not men­tion the word God with­out incur­ring the wrath of some self-pro­claimed intel­lec­tu­al enlight­ened one who heap scorn and dis­be­lief that any­one could still oper­ate in this World and still believe in a God.

The Christian Church is under siege. Christians are being slaugh­tered in Syria and Iraq. Here in America an Oregon cou­ple is being forced into bank­rupt­cy because they stood on their Christian prin­ci­ple and refused to bake a wed­ding cake at their small fam­i­ly bak­ery for a Lesbian couple.

The next phase will be to remove tax-exemp­tion sta­tus from Churches , but that will only be a pre­cur­sor of what is to come. Pastors and oth­er Church lead­ers will be forced by law to mar­ry Gay and Lesbian cou­ples and accept them into their congregations.

Failing which they will be fined and impris­oned. It will all be shroud­ed under the wrap­ping of Human Rights. In fact it will have absolute­ly noth­ing to do with Human Rights and Justice. If it did Christians would be able to prac­tice their faith with­out Governmental Legislative and Judicial persecution.

News papers, Television , Radio and web­sites lash out dai­ly at any­one who dare to dis­sent or dis­agree with the degen­er­a­tive prac­tice of Homosexuality.

The Christian Church is berat­ed for it’s stance against the prac­tice, with some entrenched Religion now bow­ing to Gay pres­sure. The Scriptures spoke to these truths. They bow and acqui­esce to Worldly pres­sure because they were nev­er true believers.

The Catholic Pope has now encour­aged his Denomination to be more accom­mo­dat­ing to Homosexuals. In essence this Pope (Francis wants his fol­low­ers to accept Sin because he says so. What then does that make Francis, does that not make him high­er than God ?

God calls us to Repentance, we can­not con­tin­ue in pre­sump­tu­ous sin. That is to say even though we sin with­out know­ing , we need to repent and not con­tin­ue doing what we do as a mat­ter of course. Of course we are all sin­ners, what we can­not do is solid­i­fy the sin we are in .

We can­not tai­lor make Redemption to suit our lifestyle. Our lives must con­form to the dic­tates of the scrip­tures. We may not carve out our own Salvation, one that is con­ve­nient to our needs.

1 Timothy 4: 1

But the Spirit explic­it­ly says that in lat­er times some will fall away from the faith, pay­ing atten­tion to deceit­ful spir­its and doc­trines of demons, 2 by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own con­science as with a brand­ing iron,…

Those who have eyes to see let them see. Those who have ears to hear let them hear.