Gleaner Infer Police Lowest Class Of People…


There are pre­cious few objec­tive and hon­est Jamaicans who stay abreast of cur­rent events who would not con­clude that the Gleaner’s Editorial Board is solid­ly Pro-People’s National Party.
That’s quite okay , it is per­fect­ly nat­ur­al that Opinion writ­ers have their polit­i­cal lean­ings . In fact I recall when the Editorial board of the very same Paper, (dif­fer­ent mem­bers of course), so out­raged a cer­tain prime min­is­ter that he marched up North Street to the paper’s offices with a throng of sup­port­ers in tow and with clenched fists shout­ed “next time, next time”.
Times have cer­tain­ly changed, today the par­a­digm have come full cir­cle. The dif­fer­ence with the Editorial board of the once impres­sive , once respect­ed Gleaner Company is that Editorial Board is now a tool of the PNP which is used to lam­bast and berate those with whom they disagree.

It’s impos­si­ble for the Board mem­bers to find time to remove them­selves from Andrew Holness’ rear end, where they spend the bulk of their time sniff­ing for some­thing wrong with his lead­er­ship style. When they do man­age to extri­cate them­selves smelly from their filthy for­ay they spend the remain­der of their time bash­ing the Police, bash­ing the Federation and Raymond Wilson the Federation’s Chairman.
Never mind the over 800 mur­ders report­ed­ly com­mit­ted in the Country since the begin­ning of the year. Never mind the tank­ing econ­o­my. Never mind the fright­en­ing ero­sion of val­ues and the rise of pover­ty in the Country.

Manley once threatened the Gleaner for daring to speak the truth . Today the Newspaper has become a mouthpiece for Manley's party...
Manley once threat­ened the Gleaner for dar­ing to speak the truth .
Today the Newspaper has become a mouth­piece for Manley’s party…

Board writ­ers have become so parochial no one both­ers to take them seri­ous­ly any­more. Their argu­ments have become repet­i­tive, sim­plis­tic and boor­ish­ly unso­phis­ti­cat­ed. So today once again they lashed out at Police Federation Chairman Raymond Wilson for speak­ing out in defense of Rank and file mem­bers of the Police Department.
In a cow­ard­ly, gut­less and asi­nine attack the Editorial pub­lished an Article titled. The Rabble Rousing Sargent Wilson>
The Article con­tained noth­ing beyond the reg­u­lar praise for (inde­com) the agency which inves­ti­gates police mis­con­duct, and char­ac­ter­is­tic blath­er about the virtues of Terrence Williams (inde­com’s) Commissioner . Of course there was the pre­dictable sto­ries of gen­er­al­ly how much every­one hates police in Jamaica. I thought to myself as I read it, this is noth­ing new this has got to be lead­ing up to some­thing else.

I read the Article and of course I just yawned , it real­ly was noth­ing more that the reg­u­lar banal­i­ty we have become accus­tomed to from the Gleaner’s Editorial writers.
But rabble?
If Raymond Wilson is a rab­ble rouser then the Police is Rabble !!
Rabble. The low­er class­es; the com­mon peo­ple:(Dictionary​.com)
Rabble . The low­est class of peo­ple.(Merrian Webster).
I talk about the Elites and the dis­dain they have for Jamaicans in this Blog almost on a dai­ly basis.
What sad­dens me is the fact that these low-class bot­tom-feed­ing social climbers, who them­selves are large­ly from poor and mid­dle class fam­i­lies can be this dis­re­spect­ful and just plain stupid.
These are the new uncle tom negroes who are occu­py­ing slots at the once respect­ed paper. Now they are bet­ter than the field negroes.
My ini­tial instinct was to assume that they are being will­ful­ly dis­re­spect­ful of all hard work­ing police offi­cers but it would be wrong of me to con­clude that this bunch of idiots are smart enough to be disrespectful.
I con­clud­ed instead they are just stu­pid­ly unaware that what they did was to igno­rant­ly and unwit­ting­ly dis­re­spect every cop on the beat.

In the end the Editorial went to it’s low­est when it demand­ed that Wilson con­vince his mem­ber­ship to accept the Government’s wage offer. Ah ha , there you have it , so this is what the ver­bal assault is all about.
This most dis­re­spect­ful attack on police offi­cers labelling them “the low­est class” all to get them to capit­u­late to accept­ing a wage offer which will con­tin­ue to keep them in poverty.
The Police Department deserves an apol­o­gy from the Gleaner Company. That attack was not jour­nal­ism. It was free speech but free speech from a bunch of cow­ard­ly boot-lick­ers whose free­doms to spew that bile is guar­an­teed not by (inde­com) but by the police offi­cers who defend their rights to be ass-wipes.
Shame on the Jamaican Government for engag­ing in this class­less attack on the Island’s Police Officers by way of sur­ro­gates at the glean­er Company.
This is just anoth­er exam­ple of the dis­dain with which the Administration holds Police Officers.