Gleaner Editorial Board Refuses To Be Guided By Facts .….


Τhe Editorial Board of the Gleaner com­pa­ny has every right to be crit­i­cal of whomev­er it choos­es to cri­tique and crit­i­cize. In fact Editorials are opin­ions, blogs, of the writer’s views and biases.
Editorials do not take away from the legit­i­ma­cy or the authen­tic­i­ty of the Publication.
For Years now the Editorial board of the Gleaner com­pa­ny has been stri­dent­ly a part of the pro­pa­gan­da arm of the People’s National Party. That too is okay, in fact I recall a time when the board was high­ly sup­port­ive of the Labor Party’s policies.
What I take issue with is the inabil­i­ty of the Gleaner’s Editorial writ­ers to tell the truth. When you dis­tort the truth you give up the right to be tak­en seri­ous­ly. Of course that time may have already passed for the once high­ly respect­ed Gleaner Company.

Monday June 8th 2015.…
THE JAMAICA Labour Party (JLP), we can con­firm, con­tin­ues to face a cri­sis of lead­er­ship. This is reflect­ed in the par­ty’s inabil­i­ty, or worse, unwill­ing­ness, to artic­u­late clear, coher­ent pol­i­cy options, or sen­si­bly cri­tique and debate those being pur­sued by the Government.
The lat­est man­i­fes­ta­tion of the par­ty’s lazi­ness, if not intel­lec­tu­al malaise, was last week’s state­ment by its gen­er­al sec­re­tary, Horace Chang, on the ongo­ing wage nego­ti­a­tions between pub­lic-sec­tor work­ers and their employ­er, the Government. It was dis­tin­guished by its trite­ness, which, unfor­tu­nate­ly, is too often the case with dec­la­ra­tions by shad­ow ministers.

Crisis of leadership?
What Country is this writer liv­ing in ? Even as I ask the ques­tion I know it is some­what sil­ly , con­sid­er­ing that we are now liv­ing in the Information age. Regardless of where one live, it is com­mon knowl­edge that Jamaica has a cri­sis of lead­er­ship, which has noth­ing to do with the oppo­si­tion party.
The Writer seem to be pro­ject­ing the very Achilles heel of the Governing PNP onto the JLP.
The pro­pa­gan­da piece went on to say .
The admin­is­tra­tion of which Mr Chang was a mem­ber in 2010 entered into an eco­nom­ic-sup­port agree­ment with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that quick­ly ran aground because of the Government’s unwill­ing­ness or inabil­i­ty to make some of the required hard choic­es. The new admin­is­tra­tion has been doing much bet­ter since 2012, includ­ing in meet­ing the IMF’s bench­mark pri­ma­ry bal­ance of 7.5 per cent of GDP, which has placed the debt on a down­ward tra­jec­to­ry. An over­val­ued Jamaican dol­lar has been adjust­ing. The cur­rent account deficit has declined from above 12 per cent to sin­gle dig­it; infla­tion has mod­er­at­ed, com­ing close to that of major trad­ing part­ners; the coun­try’s glob­al com­pet­i­tive­ness indices have improved.

Peter Phillips
Peter Phillips

No men­tion of the fact that when the Bruce Golding Administration took office it was left with zero option but to enter into an agree­ment with the IMF.
The nation was broke and in chaos after an unprece­dent­ed 14 12 years of mis­man­age­ment and fis­cal sui­cide led by Omar Davies.
The writer spoke about the agree­ment quote : that quick­ly ran aground because of the Government’s unwill­ing­ness or inabil­i­ty to make some of the required hard choices.
Those hard choic­es of which the writer speaks is the then Government’s refusal to inflict the inevitable pain which would occur had it con­tin­ued adher­ing to the agreement.
Ironically the Simpson Miller Administration has no such reser­va­tion about the pain the peo­ple feel, as long as the IMF tar­gets are met.
In fact con­form­ing to and reach­ing set dead­lines have been bal­anced on the backs of ordi­nary work­ing peo­ple, who are forced to live with wage freeze, esca­lat­ing food and ser­vice charges and run-away inflation.

As an opin­ion writer I try my very best to state only facts, even as total objec­tiv­i­ty may be miss­ing from some of what I have to say. For that I am guilty , I too have my biases.
It is indeed disin­gen­u­ous for the writer to adopt a blink­ered posi­tion on the true facts by intimating.Quote:  But the Government was, in part, able to keep a lid on the fis­cal accounts by main­tain­ing a wage freeze, when the more sus­tain­able, but polit­i­cal­ly far more dif­fi­cult option would be to elim­i­nate around 15,000 pub­lic-sec­tor jobs. Indeed, Audley Shaw, the shad­ow finance min­is­ter, has now agreed that job cuts, done foren­si­cal­ly, are advisable.

Unleashing the full effects of adher­ence to IMF tar­gets onto ordi­nary Jamaicans was uncon­scionable, even as the Miller Administration kept pub­lic sec­tor work­ers con­fined to a wage freeze.
Of course a pub­lic sec­tor down­size is and must be a part of any seri­ous attempt at fix­ing Jamaica’s debt prob­lem. There are ways to accom­plish­ing that with­out arbi­trar­i­ly tak­ing a scalpel to the pub­lic sec­tor rolls.

This can be achieved if the Administration real­is­ti­cal­ly deci­dide to elim­i­nate the vast amount of polit­i­cal patron­age-hires it has engaged in.
The Administration can also cut employ­ees through attri­tion result­ing from retire­ment. Neither of these two options are par­tic­u­lar­ly painful to any­one except those who weren’t sup­posed to be on the pay­roll in the first place.
The Editorial board is doing a ter­ri­ble dis-ser­vice to the Jamaican peo­ple, many of whom still believe any­thing com­ing from the news­pa­per is Gospel.
This non­sense had noth­ing to do with Andrew Holness the JLP leader and the board knows it, how­ev­er they will not be guid­ed by truth in their quest to defame and slur.
Editorial: JLP’s Leadership Crisis

2 thoughts on “Gleaner Editorial Board Refuses To Be Guided By Facts .….

  1. You have touch on most of the root cause of the crum­bling infra­struc­ture of the dumb ass PNP ain­is­tra­tion run by by com­mu­nist ide­ol­o­gy I hav­ing lost all fate in the once respect­ed Gleaned that now pon­der to the desas­ter­ous PNP,I expect that from the ButchButch Stewart owned Observer that was born on Fagan Ave to help the failed icheal Manley polices the PNP will neve be able to gov­ern prop­er­ly because of it’s mem­bers that is unable or unwill­ing to car­ry out their duties with­out being cor­rupt .From 1975 until now there has.never been a PNP gov­ern­ment that is not cor­rupt It is about time the Gleaned stop pro­tect­ing the cor­rupt PNP administration

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