Give Slain Cop Gallantry Medal..


THE GLEANER pub­lished an arti­cle on October 22, 2013 titled ‘I did it for my girl’. If you remem­ber the sto­ry, I was shot on a pub­lic pas­sen­ger vehi­cle while try­ing to stop a rob­bery, just as Crystal Thomas was try­ing to do. I, how­ev­er, was lucky enough to over­come my attack­ers and even­tu­al­ly killed one.

I was grant­ed the Medal of Honour for Gallantry, which I received on October 21, 2013 at King’s House.

I urge The Gleaner to con­vince the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), and the coun­try, that the late Constable Thomas also be grant­ed the Medal of Honour for Gallantry, as she did, in fact, fight and save oth­er lives that were on that bus. In fact, she made the ulti­mate sac­ri­fice for the peo­ple she solemn­ly swore to pro­tect as a ser­vant of this country.

I mourn for my col­league who was not as lucky as I. May her soul rest in peace, as she died a war­rior for the JCF and her country.

JERMAINE BURGHER Story orig­i­nat­ed here: give slain cop gal­lantry medal

2 thoughts on “Give Slain Cop Gallantry Medal..

  1. The J.C.F only love those with Phd’s and oth­er uni­ver­si­ty degrees. Just before I left the force in the 80s I saw where this beau­ti­ful orginaza­tion was head­ed. I am for an edu­cat­ed police force, but those with the degree will be pro­mot­ed to the gazetted ranks, and will not be in the streets fight­ing crime. Those with­out the degrees will be out there risk­ing their lives with­out scope for advance­ment. When I joined one could go from beat cop to com­mis­sion­er, now if you don’t have a Phd we just might get one from abroad with a Phd to be com​mis​sion​er​.My best reguards to the men and woman who is still serv­ing you are in my prayers.

    • I can­not find a bet­ter way to artic­u­late that point mis­ter Owen Mayhew.
      In mod­ern police forces in the devel­oped world , offi­cers can climb to the rank of chief of depart­ment and in small­er depart­ments they can go all the way up the rank depend­ing on their qual­i­fi­ca­tions or cer­tain expertise.
      As you know the pro­mo­tion pipeline was the only way offi­cers had of ensur­ing a bet­ter pay pack­age. As you have so smart­ly put it when that pipeline is choked off tehre is no moti­va­tion to perform.

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