Every day Jamaica slips deep­er into the abyss of crim­i­nal­i­ty, which will ulti­mate­ly earn it failed state des­ig­na­tion. Never mind that though, there is an ever abun­dant litany of opin­ions by Jamaicans on what needs to be done in terms of mak­ing the job of law enforce­ment more dif­fi­cult. Social-Media is rife with instances of know noth­ing grand-stand­ing Jamaicans offer­ing opin­ions as facts, even when they have no idea about what they speak. The News papers are no bet­ter. The once Prestigious Gleaner is now a shell of it’s for­mer glo­ry, reduced to opin­ions and sen­sa­tion­al­ist garbage when it isn’t engaged in par­rot­ing the talk­ing points of the PNP Administration.

It was no sur­prise that it pub­lished this out­rage , penned by one of its jour­nal­ist George S Davis.http://​mobile​.jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​g​l​e​a​n​e​r​/​2​0​1​3​1​0​0​9​/​c​l​e​i​s​u​r​e​/​c​l​e​i​s​u​r​e​2​.​php. In his arti­cle Davis ref­er­eed to the Police Federation Chairman Raymond Wilson as quote: ” a rab­ble-rouser” close quote. By infer­ence that makes the Police “rab­ble”. dar­ing to stand for their con­sti­tu­tion­al rights to due process and fair play under the law has earned them that dubi­ous title from the Gleaner. In no oth­er Democracy would this be allowed . This shows that Jamaica is not ready for prime time and will invari­ably sink deep­er into the abyss of crime and pover­ty before peo­ple wake up to the real­i­ties sur­round­ing their existence.

I will not give this George Davis unde­served atten­tion, it would be doing a dis-ser­vice to Police Officers to ele­vate the com­ments of this moron. suf­fi­cient to say this is fur­ther evi­dence of the den­i­gra­tion of the Gleaner from what was once the Prestigious Publication in the Caribbean to now an incon­se­quen­tial dish-rag wor­thy of the likes of George Davis.

I once again call on all Rank and File Police offi­cers to stand down and allow the gov­ern­ment to get its Legislative house in order. The Indecom Act is a trav­es­ty which needs revis­it­ing. Batt’s rul­ing does no harm to Police. The Judge’s Ruling says Police can­not “Arbitrarily” stop and search motorists vehi­cles. That is noth­ing new. Officers nev­er had that right and should­n’t. “Probable-cause” is the oper­a­tive term in stop­ping and effect­ing a search. The Government owes Police Officers more than talk . Police offi­cers must not be asked to do their jobs with their hands tied behind their backs. Jamaica’s politi­cians are not very bright, but sure­ly they can copy a piece of leg­is­la­tion from Barbados or Trinidad which offers over­sight of police while empow­er­ing cops to do what is asked of them.


  1. Normally, I would only read and not com­ment, due to oth­er com­mit­ment at hand at this time! However, the “elit­ist” of Jamaica have sur­round­ed them­selves with most­ly peo­ple with “crim­i­nal intent, or crim­i­nals, or sup­port­ers or finan­cial back­ers of crim­i­nal activ­i­ties” in Jamaica, and the gov­ern­ment is always plays an inte­gral part in gov­ern­ing Jamaica. To be a pop­u­lar politi­cian or leader in Jamaica, to be “famous, liked or loved” the police must be the ene­my of your talk­ing point, if not you’re of no rel­e­vance. That is the facts about Jamaica; it is a criminal’s paradise.
    Everything that is done in Jamaica is done through “emo­tion, opin­ions, and pop­u­lar demand” by their con­stituents and some crim­i­nal top brass police offi­cers, whose trousers are so big they can’t even walk in them and think! All they are inter­est­ing in is to be a “pup­pet foot” for the politi­cians. As I have said and will con­tin­ue to say, Jamaica is a “Somalia” of the Caribbean. What’s hap­pen­ing in Jamaica, has noth­ing to do with pover­ty, if pover­ty was the root of the Jamaican people’s prob­lem, why “Haiti” that have a pop­u­la­tion of over 10.12 mil­lion peo­ple and their crime rate is noth­ing com­pare to ours?
    The crime in Jamaica is putting mon­ey in a lot of people’s pock­et there. Apart from that every­one that’s there is only inter­est­ing in “them­selves, friends and fam­i­ly.” No one have Jamaica’s inter­est at heart at any time! My advice to all the young police offi­cers in Jamaica is to migrate to anoth­er coun­try, where your ser­vice doing some­thing is more reward­ing and less stress­ing; you’re wast­ing your life serv­ing a sys­tem that’s “inher­ent­ly cor­rupt­ed” and stacked up against you, there’s no love for the police. To dis­tract the poor peo­ple of Jamaica and not putting the blame to the “inept­ness” of this gov­ern­ment the “Gleaner” as usu­al beat­ing the drums against the police.
    It is time for Jamaican police to wake up and smell the stench off the streets of “dog feces” that his you in the ear­ly morn­ings and at times being shot at by the “hood­lums” who are liv­ing in these com­mu­ni­ties. My sug­ges­tions to them go to work, watch the clock, col­lect your lit­tle pit­tance, (the next day you are going to the Credit Union to bor­row mon­ey, to pay addi­tion­al bills),; when­ev­er you get a call from police con­trol take the longest way to the crime and hope­ful­ly the vic­tims are some “elit­ists: like Dr.Carolyn Gomes, or Terrence Williams or even anti-police politi­cians, then go home in one piece. Never, sym­pa­thizes with them when­ev­er, they are vic­tims of crimes, rejoice!!!

    • Chris the tap­pa­naris dem a Jamaica nu want good peo­ple there, the only rel­e­vance they have is to make the illit­er­ate mass­es believe they are fight­ing for them. check mate, Gomes and this litlle fun­ny look­ing fel­low Williams.

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