Giuliani: Black Violence Is Reason For White Cops In Ferguson.

Giuliani: Black vio­lence is rea­son for white cops in Ferguson.


Just when you thought this Racist Napoleonic turd was final­ly under a rock where he belongs , he opens his mouth sticks his foot in it and proves just how much of a jack-ass he still is.

After 8 years as Mayor of New York City, in which this creep pig­gy-backed on Dave Dinkins’ safe City, safe streets pro­gram. Eight years in which he placed the City’s com­mand cen­ter in the twin tow­ers, result­ing in the loss of thou­sands of lives . This ego-mani­a­cal mon­grel has the nerve to open his food-trap about race?

This is the guy who presided over per­haps the worst peri­od of Police/​citizen rela­tions in New York city’s history!This was a peri­od which saw him using the Police Department as his pri­vate Army as he fan­ta­sized and oper­at­ed as a mod­ern day El Deuce. Pitting one sec­tor of the city’s mul­ti-eth­nic pop­u­la­tion against each oth­er for polit­i­cal mileage.

In a con­ver­sa­tion Sunday on “Meet the Press” with oth­er guest, George Town Professor Dr Michael Eric Dyson the dimwit Giuliani stat­ed quote I find it very dis­ap­point­ing that you’re not dis­cussing the fact that 93% of blacks in America are killed by oth­er blacks. We’re talk­ing about the excep­tion here. There is not much to say about this jack-ass, beyond that he did his time and dam­age in new New York city. During which time many peo­ple have been killed , maimed and oth­er­wise assault­ed by the NYPD.

Most well think­ing peo­ple are glad that this piece of garbage will not have any pow­er to do any more dam­age polit­i­cal­ly. We would hope he would sim­ply crawl under a rock and nev­er be heard from again.

What a freak of nature and an absolute dis­grace to the human race.